Cum Dribbling (Remade)

Cum Dribbling (Remade) by urballsmymouth

This tease is intended to cater towards mostly my own personal tastes, but for anyone who feels like playing it, this can be done by anyone with minimal anal experience.

This was originally a tease created by user "treyvon", called "Cum Dribbling". The ID for the original tease is #33062. Please play this version if you prefer more vanilla porn to accompany this. There are also some minor changes I made, like removing the need for a chastity belt, for example.

Before starting this tease you need a few things.

- Lube
- A small object you can use to massage your prostate, as well as a medium sized one. (Don't use anything you may regret.)
- Lots of ice in the freezer
- All pubic hair neatly shaved off
- 60 to 90 minutes in which to complete this tease
- Perform an enema to clean up down there

If you have all these things then you may continue.