Humiliation Slut Audition #8

Humiliation Slut Audition #8 by

Hello slut. I've heard that you are the type of guy who will do anything a woman asks of him, no matter how humiliating. Well, we'll see about that.

Let's get started. First, strip completely naked and then turn around for me slowly so I can inspect you. Turn around very slowly 20 times.

Now, you are going to need a number of items if you intend to pass my audition. You will need:

- at least four dildos, including one that is very long (carrots or cucumbers would also work)
- a buttplug (or something similar)
- a pair of sexy panties
- at least ten clothespins
- two things to bind yourself with
- a blindfold
- something that can serve as a cage (a small closet or a large cardboard box will work)
- a shower nearby

Now go gather everything you need for this tease and make sure that you do it naked. Once you have everything, bring them back to show me.