Retribution Alley - The Impossibles (2)

Retribution Alley - The Impossibles (2) by slavechylde

Hey, it's the zero. Lady Christine called us last night and said that you'd be here this morning. She said to remind you that you're supposed be stroking at all times, but you are NEVER allowed to cum. Wow, I say he can never cum, and still he has a look of relief on his face.

(giggles) I'll bet she told him we were man-hating bull-dykes. She loves that joke. The two of us are so "bull-dikey" and all.

(laughs) Well, don't you worry zero, we're not man-hating bull-dykes. In fact, we're pretty indifferent to men. We're both lifelong lesbians. Neither of us has ever had sex with a guy.

Which makes it dangerous for you, actually, zero. Since we've never been with a guy, it's pretty hard for us to judge just when we've pushed the envelope too far and asked too much of you.

That's why the other women call us The Impossibles. It's pretty much impossible to make it through one of our sessions. A lot of punishment has been meted out by The Lady Punisher due to us.

(They both laugh loudly)