Mystery Mistress 6

Mystery Mistress 6 by thedude234

You were jerked awake by the sound of your phone. You looked at the clock - 5 in the morning! Who would be calling this early? In a half-daze, you reached for the phone. "Hello?" No response. "Hello?" Still nothing. Then you heard it ring again, waking you up a little more.

You looked at your hand - you were holding the Mistress Fire phone. Your other phone was still ringing. You fumbled with it and answered "Hello?"

"Good morning, T!" It was Gisele! What was she calling for so early? "Did you do what I asked, T?" Yes, you did. You were wearing your new spiked chastity belt right now. "Good job, T. Do you remember what I said I would do for you if you were wearing this new cage today?" Yes! She wasn't specific, but she definitely implied that you would get to see her panties, or maybe more, if you had the cage by today. Was it possible?!? You didn't know. But Gisele had hung up, so you were left with your thoughts. You looked back at the clock, still very early. But there was no chance you were going back to sleep now. So you got up and got ready for work.