So you want to meet a Domme, huh?

So you want to meet a Domme, huh? by texturedshroom


I've written this page for two reasons; you're going to find it a) useful and b) the advice contained within it should help stop you looking like an idiot. You'll have got the URL for this page from someone, somewhere, sometime, in some irc chatroom, and you've been given it because you've asked about meeting a Domme, or otherwise indicated that you'd like to submit to a woman. You may have done it politely, you may have made a fool of yourself - I have no way of knowing. Consequently, don't take it that personally - I don't know who
you are, or the circumstances under which you've arrived here. The chances are however that you are in danger of making yourself look stupid, or that you're pestering women in an irc chat room, so please spend the few moments it takes to read this page - it will be worth it.