You wish High School Was Like This (fantasy tease)

You wish High School Was Like This (fantasy tease) by reflog1

FIRST: Ahhhhhhhhhh high school. do you remember??? well these tease series takes place in the city of cleveland ohio. The main character (you) is an innocent male who (just like most of us here) has a fetish. this is the story of how a person with courage gets what he wants. BUT as the saying goes. Be careful what you wish for. soon the main character finds out that chastity isn't for him.

SECONDLY: the opposing character. a women who finds out how easy it is to control men. decides to take full advantage of the male's desire and completely live the life that she believes that she deserves.

AND IT BEGINS...............

(this tease will be some what similiar to my last. meaning it will have a few different pictures of the female lead. but as the viewer. you should always assume that the lead is Gina Milano)