Puzzles of Pain

Puzzles of Pain by TsMe119

This tease is a tribute to "Games of Pain" by Mickie. Many things I like about that tease have been copied verbatim, while other aspects of it have been changed to be more to my liking. One thing I like is replayability. So you can do that tease, or this one, as often as you like, in whichever order you like. Neither tease is ever the same twice. You can find the "Games of Pain" tease at:


This tease has a lot of pain endurance, but endure well and you could win a chance to cum. Don't endure so well, and you could be denied for a while. But with that warning, I'm sure you will be well-motivated to succeed here. Like the original, this tease has instructions for both men and women, and it may take a few hours to complete.