Skyping with Tiff and Dee

Skyping with Tiff and Dee by pigjoy

**Welcome to the chat. You are now on webcam with users Tiffany90 and Dee91x**

Tiffany90: Hi! So glad you're online! I was just skyping with my friend Dee from Canada, and I was telling her about you!

Dee91x: Hello! I've heard so many things! Haha.

Tiffany90: Shut up Dee! Dee never believes anything I say.

Dee91x: That's cause you say stupid stuff you dumb bitch! LOL.

Tiffany90: Seriously I hate being called a liar!

Dee91x: I didn't say you were a liar, I just don't believe any of the shit you say you made this perfectly nice seeming guy do. You talk so much shit.