How to drive your man crazy, pt 11

How to drive your man crazy, pt 11 by Erin212

Hey everyone! So I decided to try out doing a "normal" webtease instead of the flash kind for a change. As some of you might know, I've started a little "game" with Jonathon where every new idea the milovana community gives me will be an extra day he's going to have to go without an orgasm. So as of the time I'm writing this, he will be waiting until 4/5/11 (and it's already been about 4 weeks). I'm excited to hear more ideas from everyone at

But that aside, I have a new idea of my own for today! This is one that will allow BOTH of you to be stimulated the whole time, it introduces a nice element of friendly competition, and it's likely to drive you as crazy as it drives him! I'll call it "A dose of your own medicine."

And as a little bonus, I'm adding a short idea that came from the forum posts that I really like. I'll put that at the end...