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This is: Home > Member Features

Personalized Recommendations

The biggest feature for members are of course the personalized recommendations. By looking at your previous ratings, the site will try to suggest teases you might like.

The Forum & The Editor

We've got one of the friendliest and nicest forums on the web right here at Milovana and an account allows you to participate. We can also only encourage you to try writing a tease, it really doesn't cost much time and it's pretty entertaining. ;) Also, don't worry if you don't consider yourself a writer: Some of the greatest authors here at Milovana started out thinking just that.

Facts & Features

So let's recap:

  • It's free, safe, easy and anonymous
  • Personalized tease recommendations
  • Mark teases as favorites
  • Discuss in the forums
  • Post new teases
  • Send private messages to other members

Convinced? Well, if you are, you can register here.