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Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:49 am
by Human
I have encountered some sleep problems due to orgasm delayal.
When I'm trying to sleep, at regular points, some sexy thought, or sexy image flashes in my brain for a moment, heart speeds up, and it breaks the descent into sleep. Its like I have to concentrate to prevent from thinking sexy thoughts, but that of course requires concentration, and prevents me from falling asleep.

How do you prevent this?

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:58 am
by Nezhul
there's no way to prevent this. Just learn to sleep that way. You can control the direction of your thoughts only to an extent, and everything what your mind thinks of by itself you'll just have to deal with. Personally I don't have a problem with those thoughts. I enjoy them. I just lie down the way so my erect dick is not uncomfortable and continue on sleeping as my mind drifts from one thing to another

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:19 am
by Tury
Sleeping pills. PEALZ!!!!!

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:16 am
by SexualChoc
are you familiar with "dream programming?"

What you do is visualize what you want to dream about
Relaxing on a beach... fishing by a lake...
Hand gliding off a cliff face... what ever "relaxes" you
(NOTHING sexual though)

okay now whisper to yourself about your image
your imagining
'I am lying on the beach..."
"The trees by the lake...."
"My hand glider is a beautiful blue as I go over..."

this is called double encoding

then whe you sleep you will most
likely dream about what you thought of before bed.
It does take a few minutes..
about 10 minutes typically
to really get it in you so you dream of that.

You can do this with anything.. though
Imagine your an astronaut..
a fantasy knight defeating a dragon..

Is kind of fun.

some people also use soft music too
or nature sounds...
but this does not work for everyone

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:59 am
by pete_ger
I put a TV into the bedroom, set the sleep timer to 1h (so it turns off after 1h automatically), and just watch something, then close my eyes and only listen. Gives my mind something to distract.

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:16 am
by FatGrU
take a big photo of some very old, black, ugly naked fat granny and paste it on Your ceiling, just in front of Your head, and good luck with "horny thought"

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:25 am
by Nezhul
I wonder though, how do you SEE it in the dark? Or maybe take a flashlight with you to the bed& :w00t:

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:59 am
by les

Why fight it just accept the sexy thought and drift on to dream about it.

Just because you don't remember dreaming does not mean it didn't happen.

And Nezhul it is very difficult to have total darkness.

I have thin curtains so I get twilight in my room.

Plus I leave a hall/landing light on from the days of children.
low energy of course.

I also have a radio set to a talk station soon returns me to sleep.

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:08 am
by dtspam
Well, the trick is not to fight it but to enjoy it.
I had difficulties to get to sleep horny when I started out too. But after I did it a few times I started to enjoy going to sleep with that nice warm feeling between my legs. So I just get in my bet, usually lie on my stomach, maybe rub myself a bit against my mattress and go to sleep feeling good. If you just can't sleep anyway its a bit more difficult, but if you're tired enough it works just fine.

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:47 pm
by Nezhul
Well, I sleep in pitch darkness of my coffin, so.... :-D
Seriously, I like darkness, it's so dark in my room when I sleep so I can't see a thing. Can't sleep with lights on at all, only if I'm really tired or sleepy. And as I know, most bedrooms are still quite dark. Too dark to make out some photo on the cellar anyway. Anyway it's a really bad idea. Sleep should be pleasent thing, you shouldn't disgust yourself with some ugly photo to loose the erection. Just learn to sleep with it. If you get too edgy, you may try to drink something easy and safe to calm your nerves, not medicine, but close. Like valerian oil or some herbs like that that have a calming effect. :-P

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:43 pm
by MistressD
I don't have the faintest idea if this would work for a boy (or most women for that matter) but it usually works for me when I'm in the rare situation of wanting to cum but not allowed to for some reason.

Rather than try to ignore it, I do the opposite. I've gotten quite good at really long edges over the last year or two, and I'll string together as many as I can. Imagine a 2 to 3 minute edge, followed by a short break (less than a minute) then another edge and keep repeating that sequence.

I find that holding long edges can get very exhausting. It's certainly not like the feeling you get from actual release, but doing 5 or 6 long ones like that with very short breaks in between usually tires me out to the point where I can get to sleep okay.

But like I said, I have no idea if that woudl work for anyone else (and you naughty boys would probably make yourself cum doing edges like that!).

Miss D

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:37 am
by Human
Nezhul wrote:Well, I sleep in pitch darkness of my coffin, so.... :-D
Seriously, I like darkness, it's so dark in my room when I sleep so I can't see a thing. Can't sleep with lights on at all, only if I'm really tired or sleepy.
I'm also like that :look:

When I sleep, I have to "let go", and I cannot do that if I'm having sexy thoughts. Actually, its different from simply having sexy thoughts. Under normal circumstances, I have sexy thoughts, boner comes, thats it, mind drifts somewhere else, boner gone, end of story.

Under abnormal circumstances (for instance, say I have not cum for 6 says, have had stroking sessions in between, and plan on having one the next day, a sexy image pops up in my mind, heart speeds up, and stays up for a while. All with no boner. And before my heart/pressure can return to normal, again, pop. No boner but heart rate/pressure up. Now, if I think conciously about sexy stuff, I get a semi/boner + elevated heart rate. And I will be humping the bed for hours.

I could try edging, but its more difficult for guys, and it will interfere with the stroking session next day.

Note that, before I go to bed, I am having no sexy thoughts. I'm calm. I'm not horny (the thread title is hence nt fully correct). And tired. Been to gym that day. Only when I go to bed, and let my mind drift, I get these occasional sexy thoughts/images. The image of Andie Valentino's ass in sexy lingerie. Thats al it takes. And my problem is not with erections but rather with heart rate speedup. I am not feeling sexy. But my heartrate tells me I should be doing something and not sleeping.

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:48 pm
by janmb
MistressD wrote: Rather than try to ignore it, I do the opposite. I've gotten quite good at really long edges over the last year or two, and I'll string together as many as I can. Imagine a 2 to 3 minute edge, followed by a short break (less than a minute) then another edge and keep repeating that sequence.
I assume this varies a lot from person to person of both genders, but for me at least, it has the exact opposite effect. I get worked up - a LOT - and that's all I achieve by it.

Must admit I'm struggling with the Jana's series these days - I haven't been this frustrated and worked up for ages :-P Sleeping last night was hard, sleeping tonight gonna be even harder I'm sure

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:24 am
by denton
I don't know if it will help you, but you could try prostate milking.. it's not an orgasm (although it can be done in an enjoyable, yet frustrating way) but it does help take the pressure off a bit. This obviously is only a possible solution if you're allowed to do it and if you don't have any problems with anal (and you shouldn't.. it can be really great!)

Re: Trying to sleep when horny?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:57 pm
by janmb
I for one love prostate stimulation - I can even have full orgasms from it if I take enough time and resist the urge of letting things go too fast - slower, constant stimulation is key.

But for my own part, although it hasn't been explicitly stated, I'm pretty sure it would be against the intentions or at least breaking with the spirit of the game, so I've decided against it. Especially since I can actually cum from it makes it even more out of the question :-P