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Choosing a chastity device

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:41 pm
by tBone
Awhile back I bought a cb3000 but it is a bit to small. I guess you could say I have a 'grower' and the cb3000 does a piss poor job containing it. Could anyone recommend one? I've been looking at the cb6000 or the curve, but I want to make sure before I go and invest that amount of money.

Re: Choosing a chastity device

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:24 pm
by hornydude123
I'd say if you're a grower then you need the smaller devices. You want something that fits you when flaccid and then you just avoid erections. I'm also a grower and the cb3000 fits me well, i'd suggest smaller ring and spacer so it doesn't slip or pull forward when you're erect.
If you really don't like the3 CB3000, then the CB6000 or 6000s could be alright, haven't tried them and don't know the exact sizes, but smaller is better for a grower.
The curve is for bigger cocks and so as a grower i'd advice you to not get, even if you are large when erect, the point is to avoid that really.

Re: Choosing a chastity device

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:11 pm
by Snot
If have the same issue with the curve. I haven't tried another device yet but I'd avoid the CB's if you had trouble with one. They all have pretty much the same rings. I like the cage part of my curve but the rings that I can't pull out of while soft are so tight I can't wear them for more than an hour or so.

Re: Choosing a chastity device

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:57 am
by RoniDev
Honestly throw that plastic shit in the bin. CB3000, 6000, curve etc. its trash and wasted money. I have a cb3000 aswell and it was uncomfy cause of the stupid holes, hard to clean and unsecure. You can pull out of it, masturbate and then stick your cock in the tube again without even removing the lock.

Buy a real metal chastity cage. Its metal, its safe, much more secure, feels great, easy to clean and you can disinfect it by cooking it for hours in boiling water.

Trust me with plastic you always have that feeling "i could easy break the plastic and get out of it" in the back in your head. With metal around your cock you really feel helpless.