Experiencing Testicle Pain After Playing Cock Hero Videos with MDMA – Is This Normal?

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Experiencing Testicle Pain After Playing Cock Hero Videos with MDMA – Is This Normal?

Post by striderbolt »

Hey everyone,
I’ve been a long-time member of the forum, and I need some advice. I’ve been playing Cock Hero videos for quite a while now, but I recently started using MDMA during my sessions. The sessions with MDMA have been absolutely amazing, but I’ve started experiencing an issue that I haven’t had before.

Whenever I play a video for around 30 minutes straight(or during normal sex), I get a sharp pain in my testicles. I used to be able to go for hours without any discomfort, but now it happens almost every time I have sex. The pain can last a few days, and sometimes it comes back after a short break(only when having sex ), but it fades away after about 1-2 weeks.
Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
(34 Male,24BMI)
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Re: Experiencing Testicle Pain After Playing Cock Hero Videos with MDMA – Is This Normal?

Post by edger477 »

Ok, I read the title and was "WTF" but I see your issue is not related with Cock Heroes :D

I don't have experience with stims, but you should definitely visit the doc. Before you do, you should try edging for longer time when sober because whether you can reproduce that pain without substance is very important data point. MDMA is known to make ejaculation hard, so you might be going on edging much higher and longer than usual and causing form of blue balls (you should be able to reproduce that sober tho, after a month when you have recovered from roll).

Other than that pain is always indicator that something is not right, could be infection or some problem with prostate, so check it out. If you have been rolling too often and had stimulation where you did not "let go" and learned to completely relax your pelvic floor, you might have created chronic tension down there, but doc should know. If you think that might be the case, then getting an aneros plug/massager and learning how to use it and control/relax those muscles around prostate might help.
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Re: Experiencing Testicle Pain After Playing Cock Hero Videos with MDMA – Is This Normal?

Post by striderbolt »

edger477 wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:45 pm Ok, I read the title and was "WTF" but I see your issue is not related with Cock Heroes :D

I don't have experience with stims, but you should definitely visit the doc. Before you do, you should try edging for longer time when sober because whether you can reproduce that pain without substance is very important data point. MDMA is known to make ejaculation hard, so you might be going on edging much higher and longer than usual and causing form of blue balls (you should be able to reproduce that sober tho, after a month when you have recovered from roll).

Other than that pain is always indicator that something is not right, could be infection or some problem with prostate, so check it out. If you have been rolling too often and had stimulation where you did not "let go" and learned to completely relax your pelvic floor, you might have created chronic tension down there, but doc should know. If you think that might be the case, then getting an aneros plug/massager and learning how to use it and control/relax those muscles around prostate might help.
I went to the doctor, and everything seems normal (blood test, prostate uttra sound scan, etc.). Yes, I normally experience the pain after an edging session if I go for 1-2 hours. It's not related to MDMA, but rather due to the effects of edging combined with MDMA, where ejaculation is harder to achieve and the session lasts longer. Is this common among stimulant users?

Yes, I’ve been rolling too often (every 2-3 weeks) and have had long sessions. Could you explain more about what you mean by 'did not "let go" and learned to completely relax your pelvic floor, which might have caused chronic tension'? Also, wouldn’t using an Aneros plug/massager cause more damage if there’s a problem with the prostate? it only comes after long sessions , is it normal ? im 34M , 24BMI

Thanks for the valuable info! I appreciate it.
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Re: Experiencing Testicle Pain After Playing Cock Hero Videos with MDMA – Is This Normal?

Post by edger477 »

striderbolt wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:56 pm Could you explain more about what you mean by 'did not "let go" and learned to completely relax your pelvic floor, which might have caused chronic tension'?
Oh man... so just summarize last 3 years of my life into 3 paragraphs? :)

If you suffer from premature ejaculation when not using MDMA, that is symptom of too much tension.
Ejaculation is a reflex that is caused by building up tension in pelvic floor. It is actually separate from orgasm but that is long topic... but point is it happens when enough tension builds up, the nerves involved cause ejaculation, that is then start of relaxation (because rhythmic pulsing contraction are actually switching to "no contraction"). And this trigger doesn't work while you are rolling, so you can keep getting more and more tense.

I don't need to tell you that you'd benefit from rolling less but in a way it probably did help cause this. At your age I did have similar issue (too much tension, unable to ride my sexual arousal, unable to enjoy buildup of desire, but since I haven't been using substances I haven't encountered that situation where I can keep adding tension). You seem to be doing it (MDMA) way too much and it is natural that you will start feeling that your body is unable to keep up that tempo.

There isn't a magical solution, this tension is result of how agitated are your sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, there might be disbalance between them, too much stress in life, not enough meditation, not spending time in nature... Since you are already using substances... have you ever done acid, and used it to discover life around you? Like in woods, park? Feel connected, walk barefoot, stop, relax, breathe. Let go of your stress, of your worries. Anything rings a bell? And always trip safely!
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