Omorashi Game [Android App PAID]

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Omorashi Game [Android App PAID]

Post by DedLoveYou »

Can you win without wetting yourself?
Omorashi is a Japanese term that refers in urinary desperation and sometimes wetting oneself.

This game is best played in your normal clothes, maybe even with your favorite panties. This ensures that you make an honest effort.

Game Mode
In game mode you can connect Omorashi with your favorite console, PC or card game. Simply select whether you have won or lost after each round of your game and hope you don't have to drink any more, or do you? You can earn points for each task to make it out dry.

Time Mode
In time mode, a timer runs to remind you to start a new task. Will you manage to stay dry for the entire set time or will you wet yourself first?

Add special Tasks:
  • Bladder Pressing
  • Exercises
  • Water Sounds
  • Letting go for a short Time (Underwear/Diaper/Pad)
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I'm creating kinky Android/Windows Games and Tools.
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