First Test please give me some Feedback.

Discussion about Cock Hero and other sexy videos.

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First Test please give me some Feedback.

Post by Shufflehaze »

Hey guys, I've been thinking about making a video myself for a long time.

I recently discovered censored porn stuff and since I don't know any videos like that I thought I'd give it a try.

What you find in the link is the beginning of the project, but before I finish it and upload it, I would like a few suggestions on what I could do better.

So far there is no command for stroke included - as I said, it's still the beginning. Just a Minute!

My goodness, now I realize how much work goes into a project like this. With practice you will definitely get faster but WOW.

Once again, thanks to all the creators for your efforts.

I hope to get an ESTIM version for it when the project is finished. Cause i freaking love Stimming.

Please don't be too harsh, as I mentioned, it's my first attempt.!AgHwc3GcBgp2QRqbhcmt ... 1EGV72tvh8

pw:Teaser Milovana

Greetings Shufflehaze
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