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Question to folks who write teases

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:55 pm
by Carnal1
What's your process? Do you outline first? Or just dive in and start writing? Only use the Milovana editor or do you use something else like Notepad++ or?? (and if so how do you set it up?) How do you incorporate images? Find them first and they direct the tease progression or write first and then search for appropriate images? Anything else that works for you in producing a tease?

I'm curious as it seems some people here are very productive, producing fantastic, developed and creative teases and figure they must have some methods that help break through disorganized, muddled writer's block and loss of momentum once started.

EDIT: Thanks for the responses. Interesting and hopefully a bit inspirational

Re: Question to folks who write teases

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:18 pm
by derrickx757
Great question! I would love to know how to develop a tease as well! I am not a tech person at all but I am willing to learn. :wave:

Re: Question to folks who write teases

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:47 pm
by Animeat
So, this is how I do it, not sure about others.

Step zero is just getting the basic idea or concept.

Step one is all about expanding that concept slightly. What different 'segments' or challenges do I want to include.

Step two is when I collect images. Knowing roughly what I'm looking for helps me narrow down the search. Then it's all about ordering the images, usually this order ends up getting changed, but a basic sequence helps with writing.

Then I throw the images into Google Slides for step four: writing dialogue. Each slide has an image with the dialogue next to it.
If something special happens, like a button or a timer, I'll note that down.

Step five is when I make the tease, upload the images and copy/paste the dialogue into the EOS editor. I don't know anything about coding, and everything I have is very basic stuff on a Google Doc somewhere.

Re: Question to folks who write teases

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:59 pm
by Faroe
While having only written one tease, I'd say...

1) Have an idea you think is fun!
2) Use the EOS editor, it can do simple things well (and some more complex things as well), you can easily see what others have managed to do (I'll also be helpfull if you want to message me).
3) If it works and is fun for you; it's probably fun for someone else


Re: Question to folks who write teases

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:31 am
by korashar
I structure my tease on a google docs
Then I draft my pages ideas on a google sheets
Then I write my code in visual studio. I try to do the most I can in JavaScript. If I can do by coding, I prefer.
I've only released one tease so far, but I have done this steps multiple times. (I'm just bad at finishing things)
I generally pick the "idea" of the picture I want and take note of it and after everything is done I start the hunt for the perfect picture!
I organize all pictures in my local drive before even creating galleries and uploading.