[RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

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[RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by JBK »


Many a e-stim enthousiast has probably heard of "Bryci's Estim Experience": a tease made by Lawman, building on top of "The Estim Tower" created by Lolol2. During the past 1+ years I have been converting this monster tease to EOS so everyone can enjoy it. Even though I underestimated the task and spent a lot more time on it than I originally planned to, it is finally in a releasable state!

* 133 girls (100+ implemented)
* 19 floors of e-stim mayhem
* multiple dungeons
* 4 difficulties to choose from

Thanks go out to Lolol2 and Lawman for creating the content of this tease!

Play it and post a reply with your experience, all feedback is appreciated!

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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by v0ltaire »


first of all, thanks! All content and effort related to Estim is a good thing in my book. However, can you please explain to me why on Earth you would go through so much trouble to create an objectively worse version of what we already have? I must either be missing something or unwittingly turning into a grumpy old man that's getting out of touch and thinks "the old stuff used to be so much better". Apologies if the latter is the case.

As I see it, you have invested a lot of effort to gain a miniscule improvement in accessibility (downloading GuideMe and adding the tease is very straightforward already) but sacrificed tweakability/extendability (one can not just build upon this version like Lawman did on Lolol2's version, to which I just realized I actually contributed a little bit, heh), some reliability (think repeated Milovana Website woes), portability (think cabin in the woods) and long-term availability (Milovana will inevitably go dark at some point, but nobody can ever take an offline tease away) in the process.

Granted, most of these downsides really only apply for new teases that can't be downloaded using MIloDownloader (like Legend of the Psyons) because in this particular case, we of course already have the GuideMe version and MiloDownloader exists, but was it really worth the effort? Am I underestimating the accessibility gain or overestimating your effort? Was/is GuideMe really a barrier? Am I just a hoarder that overvalues long-term availability? It just doesn't make sense to me (I am however also not your target audience).

Probably, this is a topic for another time and place altogether. Clearly, GuideMe is the past and EOS is the present/future because it offers better functionality on the creator side (it's mind-boggling what nocnoc manages to do with it). Due to the aforementioned downsides, I'm really not fond of this development though. At least not as long as we don't have ways to freely duplicate and mod any EOS tease by anyone and download and run any EOS tease offline. Or do we and I'm just not aware of it?
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by edger477 »

v0ltaire wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:56 pm However, can you please explain to me why on Earth you would go through so much trouble to create an objectively worse version of what we already have?
This is wrong on several levels.
First, not everyone bothers with setting up guideme and figuring out how to play teases in it. Not even most people do, so for them, this is a new tease they haven't experienced. Which is not something we already have, because I did not have it (and I do have Guideme, I don't use it anymore, but I haven't ever stumbled upon the version you mention to download). As I have never seen this version, and even if it was worse content wise (I don't believe it, diversity is appreciated), still, it is something new to experience.
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by JBK »

v0ltaire wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:56 pm Hi JBK,

first of all, thanks! All content and effort related to Estim is a good thing in my book. However, can you please explain to me why on Earth you would go through so much trouble to create an objectively worse version of what we already have? I must either be missing something or unwittingly turning into a grumpy old man that's getting out of touch and thinks "the old stuff used to be so much better". Apologies if the latter is the case.

As I see it, you have invested a lot of effort to gain a miniscule improvement in accessibility (downloading GuideMe and adding the tease is very straightforward already) but sacrificed tweakability/extendability (one can not just build upon this version like Lawman did on Lolol2's version, to which I just realized I actually contributed a little bit, heh), some reliability (think repeated Milovana Website woes), portability (think cabin in the woods) and long-term availability (Milovana will inevitably go dark at some point, but nobody can ever take an offline tease away) in the process.

Granted, most of these downsides really only apply for new teases that can't be downloaded using MIloDownloader (like Legend of the Psyons) because in this particular case, we of course already have the GuideMe version and MiloDownloader exists, but was it really worth the effort? Am I underestimating the accessibility gain or overestimating your effort? Was/is GuideMe really a barrier? Am I just a hoarder that overvalues long-term availability? It just doesn't make sense to me (I am however also not your target audience).

Probably, this is a topic for another time and place altogether. Clearly, GuideMe is the past and EOS is the present/future because it offers better functionality on the creator side (it's mind-boggling what nocnoc manages to do with it). Due to the aforementioned downsides, I'm really not fond of this development though. At least not as long as we don't have ways to freely duplicate and mod any EOS tease by anyone and download and run any EOS tease offline. Or do we and I'm just not aware of it?
The downloadable version is hard to find. I've personally sent it to multiple people who couldn't find it online.
The plan here was to make great content available to a larger group of people. The work I put into it was my own choice.
I'm see your points but wanted to bring this to the masses. I like GuideMe as much as you do, but the e-stim GuideMe scene is so extremely quiet.. Am I missing something there? Is there a large supply of offline estim teases somewhere in a group I don't know yet? Cause that would make my week :)

By the way, you definitely CAN expand on this, rather easily. I've set the script up to allow for expansion and modding. In the EOS editor, you can easily copy a tease, mod it and release the modded version under your own name. I'm encouraging people to do so, because, as you said: "All content and effort related to Estim is a good thing in my book" :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by jgrants »


I second the supporting feedback and I can only say thank you! I was able to try it for 40m and I am craving for more.

From my perspective you have brought massive value to the estim community.

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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by edger477 »

JBK wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:35 am The downloadable version is hard to find. I've personally sent it to multiple people who couldn't find it online.
I probably missed even its existence since thread was more like a discussion and I just saw now that you could PM the lawman to send you the tease, but there is no single point where he keeps latest version or anything like that. So probably very few people ever had the chance to run it.
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by v0ltaire »

edger477 wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:29 am This is wrong on several levels.
First, not everyone bothers with setting up guideme and figuring out how to play teases in it. Not even most people do, so for them, this is a new tease they haven't experienced. Which is not something we already have, because I did not have it (and I do have Guideme, I don't use it anymore, but I haven't ever stumbled upon the version you mention to download). As I have never seen this version, and even if it was worse content wise (I don't believe it, diversity is appreciated), still, it is something new to experience.
Thanks for the input. If an active community member like you hasn't heard of Bryci's Estim Experience yet, downloading GuideMe and especially finding the tease is certainly a bigger obstacle than I thought. I consider(ed) it essentially equivalent to finding and getting an Estim video. To clarify, I was by no means referring to the content (which is perfectly fine and certainly something to look forward to if you haven't experienced it yet!), but commenting purely on technical aspects. In that regard, I am happy to also just have learned that it actually is possible to duplicate and mod EOS teases like GuideMe teases, which eliminates one of my two main concerns regarding EOS. :-)
JBK wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:35 am The plan here was to make great content available to a larger group of people. The work I put into it was my own choice.
It's what I figured to be your motivation, I just had (well, have) such a vastly different opinion regarding the effort/payoff ratio that I figured there must be more to it. I would have re-posted the original tease, maybe included a brief GuideMe primer and called it a day. Not because I'm lazy or overly busy, but because, as with my kids, I actually make a point of not overly pampering people to avoid driving them into learned helplessness. Again, thanks for putting the effort into it, I just genuinely couldn't for the life of me comprehend why you would. Simply "because I want to" or "to familiarize myself with EOS" would have been understandable as well, not that you do have explain yourself to anyone in any way at all. Apologies if my question came across as ungrateful or aggressive.
JBK wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:35 am Am I missing something there? Is there a large supply of offline estim teases somewhere in a group I don't know yet?
Regardless of GuideMe/EOS, do we have a comprehensive list of Estim teases, like we have for other Estim content? Considering the brief time window GuideMe was the prime Estim tease framework of choice, there can't be a whole lot of teases, but there may be some "new to some" content. Here are all the Estim teases I know about and their offline capability (without links for now, we may expand on this in a new thread if one doen't already exist and there is indeed interest):

native GuideMe
Estim Clinic
The Awesome Competition
The Estim Mansion
The Estim Tower (in various variants such as bsVarAud and Endless Mode, Endless Dungeon,...)
Bryci's Estim Experience

native EOS, downloadable for GuideMe (not necessarily tested for full functionality)
Estim Challenge
Estim Distraction
Estim Distraction Project 55
Estim Distraction Trans Edition
Estim Hack
Estim HFO ASAP Sexy Legs Edition
Estim Laboratory
Estim Maffia Property
Estim Mansion under Quarantine
Estim Snakes and Ladders
The Estim Experiment (Day 1, variants with differently normalized Audio)
The B.E.S.T.

native EOS, not downloadable for GuideMe
Legend of the Psyons

native EOS, unknown downloadability
Estim Bondage
Estim Chatroom
Estim Journeys
Estim Milgram experiment
Estim - Project Faraday Pt. 1
Estim - Project Faraday Pt. 2 (endless)
E-Stim Tease
The Combined Pleasure Experiment
The Estim Experiment Day 2
The Estim Experiment Day 3
Random acts of beauty and pleasure

Looking at it like this, one could make the opposite of my case that GuideMe is just some obscure thing that was briefly relevant and it's just a question of manually converting the few GuideMe teases to EOS so that it's all conveniently available online?
JBK wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:35 am By the way, you definitely CAN expand on this
That's great news, how? I haven't seen an option to use an existing tease as basis in the editor and I thought I hadn't seen anyone apart from the original creator build upon an existing EOS tease (it may actually be the case with Estim Distraction though), so I assumed it's not easily possible. Is there a "GUI option" somewhere or do I need to scrape the JSON file and the content like MiloDownloader does? One can always ask the original creator too I guess, but they may e.g. have reservations about "hack/cheat" versions for example.
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by JBK »

v0ltaire wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:45 pm That's great news, how? I haven't seen an option to use an existing tease as basis in the editor and I thought I hadn't seen anyone apart from the original creator build upon an existing EOS tease (it may actually be the case with Estim Distraction though), so I assumed it's not easily possible. Is there a "GUI option" somewhere or do I need to scrape the JSON file and the content like MiloDownloader does? One can always ask the original creator too I guess, but they may e.g. have reservations about "hack/cheat" versions for example.
There are probably multiple ways to do it, but this is how I do it:
- Download the JSON of the tease you want to copy/edit with Philo downloader.
- Create a new tease in the EOS editor, name it "COPY OF Estim Bondage" for example.
- In that new tease, import the JSON you downloaded.

That's it! After that you can start editing the pages, add or delete stuff, ... and publish the results :-D
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by ridgeracer »

Thank you for taking the time to get this available for all.
I've been looking forward to this version of the tower for a long time.
You made it easy for us that aren't computer savvy.
Now we all can finally enjoy this great looking tease.
Many Thanks
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by TCs »

ridgeracer wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:31 pm Thank you for taking the time to get this available for all.
I've been looking forward to this version of the tower for a long time.
You made it easy for us that aren't computer savvy.
Now we all can finally enjoy this great looking tease.
Many Thanks
Could't say better. Thank You!
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by mantrid »

Recently I learned that it is possible to clone EOS teases and run them locally on a web server. (The template contains a minimal Python web server. But it also runs on any other web server. The server is required because modern browsers do not allow to load content from filesystem using JavaScript.)

IMHO that solution is better than GuideMe because that software has a lot of odd dependencies. The cloned EOS teases can also be modified (including batch replacement of the audio files...)

BTW, a long time ago I automatically extracted the sessions from Bryci's Estim Experience. Later I converted it to GAsm format (which resulted into EStimSurprise -- meanwhile outdated too). Re-assembling these sessions into something like Bryci's Estim Experience probably does not take longer than a day. The teases generated with GAsm run in a web browser and do not even need a server.

But after a few months, no one finds it because Milovana only has a directory for Milovana teases ...

In general, a big problem in that forum is information loss. I Wiki would be a better format for many things.
GAsm -- A guide assembler with EStim support to generate interactive teases that run in a browser.
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by verynicekojak »

Great job. I didn't see that tease before. Well, that's probably because I don't use any offline players. And Bryci is amazing :w00t:.

Only problem is with audio. Obviously I experienced it before because my box does some signal processing and punishments are not really punishments. I must do some tricks to feel them intensely. Maybe one day I will buy better hardware.

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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by v0ltaire »

JBK wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:09 pm That's it! After that you can start editing the pages, add or delete stuff, ... and publish the results
Thanks! Worked like a charm, once I realized I need to take the JSON straight from https://milovana.com/webteases/geteosscript.php?id= and not from Milovana Downloader's cache directory. As a first attempt, I just duplicated your excellent Maffia Property tease (which is a good opportunity to thank you for it, so thanks!) and unlocked admin mode. I like to add shortcuts to my favorite parts once the novelty of a tease has worn off to keep them more relevant to me and I imagine at least some other people might be happy about such versions as well. Maffia Property already (or rather, still) has such shortcuts baked in, so it seemed a suitable first candidate. Would you mind if I published that version to the general public? I don't know if the password isn't commonly known at this point anyway.
mantrid wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:33 pm Recently I learned that it is possible to clone EOS teases and run them locally on a web server.
This is wonderful news, as it eliminates my second main concern regarding EOS, thanks for bringing this to my attention, mantrid! Works like a charm as well (just as straightforward as GuideMe IMO) and nothing (like button colors) gets lost in translation. Plus it works for Legend of the Psyons! I'm much more relaxed about Milovana being unavailable for extended periods or going the way of the Dodo now. I concur that it could really use a Wiki (and/or some way to distinguish between Estim teases and regular teases).
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by JBK »

v0ltaire wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:35 pm
JBK wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:09 pm That's it! After that you can start editing the pages, add or delete stuff, ... and publish the results
Thanks! Worked like a charm, once I realized I need to take the JSON straight from https://milovana.com/webteases/geteosscript.php?id= and not from Milovana Downloader's cache directory. As a first attempt, I just duplicated your excellent Maffia Property tease (which is a good opportunity to thank you for it, so thanks!) and unlocked admin mode. I like to add shortcuts to my favorite parts once the novelty of a tease has worn off to keep them more relevant to me and I imagine at least some other people might be happy about such versions as well. Maffia Property already (or rather, still) has such shortcuts baked in, so it seemed a suitable first candidate. Would you mind if I published that version to the general public? I don't know if the password isn't commonly known at this point anyway.
mantrid wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:33 pm Recently I learned that it is possible to clone EOS teases and run them locally on a web server.
This is wonderful news, as it eliminates my second main concern regarding EOS, thanks for bringing this to my attention, mantrid! Works like a charm as well (just as straightforward as GuideMe IMO) and nothing (like button colors) gets lost in translation. Plus it works for Legend of the Psyons! I'm much more relaxed about Milovana being unavailable for extended periods or going the way of the Dodo now. I concur that it could really use a Wiki (and/or some way to distinguish between Estim teases and regular teases).
I'm guessing the password is nothing new. But if you're going to release the tease in an admin-enabled version, there really is no need for a password anymore :-)
I have no issue with you re-releasing the tease in this way. But to be honest, I'd prefer it if each rerelease would add content or change the fundamentals of the tease so there would be a real difference.
I'm also still tinkering with the Mafia tease myself with the goal of adding a timeline (the number of days you're in the cell) with different clues/encounters becoming available as you spend more time in the compound. I was also planning to make it more like a game where you either try to escape, or try to get on the Rosari's good side or something.
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Re: [RELEASE] Bryci's Estim Experience

Post by whaappen1968 »

v0ltaire wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:45 pm The Awesome Competition
I haven't come across this one!

Can you send me a link?

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