A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

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A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Scilirat »

Hey everyone!

I've just released my first tease, A Night at The Limping Buck

I'm looking forward to any and all feedback including my writing style, image choice, general tease format, and any other criticisms you may have!

If you have bug/grammar reports please be as specific as is reasonable about what scene it's in.

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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by giannitrib »

Nice tease - i think i've gone through most of it now and got to most of the outcomes
I like the way you can get different endings depending on certain choices - really good liked it a lot
I didn't look too closely at spelling and grammar, but it seemed generally fine

I found a few bugs
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When you go to the manager and get to the part where you beat your balls for the third day it says it will be 4 times per second:
LimpingBuck1.jpg (181.7 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
LimpingBuck3.jpg (68.51 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
But when you go to the next page the speed is 3 times per second
LimpingBuck2.jpg (100.41 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
LimpingBuck4.jpg (48.93 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
So either you need to change the description to three times and increase the time to 40 seconds or change the file to 240bpm.mp3

The second bug is with the fairy, if you choose to cum it sends you back to the start
LimpingBuck5.jpg (158.37 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
LimpingBuck6.jpg (35.27 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
I think you meant to have it send you to Tiki4

Similar bug for maid E1 - there is an option to go to bed instead of adding a drink - this sends you back to the start
I assume you wanted it to go to RequestRoom0

A slightly minor bug - i managed to get the number of drinks to get to over 10 - it might've been through the bugs sending me back to the start and the drink number doesn't reset or because i ran it a few times in preview/debug mode to go through more options. If you then play through to the manager it says you have had >10 drinks, but you only have to edge for 10 as that is all it allows (it's nested if statements going from 1 to 10). I think 10 should be the maximum but i didn't count them the first time.
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Animeat »

Very nice tease with nice story and writing. I loved the setting and the Fawn's Curse concept, and the way the tease progresses.

But, the tease freezes at a certain point. If you choose to request lodging but then select 'No', the tease just stops. (This happened to me the same time as the sorceress showed up the first time).

Also, just some feedback, I'd have more images per character. That does depend on how much there is of the character, but looking at the same image for too long feels a little repetitive.

It's still a cool tease, and I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Scilirat »

vulumino wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:24 pm During the second (not sure which one exactly) lizardman encounter she says „lost of fun” instead of „lots of fun”.
I think I found the spelling error, but it was "lost of both" so I hope that was the one you're talking about.

Also, I have no idea how that notification bug popped up. I did a full run of the tease and didn't encounter that, but I it's fixed now.

Thanks for the report!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Scilirat »

Fixed all the bugs you've detailed.
I guess I was pretty sloppy in my bug-hunt.

Thanks for the report!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Scilirat »

Animeat wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:13 pm But, the tease freezes at a certain point. If you choose to request lodging but then select 'No', the tease just stops. (This happened to me the same time as the sorceress showed up the first time).
There was a typo in the Goto for that choice. Fixed now.
Animeat wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:13 pm Also, just some feedback, I'd have more images per character. That does depend on how much there is of the character, but looking at the same image for too long feels a little repetitive.
I understand what you're saying here. I didn't think about it because I rely on my imagination while looking at images. However, it makes sense that most others need a bit more "visual stimulation." I'll keep this in mind for my next tease!

Thanks so much for the feedback!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by RandomName »

This was pretty good, but honestly, it felt kind of unfinished.

First, while there were some characters, it states at the beginning that you aren't expected to speak with them all in a single playthrough, but there are few enough that it seems like it is intended that you interact with them all at every possible junction. I do understand that adding more is quite time consuming, so this is less of a problem and more of a critique.

For actual problems though, first is image count. A lot of interactions last a pretty long time, rarely changing images, if at all. This is for me at least, really annoying. Since it makes me have to find my own while trying to play through the tease at the same time, and since I always play teases on mobile, going from tab to tab and searching and such, while doing the tease, it's quite annoying.

Next is instructions. You said there would be a lot of edging, and that's not a problem for me, what is a problem is repetitive edging with no real interaction. You edge, and are simply told "Again" and this repeats 30+ times in the same interaction sometimes. It would be quite beneficial for them to say more stuff in between edges, which I do acknowledge complicates the code and greatly increases writing amount, it is a large increase.

The timing lock is something I always dislike, when text auto progresses without the choice of the player to progress manually. This can make it so dull, for fast readers like myself, it creates a lot of down time, which as I implied above, I'm not really a fan of.

I will say that the images you did choose were mostly quite good, and I was a fan of the concept. I liked that there wasn't really much humiliation. (I wish there were more teases that didn't insult the player so much, so big fan of that)

Ultimately I will say that for a first tease, this was quite good. It definitely seems to me that you have potential at this, so I look forward to your work in the future.
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Phil3uEdged »

I just played the tease. I must say its insanly good. It's a Top 3 for me!
Are there multiple endings? I hope there is a denial ending. I would love that!

I like the fact that u can freely decide if You want to meet woman in the tavern.

Another big plus is the cruelness. I love it if teases are just merciless. I would have loved an option to reface all of the ladies again. Including more denial fraces.

Oh an btw:
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I would have loved to also play as an employee to get the money back that I owe to the tavern. Kinda sad that this part got skipped.
Easily 5 out of 5 Stars! Keep up the good work!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Scilirat »

RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am First, while there were some characters, it states at the beginning that you aren't expected to speak with them all in a single playthrough, but there are few enough that it seems like it is intended that you interact with them all at every possible junction. I do understand that adding more is quite time consuming, so this is less of a problem and more of a critique.
I suppose I was a little narrow-minded when I decided how many characters to add to the tease. Looking at the full list it appeared to be a decent amount, but in my time testing the tease I never actually thought to skip character interactions. I can understand how the tease would be pretty content-light if you skipped over some characters.
RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am For actual problems though, first is image count. A lot of interactions last a pretty long time, rarely changing images, if at all. This is for me at least, really annoying. Since it makes me have to find my own while trying to play through the tease at the same time, and since I always play teases on mobile, going from tab to tab and searching and such, while doing the tease, it's quite annoying.
You're the second person to criticize my low image count. I guess it was a big problem. I'll do better in my next tease!
RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am Next is instructions. You said there would be a lot of edging, and that's not a problem for me, what is a problem is repetitive edging with no real interaction. You edge, and are simply told "Again" and this repeats 30+ times in the same interaction sometimes. It would be quite beneficial for them to say more stuff in between edges, which I do acknowledge complicates the code and greatly increases writing amount, it is a large increase.
Maybe bunching up the edges into "edge x times" would've been a better call. I'll keep it in mind.
RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am The timing lock is something I always dislike, when text auto progresses without the choice of the player to progress manually. This can make it so dull, for fast readers like myself, it creates a lot of down time, which as I implied above, I'm not really a fan of.
While I understand your criticism I mostly used the locked auto-scroll to ensure the player stroked for a sufficient amount of time. I feel that this is an appropriate use of the feature and I'll continue to use it in this way in future teases.

Thank you so much for the feedback!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by chutmunger »

I've been visiting Milovana for over a decade now, and I'm posting on the forums for the first time ever to say: thank you for making this tease! It's absolutely incredible. Enough of a story to get immersed, well written, great dialogue, edge-focused, and a pretty high difficulty. Probably my new all-time favorite, and definitely one I see myself returning to many times.

My only piece of feedback:
Spoiler: show
I'm the kind of person who loves to push the tease to its extremes, and tries to visit every character to see how difficult the tease can be. To that end, I'd love a way of *avoiding* the encounters who will make me cum and end the tease (like the lizardman), so I can keep playing and see more of the tease. My ideas for how to do this: either have an option to not cum at the end of an encounter, or a warning at the beginning of the encounter to the effect of: this way leads to orgasm! Proceed with caution.

Also, in response to that other guy who didn't like seeing "again", "again" over and over while edging: I respectfully disagree.
I love that shit, because it makes me start to wonder how many edges I'm about to do. I felt like the balance between "Do one edge, again, again" and "Do X edges" was perfect.
I really hope you continue making teases! This one was so good, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Last edited by chutmunger on Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by IreliaDenial »

A very good tease! Good writing and story!

I didn't have time on playing it yet have a quick look over the tease script. You really made a masterpiece on the game mechanism and organization, where different characters turn up at the different time/hub and then covers a limited time/hub sessions. It is a fresh and wonderful idea! Especially in a linear narrative. Though I'm not very into the tease where there are many edging and edge holding, this mechanism may cheer me up to keep playing.

I might have some suggestions for the tease, which is basically from my preference. Generally the tease is composed of stroking/edging and some CBT from Amazon. It might be a good idea if there could be more kinds of tease like different stroking techniques and cum challenge (like the idea of stamina challenge on sorceress in your tease). Also the number of the images is somehow a bit low especially in some repetitive sessions (typically when at repetitive edging).

Besides, since the tease includes many repetitive action, it might be a good try to introduce some tasks, such as some nipples/ball/rest play, to break some long repetitive sessions.

Again, this is an excellent tease and I'm really looking forward to your next tease.
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Phil3uEdged »

Scilirat wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:23 am
RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am For actual problems though, first is image count. A lot of interactions last a pretty long time, rarely changing images, if at all. This is for me at least, really annoying. Since it makes me have to find my own while trying to play through the tease at the same time, and since I always play teases on mobile, going from tab to tab and searching and such, while doing the tease, it's quite annoying.
You're the second person to criticize my low image count. I guess it was a big problem. I'll do better in my next tease!

I had 0 problems with images. All just fine!
RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am Next is instructions. You said there would be a lot of edging, and that's not a problem for me, what is a problem is repetitive edging with no real interaction. You edge, and are simply told "Again" and this repeats 30+ times in the same interaction sometimes. It would be quite beneficial for them to say more stuff in between edges, which I do acknowledge complicates the code and greatly increases writing amount, it is a large increase.
Maybe bunching up the edges into "edge x times" would've been a better call. I'll keep it in mind.

Thats more of a personal preference. Being told to edge again and again and again is something I prefer. Thats more like a psychological thing because I'm somehow hoping for it to end after each edge.
RandomName wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:08 am The timing lock is something I always dislike, when text auto progresses without the choice of the player to progress manually. This can make it so dull, for fast readers like myself, it creates a lot of down time, which as I implied above, I'm not really a fan of.
While I understand your criticism I mostly used the locked auto-scroll to ensure the player stroked for a sufficient amount of time. I feel that this is an appropriate use of the feature and I'll continue to use it in this way in future teases.

I honestly like the hidden or locked timer. Especially when it comes to edge-holding.
Also personal preference I suppose

Thank you so much for the feedback!
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by Scilirat »

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the praise!

As for your feedback:
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chutmunger wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:37 am I'd love a way of *avoiding* the encounters who will make me cum and end the tease (like the lizardman), so I can keep playing and see more of the tease. My ideas for how to do this: either have an option to not cum at the end of an encounter, or a warning at the beginning of the encounter to the effect of: this way leads to orgasm! Proceed with caution.
It would be difficult to do this without breaking immersion. Balancing what the player wants vs what the player character wants is a challenge. Giving a warning might work in some cases, but in the case of the lizardman, I'm not entirely sure how I would accomplish that
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considering you "choose" whether or not you get to cum for her the very first time you meet her.
I tried to do this by having the characters that might let you cum say something like "If you come back I'll let you cum."

I understand your disappointment in ending the tease while there is still some content left to see because:
1. You want to satisfy your curiosity, and
2. You didn't click on an "orgasm denial" tease to cum early.
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by kerkersklave »

Amazing work, really well worked out story line, choices etc.
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I would have preferred though to be able to avoid the earlier endings by some action that I can choose at the end instead of cumming. I always like to explore everything, so I won't cum for these endings (I usually don't cum for teases anyway). And it wasn't always clear, that I would be allowed to cum on the next page. So I had to click through the tease a few times to make it to the end and see everything.
A few more comments on what others have said: I didn't mind the low image count too much, the interaction kept me going. More images are better, but if you do not find enough for one character, it is not a huge problem. I liked the repeated edging instructions instead of "edge number of times". It keeps the reader in the dark about the number to expect and feels more interactive.

Also, I think the number of characters is high enough. I would not try to create a highly replayable tease. Your tease tells a story (with several side characters). Doing it a second time might still be fun, but after that, it starts to get boring. The writing would have to be spectacular, basically professional novel writer level, to be exciting over and over again.
So replayability only works, if a tease is more game like. I've played "math on edge" multiple times, because it is more about the challenge. But for a story-based tease, I often just click through the parts I know while doing something else and then start again. So put as many characters in there as make sense for a story. A tease can be huge, it is fine to take hours to play or to contain check points to take breaks and continue another day. But I don't see the point of putting so much content into a tease, that it is "replayable" because you need to play it many times to discover it all.
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Re: A Night at The Limping Buck [Feedback/Bug reports]

Post by GanyuSimp »

0/10 I hate this whole idea of being ''controlled'' by some weird curse. Not a huge fun of forced jerking/edging.
The dialog goes too slow and it sucks you can't just skip it.
Too little pictures. It gets boring after a minute of looking at the same picture.
Some spelling mistakes like ''take you're dick out''. Should be your.
And it's overall short.
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