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Dan's New Life 04: Team Building Exercises

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:46 am
by subzerowriter
Dan’s New Life 04: Team Building

Chapter 1: A New Game

Dan had stumbled, drunk on his own arousal, into her apartment that night terrified of what might come next, but Dominique had mercifully let him sleep. In fact, she hadn’t even slept in the same room as him: she had left him, trembling as he tried to calm down and completely covered in moist, aromatic lingerie, to sleep alone on the couch in the upstairs guest room.

He had almost cried with relief as she told him that she was finally going to let him get some rest, and led him upstairs and into a tiny guest bedroom next to the bathroom. But when he walked into the room, he suddenly felt himself get very uncomfortable. The space was sparsely decorated, and contained only a long, comfortable looking couch, and three large glass display cases against the opposite wall. It was the display cases which immediately caught his attention: each was large, with 3 to 4 professionally lit shelves, and each shelf was covered with every imaginable shape and size of dildo and strap on.

He saw thick, anatomically correct, veiny dildos of all shapes and sizes displayed ornately on one shelf. There were ten different shapes and sizes of butt plug on another. The entire right case was full, floor to ceiling, with strap ons, the various colors and curvatures of each artificial cock jutting forward from an artfully laid out, expensive looking leather harness. There were double sided dildos, dildos you could strap to someone’s face, and wild multicolored dildos that looked like something out of a perverted Dr. Seuss drawing. He felt himself unconsciously clench his cheeks.
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Dominique followed his nervous gaze and laughed, rolling her eyes, “Oh, admiring my cock collection, huh? It’s impressive, right? I’ve already made Lexie gush all over half of these. But don’t worry Danny boy, those aren’t for you…Not until you finally admit how much you’d like it, at least! I hope you don’t mind the light! I only really use the guest room when Lexie comes over, and we don’t really use the couch for sleeping, if you know what I mean…So I didn’t design the display case lights to turn off.” She winked at him, watching him suppress a shiver as he looked down at the couch, clearly imagining the things that had happened there, and she giggled as she headed back into the hallway. “Now get some rest baby!” she whispered as she closed the door, “Tomorrow’s going to be a VERY big day for you…”

Dominique pulled the door closed, and he heard a deadbolt click loudly, leaving Dan alone with his thoughts. And as he collapsed onto the couch, his face, chest, cock and ass swaddled in tight, aromatic, sheer panties, he found himself staring at the display cases with an uneasy feeling in his gut. And as he slowly began to drift off into sleep, he floated down into the dream world, where he was visited by horny, maddening dreams of each member of the Cockteasers, all night long.

When Dan had woken up around 9am, his cock still throbbing inside of Sasha’s tight, thong panties, he had been stunned to find his door unlocked, and Dominique busy in the kitchen, making him breakfast. She had looked over her shoulder at him as she stirred the eggs, and had simply chirped, “Good morning, Danny!” before suggested he go clean up, take a shower, and get dressed while she finished cooking. He had obeyed nervously, delicately peeling every pair of panties off of himself as he headed for the bathroom, half expecting her to attack him somehow while he was in the shower, but still she left him alone. He went about his morning routine quickly, shaving his body the way had been trained to every morning, grateful for the most peaceful shower he had had in weeks.
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The only moment in which Dominique did anything to fuck with him all morning was while Dan was getting dressed around 10 o’clock. As he had slowly pulled on his boxers and grabbed his jeans off the floor, Dominique had walked in, dangling Sasha’s panties in her hand, and pointed at his boxers, saying, “No no, take those off right now.” As he had taken them off back off, looking confused, she had sauntered over to him, waving the thong in his face, the cute pink bows and sheer black fabric brushing softly against his cheek as she said, “I loved how sexy you looked in that cute thong on the walk home, so I decided you’re wearing it again today.” Then, she had dropped the thong into his trembling hands, before winking at him and saying, “Now get dressed, and come eat your breakfast, baby. We’ve got a big day ahead of us.”

But other than that, the rest of the morning proceeded without sexual incident. They had actually had a pleasant breakfast, and despite a few teasing remarks about the state he had been in when they left last night, she barely even brought up anything embarrassing. After they did the dishes together, Dominique had grabbed a few bags from her room, and asked Dan to take them out front. There, much to his relief, he learned that Dominique owned more than just a motorcycle, as he helped her pack a large duffle bag, a heavy cooler, and a hefty, taped up, cardboard box into the bed of her small, beat up, teal blue pick up truck. Around 11am, they got in the truck, and headed out on the road, the only overt reminders of Dan’s sexual subservience being the Control Ring and the soft, silky panties wrapped around his cock.

They had been driving for almost an hour now, during which time Dominique had mostly ignored him, playing music and loudly (and badly) singing along. Dan had spent that time quietly wondering where they hell they were going, and what he was going to find when he got there. Dan was no dummy: he knew that this much peace and quiet simply meant that he was in the eye of some horrible storm that he couldn’t fully see yet. But he simply had no idea what to expect: what the hell had Dominique and Sasha meant last night by “Team Building Activities”?
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Dan surveyed the landscape as they drove, and he realized that they had left the city long behind, and were in a decidedly woody area now. As Dominique turned the pick up truck off of the paved street, and onto a long dirt road leading even deeper into the woods, Dan almost laughed nervously as he thought to himself, “Where the fuck is she taking me?”

They drove for fifteen minutes through a canopy of trees before they finally came out into an empty clearing, and saw a smattering of cars parked around the tree line. And as they pulled closer, Dan saw all ten members of the Cockteasers milled around, sitting in the grass and leaning against cars, talking in the midday sun. Once Dominique parked, Dan was greeted with a giggling, playful chorus of “Hiiiii Tease Toy!” from the girls as he stepped out of the truck, and he blushed wildly. Dominique walked up next to him, and called out in a loud voice, “Ok Cockteasers! Circle up! Let’s make sure we’re all clear on what today’s all about!”

The girls bounced over excitedly, and as they got closer, Dan realized that they were each wearing various forms of skimpy, skintight athletic wear and sleek, athletic shoes. He also noticed that every item of clothing they wore, from shoes to scrunchies, was decorated with some kind of camouflage pattern. They looked absurdly like a gang of lithe, nubile hunters. He felt Sasha’s panties sliding and cupping against his genitals, and he felt his body tingle as his cock began to twitch to life. He was almost grateful to look somewhere else when Dominique ordered him to unpack the truck, and he pulled out the large duffle bag, the hefty cooler, and the heavy, sealed cardboard box that they had put in the truck bed.
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“Alright girls,” Dominique started, as the team circled up around them, “We have our first big game of the season tomorrow, and I want you all playing like a real team! So today’s about learning to trust each other, learning to work together, and having some fun. And of course my little sex slave Danny is here because he’s going to help you girls do that!” She placed one hand in the small of his back, and pushed him forward into the center of the girls as she whispered, “Now be a good boy and take your clothes off for the team.”

Dan whimpered, and blushed as he felt his cock twitch again. As the girls whistled, and hummed “the stripper” at him, he slowly removed his shirt, wondering what they had in store for him. As he hooked his thumbs around his jeans and pulled them down, he heard Sasha squeal with excitement, and giggle, “Awww Danny, you kept wearing my present? Did someone like having my dirty wet panties rubbing against his cock so much that he decided to keep wearing them?” Dan began to point to Dominique, feeling his cheeks burning, but Dominique cut him off as she stepped forward and began to unzip the duffle bag, laughing as she said, “Oh my god, Sasha! He BEGGED me to be allowed to keep them on, you should have seen him! I think the Cockteasers have found themselves a an absolutely perfect Panty Boy…”

He started to protest, feeling his entire upper body break out in a humiliated blush, but Dominique silenced him with a gesture, and spun him around so that she could lightly spank him, a reminder for all the girls to see that she was in charge. She cooed, “Don’t interrupt Daniel.” as she tugged at his humiliating, feminine panties before slapping first his left ass cheek, and then his right, alternating back and forth as she counted to ten. As he listened to all ten girls burst into giggles behind him, he felt his ass jiggling and growing redder with each impact.
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He moaned softly, and felt himself grow lightheaded as his cock continued to grow, now mostly hard as it stretched at the sheer fabric. Satisfied, Dominique walked over to the duffle back, and reached in to pull out what looked like a tangle of thick, white mesh. She stood back up, spreading it out in her arms, untangling it as she looked down at his steadily growing cock and purred in her husky Bronx accent, “Now take those naughty panties off too, Danny. I know how much you love them, and how much you absolutely BEGGED me to wear them today, but you aren’t allowed to keep them on for the game, okay baby?”

As Dan slowly slid the fabric down around his ankles, Dominique moved closer, and he suddenly was able to see that mass of white mesh well enough to tell what it was: the material was different, and the color was brighter and much more reflective than last time he had seen it, but the criss crossing patterns of thin bands was unmistakeable. He remembered Trixi telling him on Friday night that she had designed all kinds of new toys “for you and Dominique to play with” this weekend. Apparently, she had designed a new version of The Exoskeleton.

He felt his breath hitch in his throat as Dominique draped the thin bands over his shoulders, down his arms, around his torso, etc. It had been weeks since they had used it on him, but Dan could never forget the first device that Trixi had ever introduced him to. The Exoskeleton was made of specialized material that hardened in place like steel when an electric current passed through it. Trixi had fashioned it into a kinky “suit” that could be used to freeze every inch of his body (except for his wriggling fingers and toes) at the push of a button. Dominique’s deep brown eyes looked into his as she watched him recognize the device, and began to direct the girls in how to help her attach the bands. Dan shivered as he felt the familiar bands tightening against his smooth, bare chest, and around his toned, hairless thighs.
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As the suit grew tighter and tighter against his body, Dan realized that, unlike the previous Exoskeleton, the bands that encircled him connected directly to the base of his Control Ring, clicking into is at his pelvic bone, before snaking up between his butt cheeks and spreading back out to create a small triangle in the small of his back. The effect made Dan feel like he was still wearing a tight, form fitting thong, which rubbed uncomfortably between his cheeks anytime he moved. He looked at Dominique with pleading eyes, panic already creeping into his voice as he pleaded, “Dominique, please, whatever’s going on today, please don’t make me wear this out here, someone will see me…”

Dominique rolled her eyes and scuffed his hair condescendingly as she slid the last bands up his neck and around his ears, “Aww you’re such a worrier! But don’t be nervous about your sexy little outfit, sweetie, Lexie’s got some…connections with a few ranking government officials at the local parks department, and the area’s been shut down for the day, just for us. Now stand still.” As he watched, she pulled what looked like a handful of flat, bendable glittering black discs out of the duffle, each about 3 inches wide, and Dominique began clicking them onto the bands of his Exoskeleton all over his body. One attached at his lower back, one at each shoulder, one at each nipple, one at each elbow, and each knee. And as she did so, she began to explain what the team would be doing today.

“Ok girls, this is a very fun little device invented by one of my co-workers. It’s called ‘The Exoskeleton’. The suit freezes instantly in place under remote control signal, which guarantees the wearer can’t move an a MILLIMETER while it’s turned on!” Dan blushed as Dominique continued attaching those shiny black discs to him, on the outside of each thigh, against the wrist of each forearm, and finally, against the back of his head, as she said to the watching porn stars, “Now, why don’t you girls go open the cardboard box over there, and start passing around what you find inside?”

Dan watched with nervous anxiety as they ripped opened the box, not sure what he was seeing at first. It appeared to be full of small, cheap looking, plastic green toy guns, and Dan stared dumbly at them as the girls passed them around, making sure every one had one. Each “gun” had a small shoulder strap, and was in the shape of a largish pistol. As they walked back over however, he realized that they were laser tag guns, and he looked back down at the black discs covering his body, beginning to feel very nervous.
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“Today,” Dominique said in her authoritative coach voices, as she attached the last disc, “We’re going to play I game with our new mascot that I came up with: it’s called ‘Rabbit Hunt’.” She reached into the duffle bag again, and this time pulled out a headband with a pair of fuzzy, fluffy, and floppy bright pink ears attached. She giggled, as she slid the headband onto Dan’s head, positioning the ears as she said, “And Danny boy’s going to be our Bunny Rabbit.”

Dan felt his stomach plummet as the girls giggled excitedly, and Dominique continued, “Each of you is holding a light gun, capable of hitting an infrared target from up to fifty feet away. And our new mascot is currently covered, from head to toe, in infrared targets that are capable of instantly activating The Exoskeleton.” Dominique looked around, smiling proudly, and Dan watched all ten of these gorgeous, nubile girls began to leer at him as she said, “Everybody get it?”

“Oh we get it,” purred Jamie, as she pointed her gun at Dan’s still hardening cock. He was suddenly seeing glimpses of his future, running naked through the woods from these giggling girls, and the humiliation was causing him to swell and stir. And as much as he was trying to deny it, the tight, sensual feel of the material and the tight bands threading his buttocks were filling him with arousal as well. He was almost fully erect now.
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“So here all the rules of the game.” Dominique continued, watching Dan’s increasingly panicked expression with pleasure as she spoke, “The Control Ring will be taking a closely monitored reading of Dan’s arousal levels for the next 6 hours. When we start, we’re going to give Danny boy here a two minute head start into the woods. If anyone shoots him in the head, chest, stomach or back, he will freeze, in place, for 30 minutes, during which time, the shooter will be able to do WHATEVER she wants to him.” The girls giggled excitedly at this, making his face grow hot and red

Dominique smiled sweetly at Dan as she continued, “The objective of the game is, of course, to receive the highest arousal rating of the day from the Control Ring readings, so be creative! And keep in mind, after your 30 minutes is up, Dan is entitled to another two minute head start the moment the Exoskeleton unlocks. Everybody got that?” The girls broke into a series of disappointed grumbles in the affirmative, and he heard Natalya whine, “Aw, so we can’t just shoot him again if we’re not finished with him yet?”
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Dominique ignored the outburst and went on, “Also, keep in mind that if you shoot him in the arm or leg, only that limb will be frozen. So that will only slow him down until you get a head or torso shot. That’s a cool new feature that Trixi thought would make the whole hunt a lot more fun. So shoot straight, alright? After all…” She paused for a moment, making sure she had everyone’s attention before continuing, “Today’s winner gets the spot of Team Captain for the season.”

The entire team burst out in excitement at that, and Dan felt another burst of fear ripple through his body as he let the rules of the game sink in. Dominique grabbed a small smart watch out of the duffle bag, and attached it to his left wrist, as she said, “Now Dan, Trixi uploaded this smartwatch with a compass, and a GPS map of the area. We’re in a wooded area about 3 miles wide, with this clearing basically right at the center. You can run and hide anywhere you want in the area, as long as you don’t go past the tree line at the outer edge of the woods. If you do, the Exoskeleton will freeze you automatically, and a loud alarm in the watch will go off until one of the girls finds you and drags you back in bounds. So no cheating, okay?”

Dominique snapped the watch in place as he nodded, trying not to cry, and she laughed as she said in a slightly louder voice to the whole group, “By the way, just to make sure things stay as interesting as possible, I also had the watch programmed to beep loudly for 10 seconds anytime Dan goes without getting shot for 30 minutes.” She kissed him on the cheek lovingly, as he felt his eyes begin to swell with hopeless tears, and she whispered breathily in his ear, “So you better keep moving Danny…or all the pretty girls are going to catch you…”
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“Two minute head starts?” he thought to himself, feeling his breathing speed up, “Alarms going off if I stay hidden for too long?” He had absolutely no idea how he was going to survive the next six hours. As the girls surrounding him laughed and celebrated how easy their hunt was going to be, he felt his entire body begin to shake, panic overtaking him as he looked from one giggling face to another, and he blurted out, “Please…t-this isn’t fair, there’s going to be no way to hide…please at least let me have my shoes back, so I can run quickly…”

Dan was so busy begging the unsympathetic team for mercy that he didn’t notice Dominique pulling one final item out of the duffle bag and walking over to him. The girls grew suddenly solemn and parted, letting Dominique through. She was holding something so small that it fit in the palm of her hand, and the instant he saw it, it filled Dan with dread. As someone who had never engaged in any kind of sexual exploration before the fateful day that Cindi had confronted him in front of the Tease Club, Dan had never seen anything like it. But he recognized almost immediately what it was most likely for, and he felt hopeless panic surging up inside of him.

In the palm of her soft hand, Dominique held a tiny, rounded, hot pink tube, which curved downward and ended in a slightly bulbous head with a thin slot at its tip. The entire thing was about than 3 inches in length, and had a small, silvery padlock attached to the front of it, exactly like the ones holding these pornographic high heels in place around his ankles. And while Dan had certainly never heard the name for the thing before in his life, he almost innately recognized that he was staring at a chastity cage.

“And of course, there’s one last piece to our cute little Bunny Rabbit’s uniform…” Dominique purred, and the team fell silent, watching slow realization dawning on his face. Then, more loudly to the team, “I told you all the ways the deck is stacked in your favor, but here’s the hard part ladies: remember, we’re practicing cock teasing! So how do you cocktease a man when you can’t touch his cock?”
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She continued, “Now don’t worry ladies, this isn’t going to do anything to lessen his arousal levels, it just means that he’s going to be feeling a LOT more uncomfortable while he’s horny. But it IS going to help us make sure that we don’t have any accidental spurting during the hunt today. Besides,” she laughed, “I think it’s going to force you girls to be creative about how you win the Team Captain spot, don’t you?”

“But before we can put it on,” Dominique continued, speaking over the girls sudden murmurs of excitement, “I think we need to do something about this massive erection the Tease Toy seems to be displaying, don’t we? Why don’t you ladies go crack open the cooler and bring back some ice cubes? Poor Danny’s not going to fit into his teensy weensy cock cage like THAT…”

Dan cringed at the words “cock cage”, as it confirmed for him exactly what he thought was happening now, and he moaned as he watched each of the girls approach him with a wet, dripping ice cube. Erica slid hers up and down his shaft, making him gasp at the icy gliding, and Raquel pressed hers firmly into his testicles as he whimpered. Sasha pressed hers lightly against the tip of his cock, until it grew numb from the cold, and he watched with embarrassment as his erection begin to slowly wilt, growing smaller and smaller until he was completely flaccid in front of them all. He watched, growing dizzy, as Dominique slid the tube up his cock, and he moaned as he felt himself tightly stuffed into the tiny space.
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A series of small indentations at the base of the tube allowed it to click firmly into the edges of the Control Ring, attaching neatly against the root of his shaft, and he watched as Dominique turned the key in the padlock and removed it, hanging it from a small gold chain around her neck as she smiled sweetly at him. The tube held his cock tightly against his swollen testicles, making it appear that his genitalia was a tiny, pink lump between his legs. The hot pink color perfectly matched the floppy, fuzzy bunny ears bouncing around his head. He had never felt more humiliated in his life. “B-but Dominique…” he sputtered, weakly, “This is so small, the instant one of these girls catch me..w-won’t it hurt if I try to grow in there?”

Dominique smiled at him, grabbing his cheeks between her palms, and pulling herself against his body, kissing him deeply. He felt her tongue explore his mouth…her tight warm body rubbing against his chest, and suddenly he cried out in pain, pushing her away as he felt himself attempt to swell inside the tightness of his cage, and he pulled desperately against the tube as he lost his balance and stumbled to the ground. “Well if it hurts Danny,” Dominique said with a tone like she was explaining something incredibly obvious to a child, “Don’t get caught.”

As Dan struggled back to his feet, Dominique turned to the rest of the group, and shouted, “OK! Get ready girls, because the hunt’s about to begin! For the next six hours, this clearing will be home base, so anytime you girls want to take a break from hunting for some drinks or even a midday nap, just head back here: we’re right in the center of the forrest. When the sun starts to set, the game’s over, and Dan’s watch alarm will go off until one of us finds him and can lead him back to base camp.”
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As Dominique continued, Dan looked around to see each of the girls beginning to lightly stretch in anticipation of a long day of strenuous activity, and he stifled a sob as he wondered again how he was going to survive this. “And don’t forget!” Dominique yelled out, “The winner is whoever turns on our poor, locked up the most! Based on me and my friends’ ‘research’, Dan is wildly turned on by teasing dirty talk, by tickling, and of course…by having someone play with his horny, hungry butt hole!”

The team burst out into another gale of laughter, and Natalya and Anabelle began chanting “Butt Slut! Butt Slut!”. He flushed a deep crimson, and began to desperately argue, begging for her to stop encouraging them, but Dominique rolled her eyes at his reaction and said in an exasperated voice, “However, as you all have been seeing, Dan’s having a little bit of trouble admitting that to himself. And we all know how important consent is, so NOBODY is allowed to finger fuck Dan’s tight, sensitive asshole unless he absolutely BEGS for it first. But remember, no matter what he begs you to do, DO NOT make him cum! Even in that tight little cage, a boy can dribble out a frustrated load if you play with his prostate too much. So be careful!”

“Alright Dan,” she added, turning to look at him, smacking her gum as she smiled, “I guess I’ll see you in six hours, huh? Are you ready for your two minute head start?”

Dan looked around, ten nubile, youthful, exquisitely erotic porn stars stretching and readying their guns, eager to begin the chase, and he felt his belly flood with fear. He felt scared, weak, powerless…his cock pulsed painfully at the intense humiliation he was feeling, ineffectual between his legs. His smooth skin felt every pull of the tight bands encircling his body, making him tingle.
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He whispered in a low, desperate voice, overcome, “Dominique…Dominique I can’t do this…I-it’s to much at once, please, you’re going to drive me insane, don’t make me do this…” but Dominique stopped his panicked, hushed pleas with a finger to his lips, and she smiled again as she said, “Have fun out there today, baby. I’ll see you when the sun sets.” Then, after stepping back several feet, she pulled out her phone, pressed several buttons, and shouted in her Coach voice, “Ok girls, turn around and cover your eyes! The Bunny Rabbit’s head start begins in three…two…one…”

As she said the word “one”, Dan’s watch beeped loudly, and he saw it was counting down from two minutes. After 2-3 seconds of being frozen in panic, Dan began to run gingerly in his bare feet towards the tree line, the midday sun glinting off his white, reflective thong harness, and his enormous fluffy bunny ears flopping in his face. He broke into a nervous sweat as he stumbled towards cover, and barely breached the tree line at the edge of the clearing as the time clicked down to zero. And as he ran, he heard the squeals of excitement from each member of the team as they hurried into the woods in all directions, ready to begin the hunt.

Re: Dan's New Life 04: Team Building Exercises

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:53 am
by subzerowriter
Chapter 2: The Rabbit Hunt

Dan watched, hidden in the tree line, as the girls scattered and ran into the woods with their bright plastic laser tag guns held high. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw them all heading in different directions, and thought to himself, “At the very least, thank god that they didn’t see which way I ran…” He allowed himself a moment to breathe, leaning back against the tree he was hiding behind, and pulling uncomfortably at the tiny, plastic cage locked around his cock. He didn’t like looking at the device, feeling a tremendous sense of emasculation as his genitals dangled ineffectually between his legs, and he closed his eyes and breathed slowly, trying to slow his rising panic.

He looked at the smart watch that Dominique had locked around his wrist, and saw that, just as Dominique had said, he was nearly at the center of a large wooded area about three miles in diameter. For a moment he tried to figure out what time it was, but he quickly realized that seemed to be the one thing the watch DIDN’T do. He suddenly remembered what Dominique had said about the watch beeping loudly anytime 30 minutes went by without him being captured, and he forced himself to his feet: he HAD to get further away from the girls’ home base as fast as possible. If he was still standing this close to center when it went off, the entire squad would descend on him in minutes. His mind flashed with a picture of just that, all ten of the nubile, sensual Cockteasers crawling on top of him as he lay frozen in the dirt, and he groaned as he felt himself attempt and fail to stiffen inside his plastic prison again.

Barefoot like this, Dan had to take each step with careful precision around the sticks and rocks. He tried to ignore the way this new Exoskeleton felt against his body as he moved, or the way the tight, white bands slipped between his buttcheeks, so that they accentuated his bare ass. He headed for the Northwest quadrant of the woods, picking a direction at random, and tried to put as much distance as he could between himself and base camp. He had been moving for almost 8 minutes when he came across a large, quiet stream, about 10 feet across and one foot deep. After spending a moment or two surveying the area, he realized that, unless he wanted to turn back the way he came, his only option was to cross. He slid one foot into the water, feeling the cool current flow pleasantly against his skin, and he began to move.

The bed of the stream was littered with rocks, and he moved slowly, terrified that he was going to stumble. At first, he tried to scan in all directions for any sign of the girls, terrified to be caught out in the open like this, but soon the rocks became so dense that he had to look down and watch every step. As he reached just about the halfway point, the water became deep enough that he could suddenly see his reflection in the soft current, and he stopped in his tracks, blushing furiously at his own appearance.

The severe, angry, aggressive man that Daniel had been all his life was completely gone. Instead, he truly did look like a scared, helpless animal. The tight, sensual new pattern of the improved Exoskeleton left his lithe, hairless, sleek body (tight and toned, thanks to Dominique’s weeks of new workout routines) almost totally exposed between thin bands of reflective fabric. The bunny ears flopped down and around his face, almost flirtatiously, and the tight, hot pink cage immediately highlighted his dangling, imprisoned genitals.

He stared at his reflection, unbelievingly, his eyes running up and down his transformed body, until a soft, giggling voice suddenly spoke up over the sound of the trickling water, and said, “Aww, are you checking yourself out, Bunny Rabbit? Do you like the way your ass looks in your new outfit?”
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Dan looked up so suddenly that he lost his balance, and plunged ass first into the cool water. Emily Lynn, wearing a pair of tight, camouflage green yoga pants and an equally tight sports bra, was standing at the edge of the stream, and pointing her green, plastic gun at him as she giggled, “Aw, poor Danny! Did I catch someone being naughty? Don’t worry baby, I won’t punish you any more than you deserve…”

Dan pushed himself to his feet, wobbling in a panic as he turned to run back to the other side, and froze in place as he found Erica Campbell waiting for him at the opposite waterline. She was smiling beautifully at him, her soft, round face making his cage already begin to feel tight, and she stretched her arms over her head, showing off her tight, voluptuous body in a pair of camouflage bootie shorts, and a devastatingly low cut camo crop top. Erica held her own toy gun flirtatiously over her head as she watched him stare, and cooed, “Aw, looks like you can’t run this way, Bunny Rabbit…where are you going to now? Better scamper, before the big bad hunters catch you…”
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Dan whimpered nervously, and grabbed desperately at his cock cage, trying to escape the squeezing tightness somehow. And then he moaned again, panic rising in his throat, as each of the girls walked towards him, into the stream, their guns pointed directly at him. “P-please, Erica…Emily…” he stammered, cowering slightly as they approached, raising his hands defensively, and feeling his voice start to crack, “Please, you have to help me get out of here, I can’t take any more of this…please have mercy on me…protect me from the others, I’ll do anything…”

Other than Ambercutie, the two of them had seemed to him to be the nicest in the group (from their videos at least), and for a moment, as he watched Emily begin to slowly lower her gun, he actually let himself hope that they might listen and help him escape this 6 hour terrifying ordeal. But then she smiled widely at him, and brushed her black hair behind her ear with one hand as she shot him in the leg with the other.

Dan cried out as he felt the bands, around his left leg only, lock firmly into place, and he immediately began to lose his balance in the stream. He fell backwards into the water again, his arms flailing wildly as he went down. Sputtering, he lifted himself by placing his weight on his hands, and pulled his head out of the water just as Erica walked up and shot him point blank in the chest.

He moaned in nervous terror as he felt every band encircling him freeze against his body, feeling the cool water coursing down his chest. “Let you go?” Erica purred, with innocent surprise, as she strapped the gun around her back and leaned down into the water with him, “But we caught a cute, scared little Bunny Rabbit, and now we get to do whatever we want with him!” She slid forward, the running water splashing against her crop top so that it clung to her full, bouncing breasts, and she began to lightly pluck at her nipples through the wet material as she added, “Why in the world would we let you go?”
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Emily strutted over as well, sliding one wet foot slowly across his chest and placing it down on the other side of him, so that she was straddling his arm pits with the backs of her knees, and her gorgeous ass was less than a foot from his upturned face. The tight camo yoga pants clung to her like a second skin, and stretched deeply between her plump, jiggling cheeks. He drooled as he stared, and moaned again as he felt his cock trying desperately to grow. “Please stop, it hurts…” Dan moaned as he felt the chastity belt growing tighter and tighter, but rather than show mercy, Emily began to theatrically roll her hips as she slid her yoga pants down her round bottom, one inch at a time. He sobbed and struggled in the rigid Exoskeleton as she pushed the thin material down to her knees, stretching it across his damp chest.

He stared up, mouth agape as she bent forward, pulling her fat asscheeks apart so that her her glistening, pink lips peaked out at him between her round thighs, and he felt himself begin to salivate. Suddenly, under the water, he felt a soft hand wrap gently around his aching balls, and he heard Erica’s playful voice giggle, “Do you want me to touch your teensy little pink cock cage for a while Bunny Rabbit? Do you want me to take that tiny little thing between my fingers? Maybe if I squeeze hard enough, you’ll actually feel something…” Dan struggled to catch his breath, trying to beg her to stay away from the cage, to not do anything that would add to the tight, uncomfortable, dizzying arousal that they were putting him through, but before he could say a word, Emily leaned back, and literally sat on his face.
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He let out a muffled yelp as he watcher her ample ass cheeks envelope his upturned face, and felt her wet sex pressing firmly against his lips. And as he yelped into Emily, he felt Erica’s teasing fingers move slowly up and down, from his scrotum to his cage, giggling, “Now go ahead and get to work Dan. Lick her good, because if you don’t, I’m going to show you JUST how uncomfortable that cage can get…”

Dan began lapping eagerly, and the instant he did, Erica’s fingers slowed against him. He slurped and sucked at Emily’s swollen lips, tasting her hungrily and moaning into the huge, jiggling ass that he could barely peek over the top of. All the while, Erica fondled at his testicles, squeezed at his cock cage, and tickled endlessly at his inner thighs as he worked, constantly warning him to lick faster, better, longer. Within about five minutes, Dan’s increasingly skilled tongue had licked Emily to a shuddering, moaning orgasm: she ground and rode against his mouth as she squealed out, and he panted in both desperation and discomfort as he felt her wet juices smearing against his face.

The girls gave Dan less than a minute to recover before they switched positions, and soon he was lapping desperately between Erica’s tight, wet thighs as Emily softly and constantly tickled his ribs. Each time one of them came against his panting, crying face, they would switch positions again, and whoever wasn’t benefiting from his talented tongue took the time to torture his body: they played with his nipples, tickled his feet, and ground their incredible, plump asses against his throbbing cock cage over and over. By the time his 30 minutes were up, and the Exoskeleton finally went slack against them once more, he had lapped each woman to three orgasms. He stumbled to his feet, moaning as he pulled at his cock cage and wiped the dripping wetness of both women from his face.
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Emily and Erica lounged in the shallow water, looking incredibly satisfied as they watched him begin to stumble away, wobbling out of the stream wildly. “Have fun out there Danny”, called Erica, in a still breathless voice, “That was nice, you’re good with your tongue! After we dry off at base camp for a bit, we’ll see if we can catch you again!”

Dan stumbled through the woods, his mind swirling, and his body trembling. Every few minutes he would freeze, looking around, convinced he had just heard the sound of women giggling nearby. He absolutely hated how bright and reflective the Exoskeleton was, and how nearly impossible it was for him to hide, but he managed to stay out of the path of at least two different groups of nubile, predatory beauties for the next 20 minutes.

Trying to stay as far away from “home base” as possible, Dan used the GPS map that was downloaded onto the watch to guide himself to the edge of the woods, and spent about 10 minutes finding places to hide among its border. But he soon learned the danger of straying that close to the game boundaries, when he inadvertently stepped over the invisible line, and fell instantly to the ground, frozen in place and an alarm shrieking from his watch.

Dan began to sob in terror as, after less than a 1 minute of this alarm. Ashley Alban and Ambercutie walked out of the brush smiling happily, and began to drag his frozen, helpless body away from the boundary. Amber, who was wearing a short, camouflage tennis skirt and a matching bikini top, giggled “Hi Bunny Rabbit, was somebody trying to cheat and escape?”, as she tugged at his immobile leg. Ashley, wearing a thong backed pair of camouflage panties, and a tight mesh see through top, slid down next to him in the dirt, as she asked, “So are we the first to catch you, Danny?”
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Dan started to answer, but before he could, Ashely snorted, and reached forward to touch his face before pulling her fingers back to smell them. She smiled wildly, as she giggled, “Wow, we are definitely NOT the first ones to catch you! Jesus Amber, he’s got pussy juice all over his face!” Amber laughed loudly at that, and cried out, “Already? We’ve only been playing for like 45 minutes! Who made you eat them out, Bunny Rabbit?”

He blushed furiously as he sputtered out the words, “Erica and Emily caught me down by the stream..” His body shook as he struggled to catch his breath. He stared desperately at Ashley and began to babble, drunk on aroused fear, “Please, I can’t take it anymore, the cage hurts so much…Will you…will you at least let me out of this cage while you play with me? Please, I’ll be a good boy, I promise, but just take it off, I’ll do anything…”
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Ashley, however, simply rolled her eyes and said, “No, dummy of course we’re not going to do that. We caught you fair and square, and now we get to play a game with you. Now, be quiet while I explain the rules.” Smiling widely at him, Ashley slid one hand between his legs, and used her fingers to spread his ass cheeks until she could slide two probing fingers between them. “Seeing as your cock is all locked up anyway,” Ashley began, watching Dan begin to whimper as she pressed more firmly against him, “And seeing as we ALL saw how much of a little Butt Slut you really are last night, I think it’s about time that we start helping you get over some of this bullshit repression. So here’s how the game is going to work…”

Amber crawled up to his torso, sitting next to him and draping herself across Dan’s captive body, her huge tits pillowing against his chess as Ashley continued, “In just a minute, Amber’s going to start rubbing those big, juicy, natural tits in your face, okay Danny? And while she presses them tightly against your face, sliding you deeply into her cleavage, I’m going to play with your poor, ignored asshole.” He bit his lip, moaning wildly as he felt Ashley’s fingers press more insistently at his puckering, helpless sphincter, beginning to swirl, and watched Amber silently begin to untie the tiny strings of her bikini top, letting it slide slowly down her beautiful breasts.
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“Amber is going to smother you Bunny Rabbit…” Ashley moaned, as she pushed and swirled against him, “You’re going to feel like you can’t breath, trapped inside of those warm, soft, jiggling tits, and every time she lets you come up for air, I’m going to ask you again if you want me to slide my fingers inside of you…” Amber leaned forward at that, wrapping her thick arms tightly around the back of Dan’s neck, and letting her fingers slide up into his hair as she pulled him tightly between her tits, and Ashley continued, probing and swirling as she said, “Because until you beg me, I’m going to stay riiiiight at the edges, just like this. But if you ask nicely, I’ll finger fuck you until you’re just about to cum. As many times as you want. And remember, with that tight little cage around your little cock, our fingers inside of you are the only chance you’re going to get at pleasure today…”

He felt salty tears mix with his saliva as he hungrily kissed and sucked at the curve of Amber’s heavy breasts, feeling himself get short of breath already. All the while, his cock bounced and twitched in its cage, ignored, as Amber swirled against his sphincter, “So think about what you really want while you kiss and suck those perfect tits, ok baby? Think about how good it will feel for me to wriggle and stroke inside of you, finger fucking you while you moan like the horny Butt Slut you are…”
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For almost 30 minutes Amber and Ashley attacked him like this, and every time Amber pulled his gasping face free of her soft, warm cleavage, Ashley would ask him again if he wanted her wriggling fingers to push into him. Each time, he would begin to moan unintelligibly at this, his body straining to get closer to her swirling fingers. And despite how his body shook and trembled, he would deny what he wanted, again and again, shaking his head “no” until Amber pulled him tightly against her breasts again. His cock was throbbing and pulsing against his tight cage as he took Amber’s sensitive nipples between his lips, sucking at them furiously. He bucked, and strained, and lurched at his confused arousal made him lightheaded, but no matter how much he struggled, the Exoskeleton didn’t budge an inch.

By the time 30 minutes had passed again, Dan was an absolute mess. And the instant his bands loosened, as he felt Ashley’s fingers fall away from his hungry anus, he also felt a wave of bewildering disappointment overtake him. His entire face was wet, a combination of his tears, saliva, and the sweat of Amber’s massive breasts dripping down his chin as he gasped for air. Almost before he could stop himself, he felt the absurd urge to beg them to keep going, but he bit his lip and stumbled to his feet. Amber slipped her bikini top back on, smiling at him sweetly, and wriggled her fingers at him as she giggled, “Thanks for playing with us Bunny Rabbit! Now start hopping again, before any of the others find you!”
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Still panting, Dan began to struggle away, blushing brightly as Ashley broke out into laughter at his absurd appearance. His fuzzy pink ears flopped around his face as he ran nervously back into the brush, and he heard Ashley’s voice call out from behind him, “Better run fast, Bunny Rabbit! The next time I catch you, I’m going to work even harder at helping you admit how much you want me to finger fuck that slutty little hole!”

He ran for almost five minutes before he began to get tired, Ashley and Amber’s giggles fading away behind him, until finally stopped for a moment, leaning against a tree to try to catch his breath. Every sound he heard made him jump in fear, and he whimpered as his mind raced, trying to figure out where to run next. He had never felt so constantly terrified and exposed in his life. The tight, throbbing of his cock cage when they caught him was bad enough, but all this teasing about his anus…”GOD”, he thought, squeezing his thighs together as he felt himself missing his butt plug again, and hating himself for it, “I don’t know how much longer I could have made it without begging her to penetrate me…What is happening to me?”

His cheeks burned bright red at the thought, and he tried to push it away. He started to move again, and walked for almost 15 minutes before he finally found himself in a small, canopied clearing with several fallen trees, lying in the overgrown grass. As he surveyed his surroundings, he felt a wet coolness dripping down against his thigh, and looked down in confusion, to see that the thin slit at the head of his cock cage was leaking viscous fluid. Unable to understand at first, he touched his finger against the fluid for a moment before realizing what it was.
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“Precum…” he thought to himself, feeling insane, “Jesus, these women are cockteasing me so much that I’ve been leaking precum, even in this painfully tight little cage…” He whimpered again, and cupped his swollen balls in his hand, pulling them up and forward in order to get a better look at how much he was leaking. As he did so, he felt a burst of electric pleasure flow through him at the sensation of his hand against his scrotum, and he moaned, squeezing at himself instinctually. He felt suddenly overcome with his own arousal, and grabbed at the tube imprisoning him, squeezing and stroking at it in a desperate and futile attempt to feel something.

He moaned out again, this time in frustration as he thrust his hips forward into his hand…but it was no use: the plastic was thick and rigid enough to ensure that he couldn’t feel a thing. He gritted his teeth, overcome by his own arousal, and as he groped and pulled uselessly at the locked cage, he felt his fingers brush accidentally at the sensitive spot right behind his exposed balls, and a sudden, mortifying idea occurred to him. Feeling his breath speed up, he let his fingers slide between his legs. He licked his lips, tasting Amber’s sweat and Erica and Emily’s juices, and as he let his fingertips trace slowly along his taint, he began to imagine that those fingers belonged to Ashley.

He leaned forward, looking around for any sign of danger in the quiet midday forrest, and then let his fingers slide back farther and farther between his cheeks until the reached his aching, hungry anus. Feeling humiliated, but unable to stop himself, he pushed inward and gasped as an explosion of pleasure (the kind that his cock was now incapable of giving him) ripped through his body. His mind whirled as he began to rub rhythmically against his sphincter, spreading his heels in the dirt, as he thought, “It’s just a finger, after all…Just one finger wouldn’t be so bad, right? Jesus, this feels so good…”
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He spent almost five minutes teasing against the outer edges of his anus, trying to work up the courage to actually push inward, and fuck himself the way his body was screaming at him to. After a while, he finally became so overwhelmed with arousal that shame slipped away, and he began to press more and more forcefully into himself. But just as he was sliding in, and feeling the tip of his own finger inside himself for the first time in his life, he suddenly froze as he heard two giggling voices approaching from the south.

He immediately dropped to his knees, pulling his finger out of himself before he had even reached the first knuckle, and stifled a moan as he felt his testicles begin throbbing in dull, blue balled pain. He was suddenly VERY thankful that no one had seen what he was just doing to himself. He scurried across the dirt, looking desperately for somewhere to hide, and finally spotted a large, hollowed out log, about 8 feet long and covered in moss, at the edge of the canopied clearing. The voices were getting closer and closer, and his stomach plummeted in terror as he recognized Natalya’s bratty laugh among them. He slid like a snake against the dirt, hurrying towards the hollow log, too terrified to stand up.

The mossy bed lining the floor of the log was soft and cool, as Dan began to squeeze himself inside. The log was just wide enough to fit him lying down, and had a thick crack, about a foot wide, running along its length to his left. If any of the girls got too close, they would probably see him, but as long as he was quiet, he didn’t see any reason that they would think to look. He began to carefully pull himself inside, terrified to make too much noise as the voices got closer. There were two of them, and the other voice, he suddenly realized, belonged to the blonde, All American Anabelle Pync. “God,” he thought as he repressed a shiver, “I can’t tell if this is the best dream or the worst nightmare I’ve ever had…”
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He had squirmed almost half way into the log now, and was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and cool the mossy interior felt. But just as he was starting to actually believe that he would make it through this encounter unscathed, a shrieking, deafening alarm, just like one from the boundary of the woods, began to erupt from his smart watch. He froze the instant the noise began echo through the trees, staring at his watch in horror, and saw that the screen read, “30 minutes without incident, proceed with 10 second Alarm.”

He suddenly remembered Dominique’s warning about an alarm “Hint” for the hunters anytime he made it thirty minutes without being captured, and he stifled a sob, grabbing at the watch with his other hand, trying to silence it, muffle it, anything. But the noise was so loud that it was impossible. A soft voice suddenly giggled from his left, and he jolted in surprise he as turned…and found Natalya staring excitedly at him with hungry eyes through the foot wide fissure in the side of the log. “Hi Bunny Rabbit…” she said with another giggle, kneeling down to get closer to him, pulling her crimped brunette hair out of her bratty and superior face.
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He stared at her in horror, the mild sense of safety he had momentarily been enjoying suddenly slipping away. She was wearing a tight, camouflage singlet, which had a plunging neckline that reached past her ribcage, and a high waisted thong back that showed off her pert, nubile backside. He tried to say something, anything, but his fear was too great, and all that came out of him was a panicked rasping noise. Natalya giggled again, clearly very complimented by his obvious fear, and she slipped her right arm through the fissure in the log so that she could tease her sharp, manicured nails against his exposed armpit.

Dan broke into sudden giggles at this, and tried to lower his arm to protect himself, but in the tight, cramped interior of the log, there was no room. He tried to pull away from her, but again was met almost immediately with the wall of the log. Natalya stroked at him again, and he bucked, howling in panic. He felt the overwhelming need to escape suddenly take him over, and he began to crawl further into the log, desperate to reach the other side. But before he could move more than a few inches, he felt a pair of soft, feminine hands wrap around his ankles, holding him in place. “Awww,” giggled Anabelle’s voice from behind him, “Where do you think you’re going, Bunny Rabbit?”
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Dan felt her pull him slightly out of the log, so that only his chest, arms, and head were trapped inside, and then moaned as he felt her sit on top of him, straddling his ass and facing down by his feet. He tried to pull himself forward, but the slick, soft moss was too weak to hold him, and he suddenly realized the hopeless, helpless situation he was in. He truly was starting to feel like a terrified, hunted animal, and he began to shake as he broke into tears.

Natalya leaned further into the log, tickling softly and delicately at his armpits with both hands now, and he shrieked, begging her to stop. Then, as he struggled and failed to escape this ticklish prison, he felt Anabelle lift each of his legs back at the knee, so that his bare soles were sticking girlishly up in the air. Giggling, she shot him each of his legs, freezing them in position. “Oooh, good idea Pync!” Natalya laughed excitedly, and reached for her own gun, shooting each of his arms so that they froze in place as well. “The Exoskeleton is incredible, but I want my boy toys to be able to struggle JUST a little when I tickle them. It’s just so much more fun this way, watching them writhe and squirm…”
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With each of his arms completely neutralized, stuck stiffly over his head and further into the log, Natalya renewed her ticklish onslaught against his shaking, bucking defenseless torso. She danced her sharp finger nails up and down his ribcage, raked them again and again against the soft flesh of his shaved armpits, and pinched maddeningly at his sides, making him howl in desperation. But as she attacked him like this, he suddenly felt Anabelle’s soft fingertips and wet tongue begin to tease against his upturned feet, and his shrieking doubled in volume.

He sobbed wildly as Anabelle began to lick softly against the arch of his left foot while her nails dragged lightly against the sole of the other. He bucked, desperately trying to reposition himself so that he could escape this sudden hell he found himself in, and another explosion of shrieking laughter burst out of him as he felt her take his big toe wetly into her mouth, and began sucking.

“P-please!” he began to scream, through wild, tear filled eyes and spasms of desperate laughter, “N-no more, Anabelle, please I can’t stand being tickled…and it makes me so H-hee hee HEE…so hard…Natalya please, my cock…it hurts! Haaaahahaha…nooooo…” He shook his head wildly, rattling his frozen arms against the edges of the hollow log, “I’ll eat you both out as much as you want…I’ll finger you, I’ll kiss your feet, I’ll kiss your ass, I’ll lick your assholes, I’ll do ANYTHING, BUT PLEASE, STOP!”
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And of course, no matter how hard he screamed, no matter what he promised, or how much he begged, Natalya and Anabelle continued their merciless onslaught. Every buck and jerk of his body thrust his caged cock against the ground, and he felt his denied member trying and failing to get painfully hard as he humped the dirt desperately. The weight of Anabelle’s tight, firm ass against his lower back and upper buttocks held him otherwise in place, however, as she licked and slurped and tickled at his exposed, wriggling feet. But just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he felt her hands begin to trail slowly down his calves, and up the backs of his trembling, smooth thighs.

He shrieked again in horrified laughter as Natalya continued to attack his helpless torso and Anabelle continued to lick and slurp at his feet. But then, as his body locked up in agonizing panic, he felt Anabelle’s fingers push apart his tightly clenched butt cheeks, and she began to use one sharp nail to tickle his hypersensitive sphincter. He shrieked loudly again, bucking harder, but there was no escape. This wasn’t the pleasant, sexy, soft anal teasing that Ashley had exposed him to: Anabelle’s hard nail was plucking and playing at him in a way that made him feel as though he was being electrocuted into hideous laughter.

“Awww…” cooed Anabelle, as she wriggled on top of him and tormented the sensitive skin of his helpless anus, “is somebody’s pretty little hole feeling sensitive after having that BIG plug up there so long?” Dan howled, trying desperately to close his thighs, but the blonde pornstar’s voice grew stern, and she spanked him painfully on the ass as she said sharply, ”Now stop clenching right this second, Bunny Rabbit! You open up for me like a good boy, or I’ll tell Nat to tickle you even HARDER.”
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He felt Natalya press her own hard, perfectly manicured nails threateningly against his sensitive armpits, and he moaned as he opened his legs, and unclenched his cheeks, obeying her reluctantly. Anabelle made a happy sound of approval, and her nails returned slowly, tickling playfully at the edges of his exposed hole, as he wheezed and gasped and struggled not to fight her. Any time he did, Natalya’s fingers mercilessly attacked him again, sending him into a babbling fit of giggles and pleas for mercy. But neither nubile beauty stopped their assault for an instant.

When Dan’s thirty minutes were up, and he finally felt his arms and legs go limp, one after another as they crumpled weakly to the ground, he was a sobbing, unintelligible mess. He had begged and laughed and screamed without stopping, and his voice was horse and cracked. He began to sob with relief as he felt Anabelle start to climb off of him, and watched Natalya’s hands pull back, and out of the log that had become his prison.

He was so weak he could barely move, and Natalya giggled at him, winking as she stood up and said, “You know, we’re technically supposed to stay put and let YOU run off when time runs out…but it looks like Anabelle and I might have tired the Bunny Rabbit out, huh?” She blew a kiss at him, and he moaned as he felt Anabelle squeeze his ass cheeks fondly as she pushed off of him to stand up. “So…” Natalya continued, wiping his sweat from her palms, “We’re going to be REALLY nice and head back to base camp, to let you catch your breath for a few minutes before you start running again.”
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Annabelle joined her over by the hole in the log, peering in at him and giggled about how desperate and trapped he looked. It was the first time he had seen her since this ordeal began, and his eyes crawled hungrily up and down her tight, lithe body. She was wearing a midriff spaghetti strap camo top that highlighted her perky tits and toned stomach, and a pair of skin tight matching yoga pants. She wriggled her nose cutely at him, her brilliant blue eyes laughing as she giggled, “Ya but don’t wait too long, Bunny Rabbit! If we see any of our team mates on the walk back, we’re definitely going to tell them exactly where we left you…”

Re: Dan's New Life 04: Team Building Exercises

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:12 am
by subzerowriter
Chapter 3: The Bunny Gives In

Despite Anabelle’s warning, Dan lay there, struggling to catch his breath for almost almost two minutes. As horrendous as it had been, he recovered from the merciless tickling fairly quickly: he had lots of experience with it at this point, after all. But it was the constant throbbing TIGHTNESS of his cock inside this maddening plastic prison that continued to paralyze him. The cage numbed all sensation, but did nothing to numb his raging sexual hunger, and he couldn’t deny the insane effect that these girls had on him any longer. His body was constantly tingling, his balls were aching and swollen, and a constant stream of clear, dribbling precum oozed out of the slit at the head of the tiny tube.

As he wiggled and slid out of the log, he felt the bands of the Exoskeleton that threaded his buttocks sliding and stroking pleasantly against his anus, and another dull wave of hunger over took him. Desperately, sobbing in frustration, he thrust his cock against the mossy ground, wishing that he could feel something…anything to placate his screaming arousal, but the cock cage did its job, and he felt nothing but the wet moss sliding against his belly and thighs. And as he struggled to his feet, he suddenly remembered what he had been doing right before Anabelle and Natalya had cornered him.
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He suppressed a shudder at the thought, and he felt his cock pulse again. The memory filled him with powerful feelings of shame and mortified embarrassment…but in his desperation, he felt those emotions giving way to a flood of tingling arousal. Almost unable to stop himself, he felt his hand wandering between his legs once more, past his thighs, and he began to bend over. He moaned softly, as he felt his finger slide between his buttocks. A sudden, relieving explosion of pleasure rippled through his body, and he almost fell back to his knees as he began to anally stimulate himself.

He felt those old voices crying out in his head, calling him a pervert, a deviant, a freak, as he pushed inward. But he forced them down, and moaned as he stuffed his finger more deeply into himself, his constant maddening arousal completely obliterating any sliver of shame that he had left. He began moving his finger in and out slowly, working himself up to the second knuckle, and the sensation immediately reminded him of how it had felt to be filled, stretched, stuffed with the massive Butt Plug that he had been subjected to for the last two days.

He was so distracted by the sudden pleasure that he was experiencing that he didn’t hear the quiet steps of two approaching figures, and it wasn’t until they broke out in cruel, almost bratty giggling that Dan finally came out of his hypnotic state of pleasure long enough to realize he was being watched. He quickly pulled his hand away from his buttocks and spun around, looking for the origin of the noise as teetered of balance. Nearly on the other side of the small, canopied clearing, Ellie Idol and Jamie Valentine were watching him, each with a small, green, laser tag gun in her hand. But even worse than that, Dan saw that Jamie had her phone out, and had been recording him as the girls quietly laughed.
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“Wowww…” Jamie said in a playfully mean voice, her soft lips curling into a cruel sneer as she aimed her phone at him, “The Bunny’s made a lot of progress today with all those anal hang ups, huh Ellie?” Jamie was wearing a pair of tiny, camo bootie shorts, which showed off her thick, deep brown thighs, and a tight, sleeveless cotton camouflage shirt that clung like a second skin to her large breasts and tiny waist. Dan groaned as his eyes crawled up and down the stunning Latina Goddess, and he felt his cock pulse painfully in its cage again, his balls dully aching from the sudden halting of his anal stimulation.

“He sure has,” Ellie cooed, stepping forward as she stared deeply into his eyes and licked her lips, “Coach is going to be sooooo excited that we caught our prey while he was diddling his slutty little hole…” The pale skinned, youthful looking brunette was wearing nothing but a tiny, camo patterned string bikini, tied in large bows at the edge of her hips. Her nubile body moved lithely, like a cat, and as Jamie joined her in walking slowly towards him, across the clearing, Ellie added, “Just stay right there, okay Bunny Rabbit? Maybe if you let us catch you and beg hard enough, we’ll show you how a good finger fucking is REALLY done…”
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Dan whimpered, flushing from head to toe in crimson embarrassment, and clenched his thighs. Playing with himself while he was alone like that was mortifying enough, but the idea of these porn stars subjecting him to such treatment made him want to disappear. And as the two gorgeous women strutted slowly towards him across the clearing, he suddenly realized that if he stood still much longer, they would be on him before he could run. He took a step back nervously.

“Uh uh, Bunny Rabbit,” Jamie jeered as she put her phone away, waving a finger at him as a tone of warning crept into her voice, “Don’t you move now…if you run, we’re not going to give you what you want no matter HOW much you beg, but if you stay there like a good boy, Ellie and I will stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey…” As she stared at him, moving forward in a deliberate, feline strut, she lifted a finger and curled it slowly towards her in a beckoning motion, over and over. “This isn’t me telling you to come here baby,” Jamie said in a cruel, laughing voice, “This is what my fingers are going to be doing inside of you as soon as I pin you to the ground and spread those slutty legs of yours…”
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Dan felt himself grow dizzy at that image, and backed up another step. He heard Ellie say something in warning, sounding angry, but he didn’t have time to process what it was before he felt himself backing further and further into the trees, his body suddenly dripping with sweat. His mind and body were at war, and he could feel himself short circuiting as he experienced simultaneous desire and revulsion at the thought. Panic began to flood his body, and before he could think about what he was doing, he turned, and began to run.

Jamie yelled after him, demanding he stop, but he didn’t look back as he stumbled through the trees. “With the vegetation clumped this closely together, and if I’m running in a zig zag pattern,” he thought with wild, desperate hope, “maybe I can avoid being shot if I can keep my distance.” A part of him was aching to slow down and whispering to him to give in, to accept what they were offering, but again he pushed it down and moved faster.

As he careened left and right through the trees, moving as quickly as he could in his bare feet, he started to actually believe that he might get away. He could hear both girls crashing through the brush behind him, calling out angrily, and he was starting to realize that if they did catch him now, he would be in much more trouble than if he had simply stood still and let himself get caught in the clearing. That thought gave him the motivation to move even faster somehow, and ran as though his life depended on it, his body covered in a glistening sheen of sweat.

But suddenly, so suddenly that it took him a moment to process what was happening, he felt his right leg freeze as he took another giant step forward. Crying out, he fell forward, landing on his frozen, bent right knee, and holding himself up by his palms. “O-one of them must have gotten off a lucky shot…” he thought, his heart sinking, “Jesus, I’m so fucked…” In a helpless panic, he began to crawl, letting his frozen leg drag as he used his other three limbs to slowly lurch forward. But it was less than 10 seconds before Jamie and Ellie, breathing hard and looking VERY upset with him approached him.
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“BAD Bunny Rabbit!” Ellie scolded him, and he felt his other leg freeze as she shot it, leaving him on all fours with both legs frozen in a bent knee. Jamie, panting a little, strutted around in front of him, bent down, and grabbed his face in her hands, looking furious. “Naughty little Tease Slaves are NOT supposed to run when their betters tell them to stop, are they Danny?” She pulled his face upwards as she chastised him, making him straighten his arms and arch his back to look up at her, and he suddenly felt his entire body freeze completely in place as Ellie shot him in the back.

On his hands and knees like this, his thighs spread and his back arched, Dan suddenly realized what he must have looked like, and started to blush. He quivered, and began to babble out an almost incoherent apology for running, but his voice faded into silence as he felt Ellie’s soft, girlish hand slide against his left buttock and begin to caress it gently. “You know,” Ellie giggled from behind him as she softly kneaded his cheek in her open palm, “When Bunny Rabbits are bad, they need to be punished.” And before Dan could say a word, he felt Ellie’s hand leave his ass, before returning with a hard, wet SMACK!

Dan cried out. His skin, hairless and dripping with sweat, was more sensitive than it had ever been as Ellie spanked him, and he felt his cheeks burning red. Jamie laughed in amazed amusement as she pulled closer to his face, staring into his eyes cruelly as she said, “Oh my GOD, do you hear him Ellie? That sounded more like a moan of pleasure than one of pain…I think our little Bunny Rabbit likes his punishment. Why don’t you spank him again?”
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Ellie laughed too as her hand slid to his other ass cheek, and she squeezed tightly for a moment before suddenly spanking him again. As he cried out once more, his breath growing short, he watched Jamie sit in the dirt in front of him, and begin to remove her tiny white tennis shoes and her tight socks. She laughed as his eyes began instantly following her cute wriggling toes: he was so hypnotized by the bratty Latina’s delicate feet that he had instantly forgotten about Ellie’s spanking, and he cried out in sudden surprise as she struck his reddening ass cheek again.

The pain blinded him for a second, and when his vision came swimming back into view, he found Jamie’s tiny toes dangling less then an inch from his panting lips. “Beg her to spank you again, Bunny Rabbit…” Jamie cooed, letting her big toe run lightly once against his lower lip before pulling back again, “Tell her how bad of a boy you are, and how much you deserve it…Do a good job and you can lick my foot for a few minutes…” Then, as he watched wide eyed, she leaned back and lifted both legs into the air, showing off her round bottom and thick thighs as she rubbed her feet slowly against each other inches from his face.

Dan began sobbing as he begged Ellie to spank him, saying anything he could think of to get his trembling lips closer to Jamie’s soft and sensual feet. Each stinging smack elicited another cry of pain, but he continued to scream for more as he strained forward to reach those luscious brown toes. His cock was throbbing constantly in his cock cage, painfully pressing outward in all directions, and his tears transformed into tears of relief as Jamie, finally satisfied, allowed Dan’s tongue to swirl lightly against her arched, wrinkled soles.
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The instant his tongue was allowed to make contact with her creamy, soft soles, the painful spanking stopped. But after less than 30 seconds, Jamie began to pull her feet back away from his mouth, slowly so that he strained and struggled forward to reach her as she giggled. And the instant she did, Ellie’s flat palm began to alternatively rub and spank against his ass once more. “Keeping begging her Danny…” Jamie cooed as she rubbed her toes against one another just out of reach, his saliva dripping down her skin, “Beg Ellie to spank you harder for being a bad boy, and maybe I’ll give you my cute little toes again…”

This went on for almost ten minutes, Dan’s ass becoming as red as a baboon’s, and by the end, he was moaning wildly with each new impact. But finally…FINALLY, the girls grew tired of their game, and switched positions. He shuddered as Jamie crawled around behind him and out of sight, and Ellie crawled into his field of vision, smiling sweetly at him and wiping the tears from his face. He sobbed, desperate to avoid any more pain, and babbled, “Ellie I’m sorry, I’ll never run away from you again, I’ll be good, but please don’t spank me anymore…”
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Ellie giggled as she ruffled his hair, and then tucked a dark brown lock of her own hair behind her ear as she cooed, “Aww is the Bunny Rabbit feeling sore? Don’t worry, it’s my turn to be nice to you now…” As she spoke, she turned around slowly, and knelt down so her pert, juicy pale ass was inches from his face, the tiny camo bikini bottoms sliding deeply between her cheeks. “Now Danny,” she purred softly, “Why don’t you thank me for your spanking by showing me how much you’ve always wanted to kiss my perfect ass…”

She thrust her hips back at that, and began to mash her soft globes against his face, smearing his lips as he hungrily opened his mouth and began to lick, kiss, and suck at her. As his tongue traveled hungrily against the underswell of her left buttock, he suddenly gasped: a light, grazing sensation had begun against his swollen testicles, and as it grew more and more steady, he suddenly realized that he was feeling Jamie’s soft feet cradling and stroking against his scrotum. He moaned wildly into Ellie’s bottom, his face buried in her warm, silky cheeks.

As he kissed and licked, and suckled at Ellie’s fleshy bottom, he felt Jamie’s toes rise up the ridge of his taint until they reached his puckering, exposed anus. He began to moan again as Jamie swirled her toes teasingly against the sensitive perimeter of his sphincter. She pressed firmly against him, stroking, wriggling and probing, but she never pushed hard enough to penetrate him, and within five minutes of this onslaught, he was beginning to consider the “offer” she had made him before he had run. After 10 minutes of it, as he licked deliriously against Ellie’s perfect ass, his brain was melting out of his ears.
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The instant Ellie pulled her ass off of Dan’s face long enough for him to speak, he was instantly begging Jamie to use her fingers, or even her toes, to enter him and fuck him. His voice cracked in shame, and his cheeks burned as red as his paddled buttocks as he begged, but he begged nonetheless, unconsciously trying to press backwards against her teasing toes, unable to do so. But both women ignored him for almost 5 minutes, until they switched positions once more. And when Ellie stood up and began to walk back behind Dan, Jamie’s feet abandoned his exposed anus too.

Smiling at his obvious discomfort, Jamie walked back in front of him again, and sat back down, this time with her legs crossed, and beamed down at him proudly. “Aw sorry baby, but don’t forget, somebody’s being punished! You ran away from us! I only listen to begging Bunny Rabbits when they’re good boys who do what they’re told. Bad slaves don’t get what they want…”

Jamie patted his cheek slowly in reassuring condescension, and continued, “Even if what they want is for me to fuck them in their pretty, little holes…” He felt Ellie’s bare feet began to climb their way slowly up the back of his thighs now, towards his aching asshole, and he moaned in overwhelmed confusion. Jamie stretched performatively while he stared at her, and then smiled knowingly at him as she began to lift at the sides of her tight top, sliding it over her head and exposing her round, perky breasts and her dark brown nipples. “Now worship my big, fat titties Bunny Rabbit,” she moaned, as she slid her hands around his head, pulling him face first into her tits, “Think about what you’re missing, and pray that the next girls who catch you make you the same offer…”
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Ellie’s feet probed and prodded him, just as Jamie’s had, and he sobbed into Jamie’s ample chest as he screamed for one of them to enter him. But all they did was continue to tease him, switching positions every five minutes until his bonds slackened once more, and he was able to stumble, leaking and shivering, to his feet. The instant the Exoskeleton timed out, both women fell away from him, and the transition from sexual agony to sudden abandonment made him dizzy. But somehow his survival instincts kicked in, and he dragged himself valiantly to his feet, beginning to back away.

“Bye Danny!” Ellie called out in a sing song-y voice as he ran, horny and terrified, back into the woods, “I hope you find somebody to fuck your asshole before the sun goes down!” Jamie’s raucous laughter at this echoed through the trees as he panted and moved into the brush, towards safety.

He stumbled onward, not quite feeling sane. Was this what his life had become? Being hunted by pornstars through the woods, horny beyond all belief? Locked away and begging for one of these gorgeous women to fuck him in the ass? But these thoughts were too big to consider in a moment like this one, where he was still at risk, and he pushed them away as he surveyed his surroundings. The sun was now in the far west hemisphere of the sky, and he estimated hopefully that there was less than an hour left in this hunt. He realized, stunned, that he had been playing this horrifying game for over 5 hours. He shivered, and began to follow a small pathway along a sharp cliffside, relieved that the tall cliff face ensured that he was safe from attack in at least one direction.
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After almost 10 minutes of walking, he made a discovery that made him want to cry with joy: cut deep into the cliff face, surrounded by a dense thicket of trees, was a small, cool, deep cave. The entryway about 5 feet tall and wide, but it opened into a much larger cavern, with ceilings that curved 30 feet high. A small waterfall poured down through the roof and trickled out of the mouth of the cave. Dan, having been alone in the woods for hours, drank the water hungrily as it fell from above.

Feeling safe for the first time in hours, Dan stepped under the cool, trickling water, listening to its splatter echo through the cave. He shivered as he felt the cold wetness calm his body, and slow his cock’s constant, painful attempts to grow within its cage. And he moaned out slightly as he felt the water course over his bright red, painfully paddled ass cheeks, an instant balm of relief against his sore skin. Finally able to breath, he slid down the wet wall of the cave in sudden exhaustion, wondering how much time was left in the game before he was finally finished with this horrifying hunt. It was endlessly frustrating that the one thing his smart watch DIDN’T seem to do was actually tell him the time, but he thought that there was less than an hour left before the sun finally set.

He sat in that wet, cool darkness as he tried not to think about the fact that he had actually just BEGGED Jamie to fuck him in the ass. His cheeks burned in humiliation as he remembered that they had caught and recorded him while he had slowly slid a finger into himself. But the shame caused his cock to stir painfully back to life within its prison, and he pushed the thoughts away, trying to focus instead on listening for any sign of Cockteasers team members in the area.

After almost ten minutes of peace, Dan felt his heart plummet as he heard the faint sound of women’s voices floating into the cave, and he struggled to his feet, hugging the inner wall to hide himself as he snuck towards the entrance to peak out. He had to lean down slightly to see through the small entrance of the cave, and he peeked his head carefully around the corner, scanning for more noises. Through the trees obscuring the mouth of the cave, he suddenly saw a flash of soft, girly skin and skin tight camouflage activewear in the distance, and he heard a voice giggle, “Sasha, c’mon, where are you going? Jamie told us that the the horny little pervert ran this way!”
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Dan shrank back, as a sheen of nervous sweat suddenly broke out across his body. He didn’t recognize the voice from this distance, but at this point he didn’t care who it was: after the day he had just been through, he couldn’t survive being captured again. But then another voice, this one much closer, called back to its partner, and this time Dan recognized the soft, playful sound of Sasha Foxxx less than 20 feet away from him. “One second!” Sasha called back, as Dan slinked further back into the cave, his heart racing, “Coach told me that there was a little cave over this way with a small waterfall running through it: I’m hot, tired, and covered with dirt, I want to rinse off before we finish the hunt!”

Dan froze in terror at this, suddenly looking around at the cave: the high, solid walls that had felt so much like safety only moments earlier made the cave feel like a trap now, and he was the helpless little rabbit caught inside. “Ooooh that does sound nice!” replied the other voice, much closer now, and this time Dan recognized the low, husky confidence of Raquel Roper, “Maybe I’ll strip down and we can help rinse each other off under the water…” Both girls giggled at that, and Dan heard the soft sound of tiny feet padding towards him.
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Dan’s eyes zipped around the cave, the panic rising into his throat now, as he looked hopelessly for someplace to hide or some other way out. But there was nothing: no rocks, no shadows, nothing. He felt frozen, like a deer in the headlights, and he felt his stomach plummet as he heard Raquel purr from behind him, her gloating voice dripping with glee as she said, “Well, well well…Hello Bunny Rabbit…” Dan stiffened at that, holding back a sob as he turned around and saw Raquel and Sasha standing in the entrance to the cave with matching cruel smiles spreading across their beautiful features.

Sasha held up her little plastic gun, and pointed it at him, her cat like eyes flashing prettily beneath her stylish front bump ponytail. She and Raquel were both topless, each wearing only a pair of tight, tiny, camo patterned volleyball shorts, and Dan’s eyes crawled helplessly to Sasha’s small but perky breasts. “Hands up right now, Bunny Rabbit.” Sasha cooed, as she licked her lips, “Lace your fingers together against the back of your head, or I’ll punish you…” Dan did so, whimpering with fear, and the instant he had obeyed, Sasha and Raquel shot him simultaneously, once against the targets on each elbow, so that his arms were frozen in place.
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A hopeless sob burst out of him as he tottered, struggling to maintain his balance, and he began to babble desperately pleas for mercy. “S-Sasha,” he stuttered, feeling like he was losing his mind, “Please don’t do this to me any more, I can’t take this…My cock HURTS in this cage and being hunted like this…it’s terrifying…” His twinge of growing panic magnified in his voice as he felt himself start to lose control, and he continued, “I haven’t sat down in hours, and I’m hungry, and I’m tired, and I’m SO FUCKING HORNY, and none of you will leave me alone, you just keep torturing, and teasing, and tickling, and spanking…”

The two nubile young boy hunters let him babble for over a minute, and the more they stared at him, calm and smiling, the more nervous he grew as he whined and begged. But finally Raquel stepped forward, and held up her gun in warning, silencing him. She smiled at that, immensely pleased with how easily she had made him obey her, and she dropped her gun so that it hung from its strap as she fondled her breasts and strutted towards him. “Poor Bunny Rabbit…” she breathed as she pinched her erect nipples, “Is somebody feeling too horny, with no way to touch his tiny little cock in its cage?”
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Sasha dropped her gun by the strap as well, and mirrored Raquel’s movements, softly playing with her own tits as she swayed towards him and purred, “You know, Jamie and Ellie said that you had figured out a solution to that little problem…In fact, they said you had been BEGGING them to give you a finger or two to help enact your clever solution between those slutty thighs…” He felt his cheeks explode with crimson, and stepped back in nervous fear. He stepped unwittingly under the tricking waterfall again, and he moaned as he began to shake his head.

“N-no wait… I don’t want you to do that,” he stammered as the two sultry, svelte girls reached his wet, trembling body, and began to press against him. He felt Raquel press a soft hand lightly into his chest, pushing him backwards on his heels, and with his arms unable to move, he fell helplessly backwards, crying out in fear. But Sasha’s arms were waiting to catch him as he fell back, and she pressed tightly against his trembling body as she lowered him to the cave floor like a frightened animal. She rested one shoulder against the back of his neck, her arm running down his spine in support as she slowly lowered them both into the trickling water, and he felt her fingers slide around his right ass cheek, squeezing firmly at his sensitive red ass as she cradled him.
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“Don’t worry…” whispered Sasha breathlessly into his ear, as Raquel forcefully spread his thighs and knelt sweetly between his widened legs, “We’re not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do…We won’t do ANYTHING unless you ask…” Sasha licked at his ear, lightly, and he shivered as he watched Raquel lean forward, her wet, red lips opening as she approached his crotch.

“Mmmmm…” Raquel moaned as her lips approached the tip of his cock cage, and her dark hazel eyes stared intently at him as she spoke in a husky, sultry voice, “Look at all that yummy precum dribbling out of your cute little pink cock cage, Bunny Rabbit! It’s making such a mess! You don’t mind if I clean that off, do you?”
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Before he could respond, Raquel’s wet, wide, pink tongue slipped out of her ruby lips, and she took the cage inside her mouth. He moaned wildly, feeling his cock swell desperately against the cage, trying to feel anything, and he whimpered as he closed his eyes and tried to breath. But the moment he did, he felt Sasha’s fingers against his ass squeeze firmly, and she whispered in his ear, “Open your eyes right now, bad bunny. Watch what naughty Raquel is doing to you with her hot, wet mouth.”
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He opened his eyes obediently, shaking as they brimmed with tears. He writhed desperately against Raquel’s face as her lips constricted against the pink tube and she began to suck. He could feel the light suction through the slit at the head of the tube and he began to moan loudly, watching her cheeks pull inward as she stared deeply into his eyes. “Ooh lucky boy…” Sasha’s voice blasted hotly into his ear, “Raquel is an absolutely WORLD CLASS blowjob artist…Too bad you can barely feel it in that cute little cage…But don’t forget, I can make you feel things if you want me to…”

He moaned as he felt her fingers begin to wriggle playfully between his ass cheeks. “I can make you feel all KINDS of things, if you just let me play with your cute, slutty little hole…” Her voice was surging in horny, panting moans into his ear now, and he felt her slide and rub sensuously against him as her breathe blasted warmly in his ear, “All you have to do is ask, baby….”
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As Raquel licked and slurped, and moaned performatively against his throbbing, aching caged cock, he stared at her wildly, obediently, and tried to ignore the soft, stroking tickle of Sasha’s fingers against his anus. This went on for almost three minutes before he finally broke, and in a cracked, desperate voice, he gave in. “Ohhhhh GOD…” he moaned as his composure cracked, “Please do it Sasha…”

Sasha giggled, wriggling against his puckering sphincter as she panted into his ear, “Do what, Bunny Rabbit? Be specific? What are you and what do you want me to do to you?”

“F-fuck me w-with your fingers,” he blubbered as Raquel increased the speed and sloppiness of the wet blowjob she was performing on his cage, “Stick them in my ass, please Sasha, I’m such a…” His cheeks burned as he swallowed and forced himself to continue, “I’m such a Butt Slut, Sasha please fuck me with your fingers, I need it…please…”
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He felt Sasha moan against him, biting at his earlobe as she purred in a pleased voice, “Good booooy…”. And then, so quickly it surprised him, two of the swirling, teasing fingers against his anus, slick in the trickling stream of the waterfall, began to press forcefully inward. He cried out as she penetrated him, stretching him in that delicious way that the butt plugs had made so uncomfortably familiar. The instant she did, Raquel stopped her oral onslaught, and began instead to kiss slowly up his navel, still staring at him.

He moaned wildly as he felt Sasha’s soft fingers begin to stroke inside of him, pleasantly stretching his anus with two knuckles and stimulating his prostate with her fingertips, and his jaw dropped as he was suddenly flooded with pleasure. He arched his back, squeezing his cheeks hungrily against her as she probed and wiggled, and Raquel giggled as she reached his nipple, kissing teasingly at it as she whispered, “Ooooh Sasha I think he likes it…”
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Sasha thrust, teased, stroked as Dan whimpered and moaned, riding helplessly against the invading fingers as his arms remained trapped behind his head. Raquel rubbed and slid wetly against him, kissing at his chest as Sasha kissed at his ear. But each time he began breathing faster and reached that point of no return, the fingers against him slid out and waited patiently for him to calm down enough to start again. Within 10 minutes he was begging wildly for her to fuck him harder, fuck him faster, almost in disbelief as the words came out of his desperate lips, but nothing he said would make them bring him any closer to orgasm.

Every five minutes or so, no matter how close he was to cumming, Sasha’s fingers would slow, and then stop, and she would whisper in his ear, “Beg me again, baby…beg me louder to fuck your little slutty little hole some more…Tell me EXACTLY what you want me to do to you or I’ll stop…” And every time, no matter how much it made his entire body break out in red embarrassment, he would beg again, in a cracked, horny, desperate voice while Raquel slid and licked against him.

Sasha began slowly, as he moaned and spread his thighs, embarrassed by how eager he was for her. But soon, three of her delicate, soft, stroking fingers were stretching his anus wide, wriggling inside of him, pressing sensuously against his prostate. His moans grew louder as her fingers slowly increased in speed, and his body began to writhe uncontrollable as she penetrated him, taking him to the edge again and again, until the noises coming out of him devolved into a breathless, pornographic, husky gasping that echoed loudly throughout the cave.
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For a moment, the horny, high pitched moaning was so alien to him that he didn’t even realize he was making it, and his face exploded into crimson embarrassment when he did. “Jesus,” he thought wildly to himself, unable to stop, “I sound like a WOMAN…No, more than that, I sound like a porn star in heat!” And he did. His hips rolled desperately with her sliding fingers, his tiny cock cage bouncing ridiculously between his legs as he moaned loudly and wildly. His nipples grew tight and erect, and his tight, hairless body broke out into a shudder of goosebumps as he was expertly finger fucked by this giggling beauty.

And this time, Sasha didn’t stop after five minutes and make him beg for more. This time she kept going. He watched helplessly as Raquel stared up at him, playfully licking and sucking against his nipples, and shivered at Sasha’s hot breath in his ear as she moved her fingers faster and faster. Soon, Dan felt his body begin to grow warm, even in the cool streaming water, and his anus began to send out pulsating waves of overwhelming pleasure through his body. He felt his swollen testicles pull tightly against the rubber Control Ring encircling them, and his high pitched moans grew even louder.
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Suddenly though, so suddenly that it took Dan a few moments to even understand what was happening, a loud, ringing alarm (just like the one that had gone off inside of that log with Natalya and Anabell) began echoing throughout the cave. The moment the noise began, Dan’s felt the Exoskeleton release his arms, and he watched as Sasha and Raquel fall away from him, slinking back and looking disappointed. He collapsed to the cool damp cave floor, his entire body shaking with desperate need.

Dan looked down at his watch, confused, and saw that for the first time today, it actually read the time. It was six o’clock. The hunt was finally over. “Ah man!” Sasha exclaimed, crossing her arms in a bratty pose of frustration, “We still had like 6 minutes left on our thirty!” Dan collapsed back to the ground, not sure if he was frustrated or relieved. The way Sasha had felt inside of him, after not being able to touch his cock for days around this gang of horny, manipulative porn stars, had made him want to cry in ecstasy…Oh god, what was happening to him?

Sasha and Raquel allowed him to recover for about a minute, letting him tremble and pant on the cold wet ground, before they finally pulled him to his feet and led him out of the cave. As he exited, led by the two topless women, he suddenly heard the sound of applause echoing out from all around him. As he stumbled back out into the sun he blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light, dripping wet, covered in mud, and looking desperate and terrified. The entire Buena Vista Cockteasers team was standing around the mouth of the cave, smiling and cheering for him.

He blinked again, confused, as each of the girls catcalled and teased him. Erica called out, “Wow, all that girly moaning was HOT, Danny, good for you! How did it feel, letting Sasha take your anal virginity?” “Oooh baby!” Ellie cheered, giggling at him, “That sounded like she was fucking you GOOD! Maybe next time you won’t run away when I offer to take your sweet little hole…” Ashley and Amber, Natalya and Anabelle, Jamie and Emily, every one was there.

Dan looked around, horrified, “But…” he stammered, trembling as they teased him, “H-how did you all know where I was?”
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Raquel laughed at that, rolling her eyes cruelly as she arched an eyebrow and asked, as if he was an idiot, “Oh sweet Danny, did you really think we were going to let our new mascot wander around in three square miles of woods without being able to track him down? What if our sweet little rabbit got hurt? And besides, everybody knows that hunting’s more fun when the hunters get to cheat…” Her arm slid down his, until it rested on the smartwatch wrapped around his wrist, and she continued, “Putting a GPS tracker on our scared little Bunny Rabbit sure made the game a LOT more fun for us girls, so thank you for being such a good sport about it…”

He stared at her, wanting to cry, her eyes dancing merrily as she pulled out her phone and showed him a perfect digital map of the forrest, and a large, cartoon bunny avatar right where he was standing. He looked around at the group of giggling girls, and each held up her phone, smiling as they showed him the same thing. Raquel watched his expression change, and he realized how truly hopeless things had been from the start…all that running and hiding, desperately trying to avoid being caught and tortured again…and it had all been for nothing? “B-but why put me through all this, then? If you could catch me anytime?”

Sasha giggled at that, and kissed him on the cheek as she said, “Aww, sweetie! Because it was so much more fun watching you STRUGGLE.” She placed a hand in the small of his back, pushing him forward, and she looked at him with mock pity as they began to walk, “Poor little guy, everybody said you looked so scared and helpless…It’s been a long day, for you, huh? Are you feeling tired?”
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Dan dropped his head at the condescension in her tone, his cheeks burning as he nodded. His muscles were loose, trembling, and he was dizzy with exhaustion. He still couldn’t believe what he had asked her to do to him in that cave. But Sasha ruffled his hair reassuringly, and said in a kind, complimentary voice, “Aw don’t be sad, baby! You did SO well today! All of us had such a good time, and you were so CUTE with that scared look in your eyes every time we caught you. You were the perfect Bunny Rabbit…I know you’re going to be SUCH a good mascot tomorrow…”

The other girls began to chime in, agreeing and complimenting him on a good job, and he wished silently to himself that they would stop trying to make him “feel better”. But the next words out of Sasha’s mouth suddenly did remind him that there was light at the end of the tunnel. “So cheer up, cutie…” she breathed, and pulled him close for a moment as they walked, kissing him on the cheek as she said, “After all, all you need to do is keep up the good work and after the game tomorrow I’m going to fuck you until you can’t see straight. Don’t forget what Emily told you last night: we decided that if you pass tomorrow, every single girl on the team is going to fuck you, and you’re going to spurt that sticky cum ALL over for each of us…”

She giggled as he grunted and pulled uncomfortable at his cock cage, and she added, “So all you have to do is be a good boy, and soon those full, aching balls of yours are going to be so empty that you’ll finally be able to breathe again…Doesn’t that sound nice, baby?” Dan nodded, suddenly much more focused on his success again, and he looked into Sasha’s cat like eyes, smiling weakly and shyly muttering, “Y-yes Sasha…” He suddenly found himself picturing her calves wrapped around his back, her tight tits pressed against his chest, her hair bouncing wildly as he thrust into her, over and over and over.
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“Well c’mon then,” she giggled as she began to walk ahead, her ponytail bobbing cutely behind her, “Let’s head back, and we can tell Coach alllll about how well you did, and how much you enjoyed being my slutty, moaning little finger puppet…” The girls all broke out into giggles around him as he shivered, and he stumbled back to base camp, surrounded by the entire team as he wondered what Dominique was going to do with this new information.

Re: Dan's New Life 04: Team Building Exercises

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:20 am
by subzerowriter
Chapter 4: Danni

The entire walk back, the girls teased him about the noises he had made in the cave, how “slutty” he had sounded, and how high his voice had gotten by the end. Nearly everything he argued with or tried to say in his defense made the teasing worse, and after a few minutes he fell into an embarrassed silence, trying not to blush too much as they constantly ridiculed him. His silence didn’t make any of the teasing stop, of course, and the girls started doing impressions of the gasping, desperate, high pitched, and almost girly moaning noises he had made in the cave as they trekked back through the brush, laughing wildly as he blushed and tried to ignore them.

Soon enough though, they reached the edge of the large clearing where the games had begun, and Dan saw Dominique lounging in a beach chair with a beer and a book, looking very relaxed. His cheeks burned at the unfairness of it all: while he had been stumbling and crawling through the woods in terror, hunted like a wild animal, it looked like Dominique had been having a peaceful Saturday in the sun. Anabelle whistled loudly as the team led him into the clearing, and Dominique looked up to see them emerging from the tree line. She immediately sat up, waving and smiling.
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She got up from her chair, and Dan saw that she had been sunbathing. She was laying out in a pair of tight, Daisy Duke jean shorts that hugged her thick, bronzed thighs like a second skin, a teensy, teal micro bikini top that barely covered even the areoles of her perky, bouncing breasts, and nothing else. As they approached, Dominique broke out into raucous laughter as she saw the state Dan was in: his ass was paddled red, his locked cock was dribbling a near constant ooze of precum, his body was smeared with dirt and grime, and his eyes looked desperate and wild as those fuzzy bunny ears bobbed in front of his face. “Oh my GOD, girls!” She snorted, looking at him in disbelief as he wobbled forward, “What on EARTH did you put him through out there?”

The girls broke out into giggles, and a few of them began to yell out stories about exactly what Dan had experienced out there in the woods, but Ellie’s voice cut through the noise, shouting loudly, “WAIT, before we get into any of that…who won, Coach?” He turned to see her staring at him with a lopsided, knowing smile, and she licked her lips at him as she said, “You all heard how much Danny moaned as I paddled him red…I’m thinking it might just be me.”

Dominique snorted, shaking her head and pulling out her phone, and said, “Don’t count your chickens just yet Ellie, remember what I said yesterday about pain and arousal. But alright, we want to take care of business before pleasure, huh girls? Alright, lets see what Auntie Trixi has to say…” Dominique winked at Dan as the phone rang, and added just for him, “Your favorite inventor has been observing your arousal levels with the Control Ring all afternoon, Danny…I wonder what kinds of EXCITING things you were doing out there?”
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Her voice changed as someone picked up on the other end, and she said suddenly, “Hey Trix! Ya, it looks like we’re all finished! Any final word on the game yet? Some of the girls are getting a little eager to find out who the new captain is…” She listened for a moment, nodded and smiled, thanked Trixi, and hung up. Then, after letting the tension sit in silence for a few moments, she smiled widely and said in a loud voice, “Well girls, it sounds like there was one contender with a VERY clear lead who shot ahead almost at the end of the day. In fact, she achieved DOUBLE the arousal levels of any other player. So, without any further ado, the new Team Captain of the Buena Vista Cockteasers…for their 13th season is….Sasha Foxxx!”

While Jamie, Ashley, Raquel and Natalya burst out in disappointed cries, the rest of the team gathered around Sasha, congratulating her and cheering. Anabelle gave her an excited high five as Amber hugged her excitedly, complimenting her on a job well done. “Well,” Ellie exclaimed in a childish, pouting voice, glaring at Dan with betrayal in her eyes, “We all know why SASHA won…Fucking bullshit, I would have won too, if I had stuck my fingers up his horny little ass…perverted Butt Slut…”

As the girls burst into another gale of giggles, Dominique’s jaw dropped, and she looked at Dan in stunned amazement. “Wait, WHAT?” She asked, “You let Sasha put her fingers WHERE, Tease Toy?” He shivered as he looked down, wanting to deny it. But the team of young porn stars broke into another gale of laughter, a sly smile began crept across Dominique’s face, and she purred at him in her playful, tough girl accent, “Did Danny boy here actually lose his cherry out there in the woods today?” Dan’s face exploded so brightly into color that it was all the answer she needed, and she laughed again a bit more proudly this time, stepping forward to pull his trembling body against her, hugging him reassuringly. “Aww Danny! What a big day for you! You let Sasha inside of you, huh? Did you beg for it like a good boy first?”
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Dan whimpered, looking at Sasha, and wishing the ground would swallow him whole. But Sasha smiled back sweetly, and whispered, “Answer her Danny.” He nodded his head before lowering it in shame, and the girls broke out into another round of cheers, as Dominique hugged him with so much force that they fell back against the side of her pick up truck, her body pinning him against the metal.

“Oh, not only did he beg for it!” Ellie pitched in with a giggling voice as the team watching their coach press Dan against the truck, “You should have heard the noises he made, Coach! He was moaning in this slutty, high pitched voice, it was amazing! I swear to god, he sounded like ME in one of my videos!”

“Is that right?” Dominique breathed in her husky, Bronx accent, and wiggled more tightly against him. Her eyes were hungry as she stared at him, and she ground lightly against his body as she said in a loud voice to the team, “Ok girls, EXCELLENT work out there today, it sounds like you all bonded very well with the new mascot…”

Dan felt himself getting dizzy as he watched Dominique’s face flush, and her breath grow short. The gorgeous, Puerto Rican stripper was VISIBLY aroused at the news, and the way she pressed and ground against him made him feel like a trapped animal. Her beautiful brown eyes gleamed with excitement as she called out in a loud voice, “Now everybody go home, Coach wants to play with her toy, and reward him for FINALLY being so honest with himself! You can tell me all of your hunting stories tomorrow, while we’re teaching Dan his mascot routines for the big game. So be at my place bright and early…”
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Dominique grabbed the hair on the back of Dan’s head in her hand, and pulled his head to the left so that she could begin kissing hungrily up his neck. He watched, trapped beneath her, as the girls waved goodbye to him and began bouncing back to their cars. “Bye Danny!” giggled Emily, as she blew him a kiss over her shoulder, flouncing away, “I hope you and Coach have fun exploring tonight! Try to get some rest though, tomorrow’s going to be another BIG day!” He tried to respond, but Dominique’s warm, writhing body pressing against his own made his voice catch in his throat, and he wheezed as the team of adult actresses slowly began to disperse. Nervously, he watched as the ten girls got into their cars and pulled back out onto the dirt road, leaving him alone in the woods, the sun setting slowly against the horizon as Dominique ground against him.

As she nuzzled at his neck, Dominique pressed her hips against his, rolling them gently in arousal, and he felt his cock squeeze against his cage as he stammered out, “Dominique PLEASE…This cage is so tight…” Instead of causing her to consider mercy however, Dan’s words seemed to inflame Dominique further, and she moaned with pleasure as she pressed her soft, full lips against his, and her hand wiggled down towards his throbbing genitals.

“Oh Danny boy…” she growled in his ear, breathing hard, her legs wrapping around his body as she rested her weight entirely against him, pinning him against the truck, “I’m so proud of you baby…FINALLY admitting what you want…” She was grinding and sliding against him like an animal in heat, and Dan realized with a sudden shudder how TRULY aroused she was by this news. He had never seen her like this before unless Lexie’s face was stuffed between her legs, and he knew that if his hand had been allowed to slide into her panties right now, he would find that she was dripping wet.
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He moaned nervously as he felt her hands slide around his waist, and felt her splayed fingers began to playfully sink into each bare ass cheek, pulling them apart and exposing his anus to the cool open air. “Mmmmm, and now that you’ve admitted it, I can finally have some REAL fun with you…Do you want me to finger you baby? Do you want more of what Sasha gave you? Trixi told me that she’d never seen your arousal numbers that high, you must have been in HEAVEN, huh?”

He struggled to catch his breath as she attacked him, stammering as he sputtered out, “K-Dominique please…no more today, I…I can’t take it. I’ve been running for hours and I’m so tired…and having you inside me like that, it’s just so EMBARRASSING…” He groaned as she sunk her soft fingers more deeply into his buttocks, splaying his cheeks widely as she purred, “Awww, but Danny! I want to hear all the sexy noises you make when you’re being a little Butt Slut for me! The idea of you squealing and moaning for me while I fuck you sounds like SUCH a turn on…Don’t you want to show me the noises you made for Sasha?”

Desperately, he tried to clench his ass cheeks, to protect his helpless anus from her onslaught, but he was so tired and weak that she overpowered him easily, and he began to cry as his cock ached in its cage, “K-Dominique PLEASE…” he sputtered out, more desperately, “Please, can we just go home? I can’t take any more today, I need to rest…” Dominique was not usually any more merciful than the rest of the Tease Club girls, and he was fully prepared for his pleas to be ignored, but to his great surprise, Dominique let go of his ass and pulled away from him, a sudden look of disappointment in her eyes.
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“Really baby?” She said hopefully, batting her thick eyelashes at him as she brushed her curls out of her face, “You want me to stop? Are you SURE you don’t want any more?” She squeezed his buttocks again for emphasis, and he felt a hungry, horny voice in the back of his mind growing louder, desperate for her to continue the onslaught that Sasha had started, but he pushed it down forcefully.

He steeled himself for anger or punishment, and shook his head again, croaking out in a plaintive voice, “N-not tonight, Dominique…just…maybe you could take this cage off, and play with my cock instead?” He stared at her so hopefully as he asked that she laughed wildly, and after a moment or two, she calmed her self enough to shake her head “no” as she giggled, her curls bouncing cutely around her face as she did.

“Well then…” he started, blushing wildly, “can we just go back to your house? Please? So I can rest and recover?” Dominique stared at him just long enough to make him nervous, but finally she rolled her eyes, and sighed as she said, “Oh, all RIGHT, you big baby, I suppose we can always celebrate your newly shattered boundaries another time. You were a VERY good boy for all of my girls today, I suppose you earned it.” Then, so matter-of-factly that Dan could scarcely believe it was real, she turned around and began to pack up the truck, motioning for him to help.

As soon as they were packed, Dan climbed into the passenger seat, and Dominique began to drive back through the woods, along the small dirt road that led back to the highway. Dan was elated at the fact that Dominique actually seemed to be listening to him, and leaving him alone to recover.

However, it was less than five minutes into the drive when Dan realized that Dominique had absolutely no intention of leaving him to peace and quiet. As she drove slowly through the woods, she tapped a few buttons on her phone. At first, Dan assumed that she was checking her GPS, but after a few seconds, he gasped as he felt the familiar vibrating hum of his Control Ring against the base of his cock. And while the buzzing was familiar, the vibrations combined with his horrendous cock cage were not. He tried to stifle a moan as his cock pulsed inside the cage, and pulled at it uncomfortably.
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“No touching your naughty cock in my truck, Danny” Dominique purred, not looking away from the road, “You stop playing with yourself right this second.” However, other than those words, Dominique made no acknowledgement of what was happening to him. He forced his hands to his sides and panted heavily as he struggled to exert self control. But after he twitched and whimpered, mostly in silence, for almost five minutes, Dominique tapped her phone again, and he felt the vibrations double in intensity.

He gasped, and humped wildly forward, struggling not to grab at himself again, and Dominique giggled as she said, almost offhandedly, “It’s too bad you’re feeling too tired to play baby…You look SO frustrated right now…” She didn’t look away from the road as she drove, but her East Coast accent slowly took on a sly, gleeful tone as she continued, “Of course, even though you’re not allowed to touch that naughty cock, there is something ELSE that I might let you play with if you really beg me. I might even be really nice and turn off that vibrating cock ring while you do…Or if you’d prefer, I can just turn up the vibrations on your Control Ring a little more…”

Dan squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, feeling himself begin to hyperventilate as his body realized that the games for the evening weren’t over yet. And his cheeks blushed at how quickly he began to beg, to plead with hungry desperation, as he hissed, “OH GOD Dominique, please don’t turn it up any more…” His face burned hotly as he forced out the next words, “M-may I play with my asshole? Please? May I finger myself for you?”

Dominique smiled broadly, equal parts proud and aroused to hear him begging her like this, and after letting him babble for a moment, she motioned for him to be quiet and purred in a husky voice, “No more fingering tonight baby, I already promised. But open up the glove box, Danny. Show me what you find in there.” Dan did so with trembling fingers, and moaned as he saw what was inside. Lying there was a sex toy model that Dan had seen every one of the Cockteasers use to pleasure themselves in their videos, over the last two weeks. It was a huge Hitachi wand vibrator, its eight inch length covered with customizable vibration buttons and a thick, white, vibrating sphere at its tip that was almost the size of a tennis ball.
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“Seeing as you begged me so well, we’re going to play a game on the ride home…” Dominique breathed, her voice thick with arousal, “Do you want to play a game with me, Danny?.” As he stared at her, she slid a hand behind her back and sensuously pulled loose the bow holding her bikini top together, and she almost moaned, “Well Danny? Yes or no?” He almost drooled as he nodded, hypnotized, and she giggled, “ Good BOY! Well, if you don’t want to be punished anymore tonight, you’re going to follow all of the rules to my game…” As Dan watched, the vibrations against his Control Ring still attacking him, Dominique used one hand to remove her bikini top, and begin playing with her erect, dark nipples, still not looking away from the road as she breathed, “Now pick up that vibrator and turn it on.”

He obeyed immediately, and watched with wide eyes as the thick sphere at the tip began vibrating and pulsing intensely in his shaking hands. He felt dizzy as he watched her grope and fondle in arousal at herself, and she panted a bit as she continued, “There’s only three rules to my game tonight, ok? Number one, you are ONLY allowed to start and stop using that buzzing beauty when I give you permission. If you press it against yourself or pull it away without asking me first, you will be in BIG trouble when we get home.”

He stared with confusing hunger at the pulsating white sphere at the end of the Hitachi want, and she continued, as if this was the most normal drive in the world, “Number two, while we play, you have to keep me posted on EXACTLY how turned on you are, on a scale of one to five.” She giggled as she added, “One meaning just starting to feel horny, and five being moments away from cumming in your pants.”

But it was the final rule that filled him with real dread. As she drove along slowly, calmly keeping her eyes on the road, she smiled sweetly as she said, “And number three, since I didn’t get to hear all of my lucky guy’s horny high pitched moaning today, I want you to show me what I missed…Anytime you moan, or whimper, or gasp or beg for the entire drive back, I want you to do it in the sexiest, sluttiest, highest pitched, GIRLIEST voice that you possibly can for me, okay? No exceptions.”
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Dan looked at her in horror, and stammered out, “W-what? Dominique, no! Please don’t make me do that!” But the instant he did, she pressed a button on her phone screen, and the vibrating of the Control Ring doubled, making him squirm and whimper in pain. “That’s your only warning Danny: if you try to argue with me again, I’m going to make sure the games keep on coming when we get home. I’ve got LOTS of ideas…so trust me when I saw that we can go all night if you don’t want to follow the rules. But if you want that quiet night that you were begging me for, I better not hear anything other than girly gasps or a slutty, high pitched moans out of you for the rest of the drive.”

Just as she finished, Dan saw them emerging from the long, dirt road through the woods, and towards the long, highway drive home. Dominique slowed to a stop just before she pulled onto the highway, and looked at Dan, licking her soft lips as she whispered, “So, are you ready to play my game, baby?” Dan nodded, feeling light headed as he realized how little choice he had, and he writhed in humiliation and uncomfortable arousal. Dominique smiled beautifully, pleased with his helpless confusion, and purred, “Where are you right now, baby? Scale of one to five?” Dan felt his cock struggling painfully in his cage as he stared desperately at Dominique’s coppery, topless, tight body, and he whimpered in a humiliating, girly squeak, “A-a three, Dominique…”

Dominique giggled at that, and began to pull onto the highway as she said, in a playful voice, “What a sexy girl you make, baby! And do you want to use my naughty toy on your tight little asshole for me? Or should I turn up the Control Ring again?” Dan shook his head wildly, writhing at the constant, pulsing sensations of the Control Ring against him, and hissed out, “Pleeeeeasssse…” Dominique smiled proudly, her beautiful eyes glittering as she said, “Okay then baby, go ahead…but remember what I said, you need my permission anytime you start or STOP using it…and you need to say the number out loud any time you get closer to or farther away from cumming…”
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Dan slid the vibrating wand between his thighs and past his scrotum, and nearly squealed in pleasure as he felt the insistent buzzing against his taint. The instant he did, he saw Dominique hit another series of buttons on her phone, and the Control Ring stopped its relentless onslaught, replaced instead by the new buzzing against his prostate. He let out a soft, gasping moan that came out of him much too easily, and slid the toy farther back, pushing apart his ass cheeks as the spherical head began to tease at his anus.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was desperate for stimulation, and he let out a guttural, breathy squeal as the toy made contact, wracking his entire body with pleasure. Within a minute, he felt his body rocketing skyward as the vibrator pulsed against him, and he squeaked out, in a humiliating girlish falsetto, between halting gasps for air, “Ungh…F-Four Dominique…O-oh jesus, can I stop using the toy for just a minute? Please, I’m getting close…”

Dominique giggled again, not taking her eyes of the road as she said gleefully, “Not yet baby…Keep that naughty vibrator right where it is…” and listened to his gasps and moans as he held the toy obediently against himself. “You know, Danny,” she said softly as she began to expertly shimmy out of her tiny, tight jean shorts, “I used that big, kinky wand to make Lexie cum all over the backseat of my truck less than three days ago…”
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Soon she was driving in nothing but a pair of her signature, teal, satin thong panties, and she arched her back for his benefit as she continued, showing off her tight, bronzed body in the silvery moonlight, “How does that make you feel baby? Using the same naughty sex toy that made my Lexie’s gorgeous, juicy pussy gush? Pressing it up against your own pretty little hole, and thinking about her juices dripping ALL over it?”

Dan was hyperventilating now, and felt his body break out in a familiar sheen of sweat. His mind was flooding with images of Lexie’s curvaceous, pale and freckled body, her stunning red hair, her deep green eyes, as she rocked and moaned against the toy pressed between his legs. “F-f-five…” he stammered, feeling the toy relentlessly stimulating his prostate, “Dominique please let me stop…” He squirmed in his seat, feeling his cock swell painfully against its cage, and his eyes grew wide as he tried to hold himself back from cumming . “I can feel myself starting to tip over…” he moaned, his voice cracking in panic, “Please I HAVE to stop…”

But as he stared at her, desperate for permission and clenching every muscle in his body, he watched her drop one hand from the steering wheel, and let it slide down her taut stomach, until it settled between her thick thighs. “You know…” she giggled in her heavy, tough girl accent, as she began to stroke her fingertips gently against the front of her satin panties, “I think I’m going to start calling you ‘Danni’ whenever you’re playing with your pretty little hole and moaning like this for me. You know, with an ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’? I know it’ll sound the same to every one else, but you and I will know EXACTLY what it means…huh Danni? It means that we BOTH know who’s in charge here…who does the giving…and who does the taking…”
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Dan moaned louder as he struggled to hold back a confused sob, equally humiliated by the things she was saying and the inescapable anal stimulation that was threatening to make him explode. He tried to think of anything other than Dominique’s delectable body on the seat next to him, or Lexie’s glorious, lingering scent against the toy tormenting him, desperately trying to keep himself from tipping over…until Dominique finally called out, “Alright baby, time for a break.” Dan pulled the toy away from himself with relief, his body collapsing back into his seat as he let himself go limp, gasping for air. And as he lay there,, dripping with sweat and precum, she whispered as she stared ahead at the dark highway, “Don’t forget Danny, tell me when you fall down on the scale too…and don’t even think about lying to me…”

In his utter exhaustion, he felt himself falling back to a four within a minute, and said so with an embarrassing, girly voice. Dominique didn’t even respond, and continued to drive down the long, open road with a slight smile on her face. When he reached three, he steeled himself for something, but Dominique again completely ignored him, and he gulped as he felt his body finally starting to calm down. But when he reached two, his eyes welled up with tears as he watched her reach for her phone to turn the Control Ring vibrations back on.

He felt his sanity slipping away as the cage began buzzing painfully against his imprisoned cock once more, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks as he wheezed, trying to keep his voice high pitched to avoid punishment, “Dominique…no more, please turn it off…GOD, I-I told you how exhausting today was, I can’t take any more of this…”

He tried to keep the mewling whine out of his voice, and failed spectacularly. Dominique, apparently completely unimpressed with his pleading, increased the vibrations against his caged cock as she said, “Don’t worry baby, I promise I’ll stop playing with you as soon as we get home…I think we’ll be there in about an hour. But in the meantime, you know the rules…” He watched as she began to press and swirl her fingertips more vigorously against the front of her panties, as she added, “The rules are: I only stop the Control Ring while you play with that naughty hole of yours…and you only get to play with yourself when I give you permission. So start begging baby…and if you make yourself sound slutty enough for me, I might just say yes…”
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Dan held out for less than two minutes before he was howling and pleading for her to let him use the toy again. But this time, she responded by increasing the vibrations of the ring again, as she whispered in a husky voice, growing thick with arousal, “You can beg better than that, Butt Slut…” His voice grew cracked and desperate, and he began to sob as he promised her anything he could think of while his caged cock pulsated painfully between his legs. And all the while, Dominique drove along the empty nighttime highway, playing with her moist slit, wearing nothing but her panties as she listened to him suffer.

After almost five minutes of his shrieking, moaning, high pitched and desperate begging, Dominique purred in a voice dripping with sex, “Go ahead Danni. But this time, put your heels up on the dashboard and spread your knees before you start, like a good slut. Make sure you can really GET IN there, you know baby?” She giggled as she watched him obediently struggle into position, and she said gleefully, “And don’t forget to tell me how close you are to cumming! Scale of one to five, baby…”

The instant he pressed the pulsating, huge toy against his anus again, he felt the vibrations of the Control Ring cease immediately again, and he moaned in uncontrolled arousal as the toy sent waves of embarrassing pleasure through him. And as he squealed out the words, “T-th-three, Dominique…” through gritted teeth, the cycle began again.

Dominique put him through this maddening game for the entire drive home, making him beg to start and beg to stop, over and over and over. After the third round of this, Dominique began taking the Hitachi wand from Dan anytime she finally allowed him to stop, using it on herself while he tried and failed not to watch. And as she slowly began increasing the Control Ring vibrations, making him beg harder and harder to have the wand back, Dominique would moan as she slid the pulsating sphere against her soaked panties and teased at her clitoris through the fabric.
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Soon, the wand was dripping with her juices each time she handed it back to him, and he could feel her glistening wetness on the toy coating his ass cheeks and inner thighs as he pushed its spherical head against himself. He grew so turned on that a constant, clear stream of precum began dripping from the end of the cock cage, dribbling down his scrotum to mix with the wetness between his legs. Soon, his thighs, buttocks, anus, and taint were dripping with a combination of their juices, and the toy squelched loudly against his trembling, hairless flesh as he spread his feet on the dash and moaned like a pornstar.

The entire drive Dominique forced him to keep up this humiliating, feminine, sensual voice, and he was horrified to find that it grew less and less necessary to remind himself to do it as the drive went on. The desperate, hungry moans that burst out of him seemed to become more natural the harder she teased him, and soon he was whimpering and squealing as erotically as the porn stars he had been pursued by all day long. “Wow!” Dominique laughed, utterly delighted with how well he was able to do this, “You really ARE starting to sound like Lexie now! Keep going, Danni girl, this is hot! And start stroking your body and pinching your nipples for me with your other hand, ok?”

During all of this, Dan was losing his mind, overwhelmed with conflicting and alternating floods of embarrassment (at the increasingly feminine and sensual ways she made him act and speak as she tortured him) and arousal (as the dripping, pulsating hitachi was pushed deeply between his spread and trembling thighs again and again and again).

Every few minutes, Dominique offered another breathy instruction for Dan to act more like a horny, desperate bimbo, and each time Dan’s breath grew quicker as he obeyed, terrified of her wrath. “Wriggle your hips while you play with yourself Danni girl…”, she would coo, or “Arch your back and pinch your nipples now, Butt Slut…” The entire drive he did exactly as she instructed, running his hands softly and slowly up and down his body as his Control Ring tortured him whenever she took the toy again to play with herself.
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He was so completely overwhelmed with arousal that he couldn’t quite process the confusion of how this constant performance of feminine sexuality made him feel. His mind swirled so much that it began to grow foggy, and he felt himself losing control, squealing and squeaking out numbers in his moaning, girlish voice, one after another as she brought him to the edge and back. Soon, he was gasping nearly constantly as he rolled his hips in time with the pulsing stimulation of the vibrator against his anus.

Dominique brought herself to one shuddering orgasm after another while he performed, helpless to fight back, and he sobbed as she repeated the cycle without mercy as she drove excruciatingly slowly down the dark, empty highway. By the time they had pulled back up to the Buena Vista, Dan was beyond exhaustion, trembling with need, and almost comatose with frustrated arousal.

He had grown more and more terrified for the last third of the drive by the idea that Dominique’s torturous games might continue when they returned home no matter what she had promised, but true to her word, Dominique turned off the Control Ring vibrations and the Hitachi wand as soon as they pulled into the parking lot. “C’mon baby, game’s over.” she said with a stunning smile as she pulled her clothes back on before getting out of the truck, “Let’s get your poor tired body out of that naughty Exoskeleton…I bet you’re ready for bed, huh?”
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He was so relieved by these words that he almost didn’t care that she allowed herself to get dressed before she got out of the truck, but made him walk back wearing nothing but the same Exoskeleton, cock cage, and bunny ears combination that he had been wearing all day. And as she led him upstairs to the guest room and began to slowly remove the Exoskeleton from his body one strap at a time, he suddenly realized how much his body needed sleep. Every muscle was sore, loose, tired.

Sitting him down on the couch, Dominique unbuckled the bands of the Exoskeleton from the Control Ring and removed his ridiculous bunny ears. Each released snap allowed him to relax more, and he felt himself already growing sleepy, yawning as she slid the bands slowly off of him. But as he waited in anticipation for her to FINALLY let him out of this horrifying cage, Dominique simply stood up and walked towards the door, calling back “Goodnight baby! Sleep tight!” in a matter-of-fact, business-like voice. Before he could react, she had left, clicking the lock behind her, with him still locked inside of his tight, hot pink, plastic cage.

Dan suddenly realized, for the first time, that it was a real possibility that he would have to spend the night in this thing, and he felt panic overtake him. He ran to the door and grabbed at the knob, his heart thundering in his chest. He was locked in, and reason fell away as he slammed his fist against the door in frustration. Suddenly pounding his fist powerfully against the door, he howled out in a deep, angry voice, “NO! Dammit Dominique, take this fucking thing off of me! You can’t leave me trapped in this goddamed torture device all night, I won’t allow it!”

He breathed heavily against the door in silence for a few seconds, wondering what he was going to do and trying not to cry, but then his stomach plummeted as he heard the click of the lock once more. He watched nervously as the door swung back open, to reveal Dominique standing in the hallway. Her arms were on her hips, and she was looking very sternly at him. She stared into his eyes, one eyebrow arched, supremely confident as she whispered, “I’m sorry Danny, I don’t think I heard you correctly. Did you just say that you won’t…ALLOW me to do something?”
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Dan took a step back, suddenly at a loss for words as he tried to find some excuse, some apology that would protect him. He seemed to shrink in front of her, his sudden burst of self important outrage fading as quickly as it had arisen, and whined desperately, “B-But Dominique! You can’t expect me to wear this anymore! You TOLD me that you would take off the Exoskeleton when we got back…”

Dominique crossed her arms, and looked at him coldly as she responded in a tight, tense voice, “And I DID Danny. That naughty cage on your cock isn’t part of the Exoskeleton. Are you calling me a liar, slave boy?” He stuttered, suddenly aware of how much danger he was in, but he couldn’t find the words to fix anything, Dominique said in a quiet tone, “I think you need to be reminded of what happens to naughty boys who don’t listen to their owners. Get down on your hands and knees right now, Danny.”

Dan felt his hope of a quiet night of rest began to fade away, and he blabbered out an apology as he fell obediently to his hands and knees, but he grew immediately silent as Dominique snapped her fingers in his face, shushing him like a dog. As he knelt, trembling and watching her with fear in his eyes, she began to walk over to the display cases positioned against the far wall. “Don’t you remember what I do to naughty boys when they need to be punished?” She giggled as she opened one of the display cases, and pulled out the familiar, huge, hot pink “Butt Slut” butt plug that he had been subjected to for so long, and continued, “I’d be REALLY surprised if you forgot already…after all, it’s only been two days…”
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She dangled the toy in his face, giggling as he moaned, before grabbing a small tube of clear fluid from on top of the display case and strutting behind him. Dan felt a thick glob of cool lubricant drip between his buttocks, and moaned as he felt Dominique press the edge of the toy against his anus. “Spread those cheeks for me, baby…” Dominique breathed as she began to slowly work the toy into him, “And don’t forget, YOU don’t allow ME to do anything…I’M in charge here…I’m in charge of your body, your cock, your precious cummies…and YOU are powerless, helpless, a slave to my every desire…”

Dan gasped as each new ridge penetrated him, and felt himself shudder as his body accepted the toy with hungry relief. He remembered feeling like he had missed it inside of him several times today, out there in the woods, and had pushed the thoughts aside. But now that it was actually reentering him, he couldn’t deny how comfortable and familiar it suddenly felt to be filled and stretched like this again. Her husky, east coast lilt filled his swirling mind as she pushed the final ridge into him, and he whimpered as he felt his sphincter try to close against the step that extruded from his anus. Then, so suddenly that it took him a moment to understand what was happening, he collapsed to the floor as the butt plug began to suddenly vibrate inside of him.

Dominique giggled as she walked out the door, calling back, “Don’t worry baby, I left the buzzing low enough that you won’t have any accidents tonight. But let this be a reminder of who’s in charge here! Don’t you EVER tell me what I can and can’t do!” As the door swung shut, with her in the hallway, she turned to look back at him and blew him a kiss, winking. And as it closed and latched, Dominique clicked the lock as she trapped him inside.
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Trembling, trying not to cry, and writhing from the constant, sensual irritations against his prostate, Dan collapsed into the couch, cursing his own stupidity. No matter how many times he was pushed to the edge of reason, he couldn’t seem to learn that yelling, accusing, and demanding would get him nowhere with these women. He moaned out in a soft, lilting voice as the toy began pulsating much more strongly for just a moment, and he blushed wildly as the vibrations fell back to a manageable level, suddenly mortified at what he had just done. “God, why did I just make that noise?” he thought weakly, as he trembled on the couch, naked except for his cock cage, “That sounded like the slutty moaning Dominique made me do in the car! It just came out of me! And -t…it felt SO natural…jesus, what’s happening to me?”

He felt another, stronger wave of vibration pulse from between his buttocks, and he bit his lip as he stifled another, slutty, girly moan. He suddenly realized that in his arousal, he was almost unconsciously sliding his hands softly up his smooth, soft torso to play with his nipples, and grunted as he forced himself to stop. He tried to relax his body, to push those terrifying thoughts away, to ignore the inescapable stimulation coming from his puckering sphincter, but when that didn’t work, he suddenly found his thoughts drifting to the Sunday Hearing prize that the Cockteasers had kept hinting at.

“Every single one of them…” He thought to himself hungrily, picturing each of the nubile porn stars individually in his mind’s eye, “If I pass, I’ll get to fuck every single one of them…I just need to make it through one more day of this…” He pictured himself bending Emily over and slamming his hips against her round bottom, watching it jiggle as he rammed deeply into her over and over. He pictured himself pulling at Raquel’s pigtails, and thrusting his throbbing cock down her wet, open throat as she stared up at him with wide, dark eyes. He imagined burying his face in Erica’s perky breasts, groping hungrily at her round ass as she wrapped her heels around his back and bounced on his thick shaft. And, despite the dull pain that they caused in his helpless, caged cock, the images soothed some part of him enough that he felt himself begin to drift off to sleep, despite the constant sensations inside of him.

And as he began to fade away into a night of endless, confusing sexual dreams about each and every member of the team of relentless, bratty, volleyball girls, the lights from Dominique’s display cases of strap ons, dildos, and butt plugs shone brightly on his trembling, twitching body, gleaming off of the hot pink plastic of his chastity cage.

To be Continued…

Re: Dan's New Life 04: Team Building Exercises

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:57 pm
by CagedAnimal
Another AMAZING story!!!

Re: Dan's New Life 04: Team Building Exercises

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:24 pm
by KittyZateez
Ditto to what CagedAnimal said...I found this story to be incredibly erotic and exciting, so much so that I was pleasantly shocked ("shocked", get it?) at how much it turned me ON!

At the risk of a spoiler alert, there was just something about the Rabbit Hunt, with a gang of pornstar CockTeasers tracking down a mostly naked, bunny-ear attired submissive male Bunny Rabbit, pairs of them capturing him with ease and taking turns competing to see who can arouse him the most...all of it was unbelievably clever, intensely elaborate and vividly described.

I am once again very impressed with the level of detail that you have thought up for these stories and must issue my most sincere compliments on such erotic FemDom-inspired work!

Kitty :love: :love: :love: