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[EOS/CODE] Eos text styling in variables/evals

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:47 pm
by fapnip
When using text from variables in Eos' Say actions, sometimes you want to dynamically add style to that text (bold, color, etc.)

To do that, you need to embed html (Eos supports a very limited subset of html), like <b>My Bold Text</b>, or <span style="color: hotpink;">My Pink Text</style>, in your string.

Sometimes that can get a bit cumbersome.

To help with that, here are some add-on functions you can put in your tease's Init Script to hopefully make building styled string variables a little easier:

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// Add style functions to String
// See:
String.prototype.color = function (color) {
  return '<span style="color:' +color+ ';">' + this + '</span>'

String.prototype.colorShift = function(rgb1, rgb2) {
  var result = ''
  var s = this
  function _gp(s, e, p) {
    var d = e - s
    return Math.floor(s + (d * p))
  for (var i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) {
    var p = i / l
    var r = _gp(rgb1[0], rgb2[0], p)
    var g = _gp(rgb1[1], rgb2[1], p)
    var b = _gp(rgb1[2], rgb2[2], p)
    result += s[i].color('rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+')')
  return result

String.prototype.fadeOut = function(rgb, a) {
  a = a || 0
  var result = ''
  var s = this
  function _gp(s, e, p) {
    var d = e - s
    return Math.round((s + (d * p)) * 1000) / 1000
  for (var i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) {
    var o = _gp(1, a, i / l)
    result += s[i].color('rgba('+rgb[0]+','+rgb[1]+','+rgb[2]+','+o+')')
  return result

String.prototype.fadeIn = function(rgb, a) {
  a = a || 1
  var result = ''
  var s = this
  function _gp(s, e, p) {
    var d = e - s
    return Math.round((s + (d * p)) * 1000) / 1000
  for (var i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) {
    var o = _gp(0, a, i / l)
    result += s[i].color('rgba('+rgb[0]+','+rgb[1]+','+rgb[2]+','+o+')')
  return result

String.prototype.size = function (size) {
  var sz = isNaN(size) ? size : size + 'em';
  return '<span style="font-size:' + sz + ';">' + this + '</span>'

String.prototype.spacing = function (spacing) {
  var sp = isNaN(spacing) ? spacing : spacing + 'em';
  return '<span style="letter-spacing:' + sp + ';">' + this + '</span>'
} = function (style, clazz) {
  style = style ? ' style="' + style + '"' : ''
  clazz = clazz ? ' class="' + clazz + '"' : ''
  return '<span' + clazz + style + '>' + this + '</span>'

String.prototype.bold = function () {
  return '<b>' + this + '</b>'

String.prototype.italic = function () {
  return '<i>' + this + '</i>'

String.prototype.underline = function () {
  return '<u>' + this + '</u>'

String.prototype.p = function (style) {
  style = style ? ' style="' + style + '"' : ''
  return this + '</p><p' + style + '>'
} = function () {
  return this + '<br>'
Or, minified:

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// Add style functions to String
// See:
String.prototype.color=function(t){return'<span style="color:'+t+';">'+this+"</span>"},String.prototype.colorShift=function(t,r){var n="";function o(t,r,n){var o=r-t;return Math.floor(t+o*n)}for(var i=0,e=this.length;i<e;i++){var p=i/e,s=o(t[0],r[0],p),u=o(t[1],r[1],p),a=o(t[2],r[2],p);n+=this[i].color("rgb("+s+","+u+","+a+")")}return n},String.prototype.fadeOut=function(t,r){r=r||0;var n="";function o(t,r,n){var o=r-t;return Math.round(1e3*(t+o*n))/1e3}for(var i=0,e=this.length;i<e;i++){var p=o(1,r,i/e);n+=this[i].color("rgba("+t[0]+","+t[1]+","+t[2]+","+p+")")}return n},String.prototype.fadeIn=function(t,r){r=r||1;var n="";function o(t,r,n){var o=r-t;return Math.round(1e3*(t+o*n))/1e3}for(var i=0,e=this.length;i<e;i++){var p=o(0,r,i/e);n+=this[i].color("rgba("+t[0]+","+t[1]+","+t[2]+","+p+")")}return n},String.prototype.size=function(t){return'<span style="font-size:'+(isNaN(t)?t:t+"em")+';">'+this+"</span>"},String.prototype.spacing=function(t){return'<span style="letter-spacing:'+(isNaN(t)?t:t+"em")+';">'+this+"</span>"},,r){return"<span"+(r=r?' class="'+r+'"':"")+(t=t?' style="'+t+'"':"")+">"+this+"</span>"},String.prototype.bold=function(){return"<b>"+this+"</b>"},String.prototype.italic=function(){return"<i>"+this+"</i>"},String.prototype.underline=function(){return"<u>"+this+"</u>"},String.prototype.p=function(t){return this+"</p><p"+(t=t?' style="'+t+'"':"")+">"},{return this+"<br>"};
Example use:

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// Create a string variable that will be bold, italic, with color of 'hotpink' 
var myText = "My Bold, Italic, hot pink text".bold().italic().color('hotpink')

// Add another paragraph to that variable
myText = myText.p() + "My Really Big Green Text".color('#75DF7F').size(1.5)

// Create another string variable, with styled text in the middle.
var anotherThing = "It's easy to put " + "styled text".bold().color('yellow') + " right in the middle of a string."
Example tease: ... 959afb532f
Example JSON (Right-click, save-link-as, "Restore" into new tease): ... 959afb532f

All style methods:

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// Set color
var myString = "My String".color([html color code]) // See:
                                             //  and
                                             //  and
// Set size
var myString = "My String".size([decimal size, 1 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%])

// Set letter spacing
var myString = "My String".spacing([decimal size, like 0.2, or 'normal'])

// Set italic
var myString = "My String".italic()

// Set bold
var myString = "My String".bold()

// Set underline
var myString = "My String".underline()

// Add line break
var myString = "My String".br() // Add line break

// Start a new paragraph
var myString = "My String".p() + "My Next Paragraph"
//     You can combine styles:
var myString = "My String".bold().italic().size(1.2).color('hotpink')
For html colors, see:

Note: If you find this helpful, please let me know. Feedback, or lack thereof, tells me if it's worth taking time to share this kind of thing in the future, or if I'm just posting into the ether.

Re: Eos text styling in variables/evals

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:27 am
by Xardas
I'm like two weeks late, but as someone who never learned any coding and now is trying to figure out how to make EOS work, this was immensely helpful, so thank you!

Re: Eos text styling in variables/evals

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:26 pm
by fapnip
Xardas wrote: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:27 am I'm like two weeks late, but as someone who never learned any coding and now is trying to figure out how to make EOS work, this was immensely helpful
I'm almost 3 months late, but thanks!

I don't take donations or do things like Patreon, so feedback like yours is really the only read I have on whether or not I'm wasting my time.