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jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:52 pm
by krishpants
So thanks for all your support on the other thread.

I have just pushed up version 2 of my game which now allows you to create customer loops and add community ones to your game.

The game will then randomise them into a sequence for you to stroke through.

The game pretty much runs in a basic sense and I hope to have a final few things added by the end of the week.

I have left the old game up as well in case anyone was enjoying it.

Any feedback on the new concept would be great.

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:03 pm
by YamiLoli
What I liked about the v1 game is that I didn't know what loops I will get (even if there were not many of them). V2 however kinda lacks this feature(not completely of course). So I think you might need to add a "choose random loops" button in the future when there will be more custom loops so that the player will have less control over what loops will be in the game. This will make the game less predictable, thus more exciting and enjoyable. But custom loops, in such case, will need tags.

As of right now, I'd like to recommend two new things. First, the ability to test your loops without actually starting a game. Second, the ability to edit them. But I guess these are pretty much obvious :P

I like this new concept, so, please, keep developing it.

I have a few more ideas of new features for this concept that you can implement in the future. I can write them down here in the comments if you'd like, although I guess for now it's better if you focus on the basic features

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:34 pm
by krishpants
Hey, thanks for the feed back to answer 1...or both of your question:

My idea for the actual user flow actually is to create loop bundles rather than having just one list per player.

So for instance you can make one called 'Dildo fucking only' and another called 'Edge Instructions by Boss'.

And then you could start just that collection but you can have as many as you like.

Then it would be much easier to grab a whole collection from another user without having to read all the specifics and spoil the mystery (which is why I put that text blur on)

(Also you can make your own loops that only appear in different games rather than having to include your whole list)

Also tagging I want to have, so you can just make a game from ALL tags : 'GAY','Ball Busting' and have a super random game.

But of course this massively depends on the volume of loops people create.

For sure, edit will be needed also like the idea to pretest the loop. - I think the way I would like to have this is if the create window form was actually the game bars that you could see.

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:45 pm
by qatguy
Version 2, needs sound.

Thank you.

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:02 am
by bobhill
This looks fun!

Can you add an option to add photos? At a minimum, random photos from a user-specified directory?

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:22 pm
by krishpants
OK so I have now added collections as a feature, you can now make loops and add them to different games rather than just having to play all of them, next I will add a page for browsing other peoples collections and playing those.

Unfortunately I am not sure how to incorporate photos at the moment, I can't actually host them at the moment cost wise and the browser as far as I am aware cant feed directly off your computer.

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:37 pm
by clayk0
for photos, the player can just hit in a new browser-window and put them side by side with jrk-it. It's not worth programming photos/vids at the moment.

i really like your website. It's like jerk instructor is coming back, fresh and new.
i hope you'll continue to improve your project for a long time

Ps: you definitely need a cruel parameter - "how cruel shall this program be to you" ;)

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:52 pm
by clayk0
also for deciding what i have to watch on scrolller i created a wheel :)


Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:08 pm
by krishpants
Ahh yea I would agree photos adds a whole new area of need for the app.

I am going to add a new loop type called "punishments" actually, to be triggered on "I failed" a button which can appear on TASK Edge and Ruined loops.

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:10 pm
by krishpants
Also, omg scroller is great!

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:06 pm
by janmb
I might just be a bit dense tonight, but after creating a few loops, and creating a collection or two, I cannot seem to find a way to add my loops to the various collections I might want to use them in.

I'm also not seeing where I choose which collection I want to base my game on. It defaults to "All favorites" and I can't seem to find where to change that.

Edit: nm, found the adding of loops to collections on the browse page.

Another issue: Sound is missing

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:40 pm
by krishpants
Yea i thought that might be a bit counter intuitive! I wasn't sure how to set it up. Maybe I should just write it somewhere until people get the hang of it.

So about sound... I had a lot of feed back that my implementation of sound was very buggy in V1 of the game so I need to spend a bit of time working that out.

See i didn't realise that the javascript timings actually stop working properly when the browser window is out of focus so I need to improve my method for sound as presumable most people want that when they are looking away from the main game.

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:48 pm
by krishpants
Actually, I have put in the old implementation of sound from V1 just for now!

Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:36 pm
by qatguy


Re: jrk-it Version 2

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:25 am
by krishpants
Any better UI designers out there... I would love some feedback on how to make the loop browser more user friendly.