Links to Special Game Content
The 1000th Reply Celebration Game and its
Finale - by Helequin
Heather's 4 Floor Challenge - by Zerg
Sets made for Everyone to play with any rule set
There have become too many to track and keep up with the status of. There is a list in the spoiler below, but I've started trying to tag any set made for everyone with #everyoneset as a keyword. So use the thread search for '#everyoneset' and it should help you find some content to play!
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These are listed from newest to oldest with author and very short description. You may encounter broken image links if the hosts have moved or disappeared, but there's no way to fix that. Links may also be slightly broken if people have deleted posts since I included the link:
Helequin - It's Summer!
Dix - Monday Blues
Ecik17 - More for No Nut November
Dix - No Nut November begins!
Roundhound - Randomized Rules
Helequin - Who is your favourite?
Helequin - How do you like our rides?
Helequin - Want to play by my rules?
Helequin - Mother's Day!
Helequin -
What does this make you want to do?
Helequin - 4 day Easter Weekend Set! And the Conclusion. And then the follow up!
Helequin - A prediction/guessing game
Binny - They really love to tease...
Helequin - Playing with random chance.
Helequin - Boots vs Platforms! Please note the promised reward table at the end may not work as players have moved on or changed.
Helequin - Gathering Points Please not that the reward table for the points is out of date now and may not apply.
otrsan - A general tease for everyone
Roundhound - Vanilla and some Kink
Helequin - Experiencing my rules
Helequin - A welcome back
Helequin - Valentine's!
Roundhound - Simply teasing
Helequin - Curated Chance
Roundhound - BDSM and Trans
Roundhound - Riding that edge!
Roundhound - The start of an idea.
Popular Locations!
These fantasy locations have become popular, loved settings in this game for set making and story telling. Feel free to use these places with your own ideas!
Lust BnB
And HMC House!
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The lust bed and breakfast (bnb) is located in a beautiful location in the countryside, and is focused on bringing sexual pleasure to guests through themed packages. popular packages include ballbusting, cuckold, feet, and bdsm, but The lust BnB can accommodate any kink and desire! Feel like being endlessly pleasured and denied? Or want to serve a mistress in a dark basement? Or want to try out a new kink? The lust BnB may be the place for you! In addition, The lust BnB’s new owner, Nancy Ace, is dedicated to making the lust BnB the best BnB in the world, is always looking for an extra pair or hands to help satisfy demanding guests! Because she works so much, she doesn’t have time to join any other groups or drama, and keeps the BnB focused on one thing: pleasure for its guests!
Take a tour of the lust BnB: Ecik17 wrote: ↑Mon Jun 06, 2022 2:10 am
HMC House (or Help Me Cum House) is a new (2023) addition to the B&B. The House is a mansion with many rooms set on large grounds that can provide almost any setting. The entire House, inside and out, is covered by cameras, speakers and microphones. This means Dommes can always see/hear what is going on, save and play back recordings or call any room and speak to whoever is inside. The House also has a dedicated photo studio room and even a set up for AI image generation, manipulation and remastering.
When in HMC House, your preferences for the B&B (who you're into) and your HMC game rules are active at all times! Anyone you come across who matches your preferences can play with you or give commands. You can only play when and how they say and of course orgasms are only allowed with permission! Being in the house is like playing this game constantly until you step back out. Of course for switches, this works both ways (Switches can take control of any submissive matches, but can be taken control by any dominant matches).
Intro to HMC House: viewtopic.php?p=340645#p340645
Edge institute:
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The experimental department of genital engorgement (known As the edge institute) is located in a high rise building in the center of a major city. The edge institute is focused on highly experimental rules, and is staffed by experienced scientists who are looking for willing subjects to be tested on in their labs. The scientists within are very smart, and have been known to focus on things as complex as time travel, alternate universes…switching rules, or as simple as counting edges and pushing limits in the name of science. Want to see how many edges you can do? Got a new toy? Want to test a response to a certain set of stimulus? An edge institute scientist can help! Due to a previous serious accident, the edge institute has one rule: no orgasms are allowed within the property of the institute, and are strictly forbidden.
Take a tour or the edge institute:
Ecik17 wrote: ↑Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:54 pm
Useful Info
Helpful tips
- When writing a set it is very useful to do so in a word processor (e.g. Word, Google Doc) so that it saves! Sets can be a lot of work, and losing it to a computer crash or power outage sucks!
- If you have a rule which uses a running tally, (e.g. Every 50th cumshot I will cum) you may want to update the count each time you re-post your rules so everyone knows where you are at.
- Posting the date of your last ruin and/or full release as part of your rules might help people create sets for you.
- If you have a number of toys available in your rules, it can be helpful to know if they are always ready or if you need a bit of warning before getting them. Some players really like to be surprised with toys and always have them ready to go, others really want to know ahead of time what to have prepared to play with.
Working with Themes and Ongoing Stories
When this game started, sets were mostly varied images posted together with a bit of teasing text. Over time, it's become much more common to include story plots and recurring characters! This can be a lot of fun, but is never required. Also, a few guidelines (there are no hard rules) for interacting with these stories for the best enjoyment of everyone:
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- It can be fun and immersive for different stories and characters between players to connect and overlap. As if the models were really playing this game, talking to each other and teasing all of us players.
- That said, just like every player here gets to make their own rules, every player also gets to follow their own story as they like. There is no 'correct' way to write a particular model. There is no set HMC story anyone has to follow.
- Some popular models have now been written in distinct ways by/for different players and aren't always consistent characters for everyone. This is totally okay! There can be different versions of Caprice, Malena or any model.
- In general, if there are different versions of stories or characters it is best to write to those a player has in their rules when making a set for them. Or maybe you deliberately work with different versions of the same character (long lost sister, multiple dimensions, whatever excuse you want to use).
- Likewise, if a character is different than what your rules expect in a set, try to enjoy it for what it is and treat the model teasing you as this other version/long lost sister. It will be more fun that way!
- Most important, everyone's story and fantasy they are playing here is valid. There is no 'correct' version of any character or plot. Just have fun!
Using Spoilers and Images
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- Using the spoiler block is fairly simple, but let me explain so it's easy for everyone. Now I can't use the proper square brackets [ and ] in my example since that would just make spoilers. So I will use { and } instead to show you what the text should look like. When you go to post, either use the buttons at the top of the edit window or [ and ] in place of { and }
In general, anything in between a {spoiler} and a {/spoiler} will go into a spoiler block. You can nest these blocks inside each other so there is a spoiler inside of a spoiler inside get the idea.
If you have an image link from a website, you want to use {img}pictureURL{/img} to display the image in the post.
Now, your spoiler block with linked images will look like this:
Some fun teasing text if you want
Attached images you upload are a little less intuitive to use. First, upload them as normal and you should see a list of files below the edit window where you are typing your post. On the left will be the filename of each image, and as you look to the right the first button should say "Place inline."
Go to where you want to insert the picture in your post and hit "Place inline." It will add a bit of text something like {attachment=0}imagename.jpg{/attachment}
That text can go inside your spoilers as normal to get:
Some fun teasing text if you want
Once the image attachment has an inline place in the post, it will not appear as a separate attachment under your post anymore. You can check if everything is working right in your post Preview.
These two methods can be mixed as well, giving you full control over what order things appear in!
Spreadsheets for Making Sets
You can use the excellent google doc at this link to help format sets much faster than typing into the forum edit box. Credit to Zerg for developing this and FattsDynamo for keeping it alive: ... sp=sharing
If Excel or building your own template is more your thing, these instructions will help you build what I use:
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This will walk you through setting up a quick Excel spreadsheet which can help you will all the formatting when making sets for others. It sure beats putting everything in IMG tags manually. As always, substitute {} for [] in the actual Excel page.
This will likely work on other spreadsheets as well, though you might need to modify the fomulae slightly.
So, open a new spreadsheet and then fill in the following cells likes this:
D1 - =CHAR(10)&CHAR(10)&B1&""
A2 - {img}
C2 - {/img}
D2 - =A2&B2&C2
Now select everything from A1 to D2 and drag it down as far as you need (row 200 should be lots). That's it the template is made. You should have rows of alternating blanks and IMG tags now.
To build a set, put any flavour text you want into the odd rows of Column B. So B1 is the text right at the start of the set. Into the even rows of B, put your image links. So the image linked in B2 will appear right underneath the text from B1.
Just keep adding text and images like that until you are done the set. The formatted output should all end up in column D. It will have text, image, 2 blank lines and then the next text.
Once you're done adding text and image links, copy everything output in column D. Now, past this into Microsoft Word. Excel does some odd formatting stuff which pasting into Word fixes. From Word, copy and paste the set into Milovana, then preview you post to fix any errors.
As for spoilers, you can use those within the flavour text cells to add them. For example, something like "Option 1 {spoiler} Oh so you made this choice!" will create a spoiler under the text 'Option 1.' You can close spoilers the same way.
Hope that helps, feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear or not working.
Good places to find images: (last updated: June 7, 2023)
I know one of the more difficult things can be finding a place to search for the various image types you might need. I’ll try to add to this list if people give suggestions, but some useful go to places I use include:
Various Reddits - check for a long list of options.
Scrolller - - randomizes images and gifs from reddits. You can fine tune it to only look at specific subreddits.
Pornpics - - arranged into galleries
Fuskator - -arranged in galleries as well, server can be flakey but one of the easiest to search for specific things.
Pichunter - - more galleries
SxyPix - - seems to be the replacement for Lots of full sets, but hotlinking doesn't seem possible. Download managers work to save sets to your hard drive.
Babes and Stars - - can have collections of more difficult to find models. Seems temperamental about hotlinking but may work if you change the image URL from https to http.
[NudeCollect - - lots of full set galleries, little cumbersome to navigate though. seems to be the same site but requires registration.] BOTH APPEAR DEAD FOR NOW - (or perhaps just appears to be the replacement for the above. Hotlinking seems unstable. - video site which also has albums. No idea if hotlinking is allowed.
Pornhub and Xhamster both have image sections, and PornMD's image search is also helpful. Pornhub is especially useful for searching GIFs, just be sure to hit the link button (like a small chain) and us the Gif link. or Yandex image search are often quite good. Just remember to turn the content filter off! I also suggest adding a 800x800 px size minimum so you only get images which will look good when posted.
This thread may also have useful links to use:
Last, if you want to use images from your hard drive an image host which allows NSFW and hotlinking works really well. I've had good luck with Imgbox and ImgBB for the purposes of this game. Using a download manager like jdownloader can help you get pictures in the first place.
Good sources which don't seem to allow hotlinking or now require registration to view:
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- - - especially good for gifs, but also seems to have disabled hotlinking recently.
ImageFap - - lots of varied galleries including full sets. Direct image links now seem to expire after 24 hours, so you will need to find another way if you want to use the content here.
Girlsreleased - - An incredible amount of full sets. Images hosted externally, many on Imagetwist. Be aware Imagetwist doesn't allow hotlinking so these cannot be used directly for sets.
Finally if you need a more convenient way to grab image urls:
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- You can try Host Grabber++. It is an addon for Firefox and Chrome. Mostly used for downloads, it had a debug panel which can be used to list image links. Just go to the site with the set, and use the drop down menu to choose an existing definition which fits (e.g. imagetwist for most things on Girlsreleased) and hit extract links.
Getting Started!
To get this thread started, I’m going to jump in and play. The first post has a couple nice simple example rule lists, so I will do something more adventurous and open to creative use.
My Rule List:
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- These apply per woman in the image. For videos I will combine the best I can for the duration of the video. For videos, I will try to match speed with whatever is happening in them.
Blondes - Image: 1 min normal full strokes | Video: full strokes
Brunette or Dark Hair - Image: 1 min stroking head only | Video: stroke head only (overrides blondes)
Redhead - Image: 1 min stroking and punching balls | Video: stroke and punch balls
Crazy Hair (pink, blue etc) – Image: palm for 30 seconds | Video: palm for 30 seconds every minute.
The hair colour rules for type of strokes still apply to these categories, but instead of just stroking I will:
Straight/Mixed MF making out/sex – Picture: edge, Video: edge once every 30s
Lesbian only making out/sex – Picture: edge and hold for 20s, Video: edge and hold 20s every minute
Cumshot - Image or Video: Ruin
And two bonus rules:
Captioned Image - Whatever it says
Wildcard – each time someone posts for me, then can either add one new rule of their choosing, or add something extra to one of my existing rules. This only applies to that post.
Limits - none of the typical extreme kinks (blood, urine, etc.), nothing in public and no enforced denial longer than the current day (more than that would stop me from playing). Other than those, I want to keep this quite open and see what you all do with it.
I am going to play up to and including Wed, Nov 28th. I’m not currently barred from cumming, but since I took a break from Four Floors to put this together and am still doing the pool party portion of that for fun I thought it most fair if I kept it out of my explicit rules (i.e. give myself the worst odds possible of getting to).
Now, be as devious and creative as you like. Let’s go!