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Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:39 pm
by KittyZateez
The "Kitty's CockTease Club" fantasy story idea has been very enjoyable for me and my admiring readers, and I'd like to thank those of you who have enjoyed reading them and special thanks to those who have complimented me on them. As you probably know, the KCTC scenario has inspired a number of spinoff storyline ideas which I have recently been able to categorize and index in order to keep them organized. Several of them are ongoing works in progress as well, so stick around boys and girls...

The following "KCTC Reporter" fantasy was proposed by an admiring reader who offered to collaborate with me on a new story spinoff, this one being written from the perspective of a financial reporter who notices the astounding profits being posted by a mysterious new company and decides to contact the owner.

Of course, what follows is his inescapable seduction into the clutches of the CockTease Club's irresistible and expertly skilled prick teasing proprietor...

My special thanks to this story's "ghost writer"; although this was very much a mutual effort. I offered to provide specific credit to him by screen name, but at his request I am not doing so. Either way, my sincere affections and appreciation are with him!

I hope everyone enjoys this new story!

Kitty :love: :love: :love:
