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Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:55 pm
by evilplague

4 rounds of my CH project complete and i realise, Lightworks free exports only in youtube and vimeo formats thus muting the audio, i don't want to be pirating software, is there any other decent free video editing software options out there and if so any likely way to save the work i have already done?

Its due to stupid issues like this that my old CH ended up lost and never got released.

Kill me please -_-

Mrmoobles <3

Re: Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:00 am
by morewanking
Only free video editing software I know is VirtualDub (used it several years ago). Output format is .avi. I don't know, where it is useful for you or not.

Re: Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:00 pm
by dtspam
What does youtube-format mean and why not use that?
From the Website it says the free version can export MPEG4/H.264 - max. resolution: 1280x720p pixels.
This does not sound too bad, many people do watch cockheros from Pornhub streams etc.

And what do you mean by muting the audio? Does it do that if you export the video in other formats?
If so, I would just export it twice, extract the audio track from the low resolution version and combine it with the high resolution version using some simple tool like avidemux.

Re: Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:19 pm
by paul54
The following are all free and totally legal ...

If your on a Mac there Media100 ...

Fully Free and its fairly good based on Avid / a precursor to Avid

Black magic Resolve is also good for editing as Well as Being Color Grading at its core, for both mac and windows for free ... ... nciresolve

Also HitFilm Express is also good and combine Editing and with full compositing to and some easy to use effects and stuff to

Re: Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:55 am
by Ghingis
There is one more not so regular option:

Start a campaign for the price of the software :)
Maybe someone here has a bigger budget than you and can help you.
(Or maybe they don't but they can spare you a dollar or two.)
The best about it is, you will get whatever they pitch in.
(I never tried it before, but I would give it a shot.)

Re: Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:38 am
by doremi
I was really disappointed with Lightworks myself. I've built a desktop computer around their specs two years ago, tried it, found out they would never go Open Source as they once claimed, they insert execute-protection code in their free version (wtf?), they will not generate FullHD videos with their free version. It even failed to load a simple music track (what else would fail mid-way?). If your work is almost done and do not wish to start all over, just render the 720p version, then move along.

I tried all the video editing software that I could find under Linux, and they all failed except one. VirtualDub is too limited. OpenShot couldn't even load a simple music track. Avidemux is a very useful tool, but not usable as a video editor at all. I use it in my workflow to resize/re-encode clips. It is excellent to trim footage without re-encoding if you choose so.

I now use Blender. My recommendation is to use the same Operating System as the developers. Here, it's Linux. Dual-boot if you need to because it's for your own benefit. Blender is fairly easy to use once you understand its features, but it's initially VERY DIFFICULT to learn. If you want to try it, just concentrate on the Video Sequence Editor (VSE). Feel free (anyone) to ask me any question about Blender on the Porn Edits Discord Chat. I'm new to video editing using Blender, but fortunately got through the painful core learning phase. I'm not done learning, but I can do stuff with Blender now.

Re: Lightworks went bad?!

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:32 am
by doremi
Marno, I tested OpenShot a few weeks ago. It wouldn't even run under BSD, and failed to load a simple music track under Debian 8.6. This one was disapointing because I was seeing some potential with its underlying video handeling library, useful to write our own video handeling and special effects.