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Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:20 pm
by deathby.curiosity
Indigo wrote:
SophiaStafford wrote:
The correct answer, for those of you waiting for the buzzer, is that, in general, men are superior.

I see wut you did there.

Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:02 pm
by green
deathby.curiosity wrote:
Indigo wrote:
SophiaStafford wrote:
The correct answer, for those of you waiting for the buzzer, is that, in general, men are superior.

I see wut you did there.
I see that as well, Indy!.

How could you quote before Sophia could edit her post... :P

Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:28 pm
by green
Indigo wrote:
green wrote:
I see that as well, Indy!.

How could you quote before Sophia could edit her post... :P

Indy, you are quite the skilled individual, and I wish that when I grow up I can be just like you!!!
Same way I did what I did above!

*grins wickedly*

Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:11 am
by Crocko
Actually, the correct answer was submitted multiple times in this thread.....and that wasn't it.
Just because you apparently haven't run into a male you can't control, doesn't mean they don't exist.
Ever consider that maybe you're just surrounding yourself with males who already fit your preconceived notion in the first place? That because of your personality, weak minded submissive men are the only types that want anything to do with you?

Just a thought.
I think I love you, man. Lol.

But seriously, the question can't really be answered without a better definition of "superior". Are women more physically superior to men? Short answer, no. Long answer, noooooooooo. Men can run faster, jump higher, lift more, and keep rhythm better. It’s a physiological trait. That’s how we're made, how we've evolved.

Which gender can claim the best artist? Poet? Chef? Musician? Writer? Ruler? Inventor? Thinker? Men.
Women are, in general, more mentally and emotionally powerful beings. Our forms of violence are 100% legit and we use them with impunity. I can twist hearts and turn strangers into marionettes, and our society is fine with that.
My above statement proves that men would be more “mentally powerful beings”. As far as “emotionally powerful” goes, I’m not sure women can claim that, either. What are your forms of emotional violence? That you claim to twist hearts and turn men into puppets, with society being fine with that? But I think the average woman would look on you doing that with disdain, and if I may be so bold to speak for my gender, men would look at those actions with a mixture of curiosity for your motives, and pity.

Whenever a man or woman has controlled his or her girlfriend, to the degree or exerting a quantifiable amount of dominance, the relationship has ended badly, and behind the controlling persons fierce demeanour lays a bully with low self-esteem. For either gender.

One poster said earlier, we work better when we work together. I’m not really wimping out on the answer. But if you can appreciate that it takes a man and a woman to create you, the main fact is that with a world of all guy or girls, we’d be finished.

Also, answering the question of which gender is better, is only a few steps away from asking which race is better. And you wouldn’t dream of asking that, I’m sure. So you might be able to see why a question like this would draw some ire. Maybe more fool me for answering, but there you go. Silly man that I am.


Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:09 am
by deathby.curiosity
Interesting addition to all this..

I, as a submissive, have never unwillingly given up part of me.. and I have always held on to the parts of me that I find essential and important. No one has ever, nor will they ever, be able to truly take these parts of me away with force.

Giving of oneself is, in my eyes, one of the purest forms of devotion and commitment. That is to say, love.

There are pieces in everyones life that we are willing to die for... and I dare say if anyone does not have something/someone they are willing to die for then they aren't living.

Passion and love make us human above all other things. Our sense of morality, ethics, and our eternal search for the scientific, philosophical, and even theological are what make us "masters and mistresses of the universe."

This points at and maybe even picks at what makes us human. The mind, heart, and dare I say soul.. are powerful things. We are each in control of our own and we give up parts of those willingly. Arguably, some of us have weaker grasps on these. Many times it is due, in some part, to abusive relationships in which we never had a chance to be shown our true worth.

Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:23 am
by koala17
SophiaStafford wrote: As for proof, I couldn't ask for better proof than was presented here. Rather than being a discussion of "What is superiority" and "What is excellence" and such, it somehow degraded into a discussion of gender and firearm proficiency?!?!?
degraded ?! discussing firearms actually goes far deeper and is truly elevating compared to the abovementioned agenda..

.. of course, women are privileged and protected by men, the society and the state - but is a Koala somewhat 'superior' to the man who protects him..?
that's nonsense..

..aah, US Universities.. :slap: :smile:

Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:41 am
by CheerfullyInsane
Indigo wrote:
Let's let it die already ...

Seems like the sucker just refuses to recognize the fact that it should be in a grave. :-P

Personally, I'm so superior that I find discussions like these beneath me.
But then, we can't all be god-like. :-D


Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:18 pm
by Neeyo
Females are definitly superior to men.
As soon as they use there charms on men they'll do everything for them.

Congratulations Miss Sophia, for finishing your exams
I hope you had some good celebrations and that someone made you smile
To bad I saw your post this late or else I would probably have volunteerd :)

I myself have one more exam left this block, but I hope I'll soon be able to celebrate myself.


Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:50 am
by ThatMully
I personally feel men are superior to women. That's what makes femdom such a turn on, I think.

Re: Toxic Treat Question: Are Women Superior?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:27 am
by markj
Every time I encounter this argument, anywhere, I'm always reminded of Hitler.

He thought a certain type of people were better than a certain other type of other people, paying no attention to their individuality what so ever. Look how that turned out. Whether or not that was his true view doesn't really matter here.

The end result is always the same with such silly wide sweeping statements and attempts to argue generically on behalf of one side or the other with no heed paid to unique occurrences. Obviously I'm not talking about concentration camps here, just the fact things turn out pretty horribly every single time.

Lets not head down the same path ;-)

And of course lets not forget the one true formula of the internet for circumstances such as this.


Anonymity + Average Person + Argument = Total Fuckwad.