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Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:23 pm
by vitesse
I don't own a RealTouch but it always interested me. The only drawback is the price of the device :(

I do have a question for the developer. How long would it be to encode an entire CH video? like 1h lengh video?

Your software seem a wonderfull and I hope to be able to use it one day :)

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:06 pm
by ColorOfSin
My apologies vitesse, for not replying sooner.

How long to encode a 1hr long movie?
I would say a loooong time.
Basically you have to create a script event for each motion preformed in the movie.
Every in/out motion needs to be created my hand.

Currently I would consider my scripter app pretty 'clunky' to use.
There are bugs and nothing is really automated, and it can be slow.

I am working on a rewrite (slowly) that I hope will address some of these problems.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:36 am
by MusicMike
I've got some experience with automating a hell of a lot of stuff, parameters of audio software plugins and hardware mostly. They share a similar kind of event structure with this piece of hardware.

There are main events and parameters therefore. In the case of audio they're most often MIDI notes, which along with them carry parameters like velocity, pitch-bend and even aftertouch.

What you have here is a bunch of triggers and graphs, i.e. automation data. Digital Audio Workstations have solved a lot of the problems you're facing, so you can get a lot of good ideas by taking a look at how they create automation.

There are three basic ways that everyone here already knows.
  1. Manual one by one placement
    This is of course the least efficient way to build this, until you help the user along with things like "skip by x.x seconds after entering event". You help the user skip the most time-cosuming processes.

    Another way is to be able to drop an event while keeping your eyes on the video guide screen. For that, video editors usually use what is called sets of "JKL" keys. These three keys are right next to each other on the keyboard.

    J - to play backwards. Press the key again to speed up playback. In our cases here, highly compressed video will not play backwards efficiently, so you may want to use this to skip back by a keyframe or just a single frame at a time.

    K - Starts and pauses playback

    L - Play forward. Press again to speed up.

    You can also have another key play one frame at a time, the ";" key for example. That way the user can go forward at any speed they like, even single frames, and can skip back single frames(or keyframes if you can make that happen).
  2. Drawing tools - manual mass placement

    Painting events evenly and editing the parameter data for each event is the domain of MIDI editors in DAW software. One of the many good ones is Cubase. Here's a small video tutorial that shows some of its features, which may be useful to you in developing effective ways of placing events quickly, as well as display and editing its data.

    Steinberg is the maker of Cubase, and they've put out numerous tutorials for their software, but here's one you might find interesting. It deals with midi drum editing, which has its own challenges, but which may closely resemble what you're trying to achieve with this editor for the Real Touch hardware.

    Avid Protools has great tools to draw envelope/automation curves, such as triangle patterns. Some videos on its automation drawing tools: (slow introduction to what you can do with a simple line drawing tool in Protools) (decent introduction to automation in Protools)
  3. Live recording of automation events

    This could take the form of a bunch of keys being dedicated to triggering specific events with a certain default value.

    More importantly, you could run the video at half speed for example, and thus make it much easier for the user to enter data live during playback.

    When the recording of a pass of automation data is complete, the program could interpolate and add necessary data according to some useful rules.

    One of those rules could be to quantize the data(or not) to a specific musicical speed (130 bpm or beats per minute for example).

    This would be incredibly useful for Cock Hero projects that rely on music with a very stable beat structure.
Long post, but I hope I can be of more help in this regard. I've been a recording and mixing engineer for many years and hope to at least help out with the information I have.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:13 pm
by ColorOfSin
Awesome feedback!
I will definitely be using this feedback for my next Scripter version.
Thank you!

I have left this project sit on the shelf for a bit now. But now I am coming back to it.
I am implementing some user feedback and addressing performance issues.

It's going to take some time as it is a rewrite of the whole program.

Stay tuned for more info.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:34 am
by private56
is it possible to get scripts from purchased real touch videos? im trying to get my realtouch device to do a certain part from one of my favorite videos. whatever the device does gives me the most insane orgasm everytime; but with it only being a 3 second part I can't enjoy it for long. I have to keep reloading part of the video when I'd really just like that one part to loop over and over. Cant mimic anything close to it using this software.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:40 am
by rwjdb0
You can do that using the content development kit at: but if you just want to loop a segment, an asx file is easier.

Just paste the following into notepad, and save it as an asx file, and windows media player should loop your file for you, in this case, from the 2 second mark, to the 7 second mark.

<ASX VERSION = "3.0">
<REF HREF = "C:\YourVideo.wmv" />
<STARTTIME VALUE="00:00:02" />
<DURATION VALUE="00:00:05" />
<REPEAT COUNT = "300000"></REPEAT>

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:34 pm
by private56
What program do I need to open those files? I have visual studio 2010 and express 10 but it won't load the file. I get an error where this version can't open that file.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:14 am
by rwjdb0
Asx files are like more powerful playlists for windows media player. You should just need to set the right file path, and double click on it, for WMP to open it.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:38 pm
by ColorOfSin
My source code solution files use VS2012 .NET4.5

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:39 pm
by private56
rwjdb0 wrote:You can do that using the content development kit at: but if you just want to loop a segment, an asx file is easier.

Just paste the following into notepad, and save it as an asx file, and windows media player should loop your file for you, in this case, from the 2 second mark, to the 7 second mark.

<ASX VERSION = "3.0">
<REF HREF = "C:\YourVideo.wmv" />
<STARTTIME VALUE="00:00:02" />
<DURATION VALUE="00:00:05" />
<REPEAT COUNT = "300000"></REPEAT>
The ASX thing works but it has to rebuffer the video everytime it loops the file.

I downloaded the developer kit but when I attempt to open the extractor in my visual studio 10 it gives me an error. Anything free out there that I can download to extract the script?

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:51 am
by madcat
Hi guys, I don't have the device (and sorry if i ask dumb questions) yet but I've been wondering if it is possible to control it directly through software? I.e. without encoding/watching any movies.

If there is an SDK, and you can encode videos and create scripts to control the device, Can you control it in real time?

If yes then its possible to create short looped scenarios and activate them by pressing buttons on screen.

If not possible for some reason, i've been wondering if it is possible to locally stream a black screen video (fast to encode) while the user gives live controls ? ( GUI Device control --> encoder --> video streaming --> video player --> RealTouch) so basically you use the video stream to control the device directly. And use a black screen video to speed up the encoding, effectively making it RealTime.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:38 pm
by rwjdb0
They say there is an SDK on their support site ( but it's in closed beta apparently, and you have to request access to it.

Otherwise you could create a video of the length of loop you want and use the CDK to encode it with the commands you want to have played, and switch between videos if you have different sets of command loops. I don't know about near realtime video encoding though.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:49 am
by desertfox
I just pulled the trigger on purchasing one, have been stewing on it for almost over a year, yey tax return I guess? Anyway one thing I wanted to be sure of was that you can use it outside their service, and sure enough its reasonably open source now.

I believe this is an open source server for it, so it should be able to take commands in from some input and send it to the device.

I'm not sure if/where there is any source for development for the device, this program here looks the nicest I've seen for encoding.

The CDK they have looks like a nightmare to use, basically looks to be a long play script, eg at this time set this belt to this direction at this velocity.

I don't know that there exists a real time controller, but I bet if you had some loose coding experience you could write a script send mouse / joystick input to the device.

I see a lot of potential with this device, unfortunately with it being centered around porn it won't have the broad development you would see with something like the kinect.

Looking forward to when it comes in the mail, and will probably stop by here pretty soon after to try this program out... and after trying to make a short scene or two, will definitely try it on a CH video as well.

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:17 pm
by private56
hey folks sorry to post this again but I still need help with this. Its about face pov 2 scene 4 with lauren phoenix that im trying to get the script from. If anyone here happens to have purchased that perhaps you can help me?

Re: Haptic Scripter (RealTouch video tool)

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:04 pm
by njhbnmjh
hey folks sorry to post this again but I still need help with this. Its about face pov 2 scene 4 with lauren phoenix that im trying to get the script from. If anyone here happens to have purchased that perhaps you can help me?
чем нужно конкретно помочь?
пиши простыми словами. я использую гугле переводчик.
than you need to specifically help?
write simple words. I'm using google translator.