Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by qazqaz »

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:39 pm
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Is this happening during the ritual to evolve or when she asks you to edge after your first evolve
After evolve - bug is in Kink.txt
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

markus wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:54 pm Now that I'm think of it, ... you guys know the scripts, ... could it be that @JumpVideo is used quite often in such cases when users reported crashes?
Yes and maybe (ha ha) - 50% of the crashes I have have been when displaying genre images which are immediately followed by playing the video with @JumpVideo. To me, the timing makes it seems that its on display image so I suspect that its an issue with the image . However the other 50% are also probably playing video with @JumpVideo so yes that is a common link.

A lot had been said so I'm unsure if there is a clear theory but it is possible all issues are on play video but I will say this. Almost all videos have been tested with a @JumpVideo command and there are definite examples where this has worked prior to the crash occurring on the same video.

When I listen to the commentary I have a new theory. Perhaps a bad video download is causing the issue. I have downloaded video that has a 15min runtime but ends at 10 min. How does TeaseAI handle this corrupt video when @JumpVideo takes it into the corrupt.non-existent section

Anyway I'm not testing this tonight.... I'm far too drunk. maybe I will test test before I go overseas but it might have to wait until I return in March.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

Tks I will look into it before I go on leave on the 6th - I hope to have it fixed by then
qazqaz wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:04 am
SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:39 pm
Spoiler: show
Is this happening during the ritual to evolve or when she asks you to edge after your first evolve
After evolve - bug is in Kink.txt
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by FattsDynamo »

markus wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:40 pm
@markus: (and SH and meowww)
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That is for scripts and such, but not for media files, ... there is no logical reason to put media (pictures, audio, video) inside the script folder, to put media inside the script folder makes it just unnecessarily complicated.
The creator of the original Tai made the structure of that for a reason, and that was to DON'T struggle with fixed paths, like:
---> That displays the picture, no matter on which harddisk it is saved, no matter where Tai is installed, it just grabs the picture from the install folder/Images/Succubi/
With the way the game is self-contained, I think it's probably fine to have the media for the succubi in special folders ... the videos are all about 10 minutes long ... I played TAI a few times ... I'm not sure how much cross over there would be and a need for the succubi videos to all be in one folder, because if they were all in a TAI media folder, sure, the dommes could randomly select them, but how often do they actually do that? Based on my limited experience with TAI, I only had tasks involving videos like every other session at most ... and then, I would sort of "cheat" and make sure the media folder had ONLY the videos I wanted to see and then I would remove them from the folder so I wouldn't get the same video again, so ... I think there is actually a pretty decent case for keeping the main "game media" partitioned off from the rest of TAI ...

However, the random media is another story. The files contained in the "Core Media" pack are basically just a way to jumpstart personal collections. There is a lot there, but ... I am already starting to see a lot of repeat images and GIFs ... at some point sooner than later, I will probably go on a hunt and add more of my own stuff to the "Core Media" pack ... and THAT is where having THOSE files housed in the main TAI media files would be best, because potentially I would rather they be part of the rest of my collection that the dommes use ... Now, I'm not currently using TAI for other personalities—just SHRPG atm—so ... it doesn't really matter for me personally right now, but ... I think that's the way to go ...

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:08 am
Spoiler: show
but I'm still stubborn on this one :)

There is a massive chunk of Succubi Hunter that has individual scripts that use individual media and only these scripts use that media. It just makes sense to have the media in the same location as the script. Yes it introduced this and a few other problems but the trade off was worth it
Be sure to read my suggestion above ... I think that might be the way to go ...

meowww wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:12 pm
Spoiler: show
Believe it or not the installation was much more complicated then it is now
I believe it! :lol:
two Media/Scripts will be seperated this time, meaning if a fix is needed you usually would only need to redownload the updated scripts
No, I like this ... Generally, there is only problems with the scripts; the media is usually fine. So, being able to update and patch the game without having to download the hefty media files ... it's nice! :smile:
Try out Awakening 0.2.75 instead of 0.2.77

This will not fix the random freezes, but i swear it runs the Game faster then 0.2.77, atleast the last time i tried 0.2.77 it runs fine at first, then an Event/Fight happened and after that it runs much slower, kinda as if rapidtext/code got turned off and didn´t got turned back on again
Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try this ... If I see that it makes a difference, I will 100% report it to SH and markus ...

Wait, nm ... I just read down further and see that markus is already on it ...
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by FattsDynamo »

My first major dump of bug reports and "other issues" ...
Spoiler: show
Note: At a certain point, I will include more details about crashes. Initially, I didn't know what I was supposed to report ...

These were all of the bugs/issues I found initially ...
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The game crashed for me when battling Alexa.
I again went to 0N3E, this time I was ambushed by Piper, and the game crashed. Then, I went to 0N3E again, was ambushed by Brittany, and then game crashed again. Finally, at one point, I encountered ElsaJean at that location and the game DID NOT crash (and I beat her, because she's just a stimulator and also my character was at a MUCH higher level :-P).

It crashed twice for me when battling Liya. Once during a State change transition and once right after I did kill damage. On my third battle with Liya, everything worked properly.

It crashed for me in a fight with Galina. (I believe it was during her 3rd State.)

Gameplay question ...
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If you lose and go down to 0 HP, shouldn't the succubus force you to cum? Right now, you just faint and wake up in town, but ... aren't they trying to make you orgasm and take your cum? Yet when they win, they don't do that ... that seems weird to me. :look: Do you expect players to just lose a lot? (And so want to save them some time?) Or, was it just something that was never implemented?

Going down to zero HP doesn't necessarily mean you go unconscious. It could just mean you have lost your ability to defend yourself. In "Monster Girl Quest", going down to zero HP triggers the monster girl's rape scene (of the player). It doesn't have to be anything serious for this game. Basically, just let the video play, keep the metronome going, and speed it up. Shouldn't be too hard to write a script to do that ... and, I don't "lose" very often, but when I do, I guess I would like to be "conscious" when the succubus extracts my cum from me! :lol:

I noticed the file "#SelecSpecialSuccubi" had "Select" misspelled ... that might cause issues if it is named correctly elsewhere ...

I did 1 attack, 2 damage to Roxie, she defended, then it crashed before her attack ...

"Meditate" in town. Right now (I think even after the "spell check"), it is spelled incorrectly in the main town menu :-/ ...

The video for Angel went black for a while at the end. This happened for me more than once. The final state video ends and doesn’t loop.

Then I got a DM from SH about how I should include more info for crashes ... so from now on, I'll report crashes and include the variables he said I should.

SuccubiID: ScarlettRose
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

I had this weird bug ...
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I unlocked caprice; trained with witch; woke up with Caprice; left; After leaving Caprice, I was with the secretary with options to train with Tori and Caprice. That was weird, because I never beat the gatekeeper and never gained entrance into the castle. I rested for the day, and again, I woke up with Caprice. When I left her, I was at the secretary's menu to go to the arena and practice battles ... It would even happen after closing the game and "resting in real life." Eventually, I got around the bug just by changing my location, but I had to manually change it a few times—because I just kept ending up in the castle after "leaving Caprice." Eventually, the bug went away on it's own and the game started playing as intended again. Maybe after the Xth encounter with Caprice, you're just scripted to start in the castle on accident? I don't know, but had I not been able to manually go in and change my location (which did fix it after a few in game days), that would have ruined my run ...

At a certain point, the game "stopped detecting my crashes" when I would quit and reboot TAI ... that was probably due to the secretary bug.
I already reported the potion crafting bug. Still need to test if you fixed it, meowww ...

Besides that, I did have some trouble in Ephesus navigating the menus. At one point, I put in an option (like "1" or "2"), but the game didn't present me with options about what to do next, so I just sort of had to guess what the menu might have said had it appeared ...

The blacksmith in Ephesus traded me gold for bronze so I had -1 gold.

Gameplay Question:
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So, I am sure you are aware that "Special Stimulates" done by level 3 succubi don't include a metronome. That is SUPER weird the first time it happens. :-/ I thought it was a bug, because I was ALWAYS used to having a metronome. I'm still not 100% sure how to handle those ... I usually just try to stroke along to the action on the screen (stroke in time with the model's hand motions), but sometimes they are quite slow and take breaks, and the "Stimulation" can sometimes end up being less effective than a lvl 1 ...

Anyway, those BJ videos usually have the model talking, so ... I get not wanting to put a ticking metronome over that because it is hard to hear, but ... probably it would be good to include some instructions or something about how the player is suppose to handle that ...
At one point, Sasha was just gone and not in the main town. There was no option to "Visit the Witch." Probably there was something screwy going on with the "waking up in the castle" bug, but ... Caprice wasn't high enough level to teach me what I needed ... I was kind of freaking out that there was no one that I could level up with ...

By the way ...
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After "allying" with Caprice, I pretty much stopped going to Sasha for "training." I saw how Caprice was getting stronger. Between the [secretary] bug revealing Sasha to be a potential bad guy and what Caprice said about Tori not being that bad, I just didn't trust Sasha, so ... I preferred to train with Caprice when possible.

I know meowww that you said I have already missed potential content by attacking the gatekeeper too late :\'-( :weep: ... and I don't know what kind of story stuff will be happening, but ... just be aware that players may skip "visiting the Witch" as I did, so ... if there is important story stuff regarding Sasha, make sure that it triggers upon entering town and SHE visits the PLAYER ... we can't assume the player will visit Sasha necessarily—because I certainly started avoiding her! :lol:
There is a mistake at the -1N-1E location: It should say "Go North to the Ephesus Road." (Not sure if you caught this one when you redid the directions, meowww ...)

I searched at -1N-3E, which is "Hills" and it said I "searched the forest" ...

At -3E-2N said hills to east, but that is "Savanna".

I searched -2e-2n in the savanna and got snowberries ... wasn't sure if that was a bug or not ...

Some more succubi bug reports:

SuccubiID: Capri
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo
SuccubiID: Leah
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State3
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Her health was 2 when I hit her for 4 damage and her health displayed as -2 before crashing.
Just a comment ...
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Oh, fuck … Melena Maria Rya is my kryptonite … 2 hrs of stroking and that sexy teasing … i just knew i was gonna pop for her—and I did on the first encounter. :innocent: … SO weak for her … :blush:
SuccubiID: RemyLacroix
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: Video
Story hole and gameplay issues with Melena:
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Melena referenced domination, but i haven’t seen that yet … Probably need to rewrite that line or make it even/variable dependent ... (or have her appear later) ...

I think you REALLY just need to manually choose the "story video" (meaning the video that is shown while she tells her story). My video was chosen randomly for me. I got one of MMR climbing a fence. :-/ Not only was it NOT sexy, lol, but it was distracting and didn't fit AT ALL with the text that she was saying ...

Also, the text turned red after naomi and didn’t turn back for a while … I think you forgot a [*/*b] command or something like that in the dialogue.

Also, I think still photos for the "story scene" would also be fine … the video distracts a bit from the reading/story … It's too engaging and competes for attention while the player is trying to read the text. I would just have that whole section where she is telling her story and crying about what happened to her ... I would just have that ALL be pictures so that the player can focus on reading the text ... Also, it was weird that she was trying to tease you while crying ... It was kind of heartbreaking that she was crying ... maybe it's normal for succubi to still want to tease humans while they cry, but ... that whole bit was just confusing and weird to me. If that is an artistic choice to show that succubi are just sensual and sexual beings and teasing men is sort of an imperative that they just have to do, then having her cry while she "teases you" is fine, but ... if it was just a logistical thing to explain and give context for why she was dancing (or climbing a fence :rolleyes:) and a video was playing during the scene, well ... just go to still pictures. That is going to be WAY BETTER for the player who is reading. :yes:

So, the following bugs were found AFTER the After 1/02/2023 stable update...
Spoiler: show
SuccubiID: Lena
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State4
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo
In Thessalonica, it should say, "Amanda can craft" not "Roos"; copy/paste error ...

SuccubiID: MelissaMoore
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State2
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Her next queued action was evolve, btw then heal, but she crashed before executing the first action right after she did a State change.
Feature suggestion:
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There should be an action to skip your turn. If you do nothing, the game chooses for you and defaults to attack, which is okay … but, sometimes I want to tempt fate. :innocent: "Rest" slows the game down :-/ ... I can choose to flee, but ... if I just want to "spend more time" with a girl (like a stimulator or one I can handle :blush:) having the option to "do nothing" and skip my action ... it's a feature I would have used more than a few times :whistle: ... "Flee" is what I have been using as a work-around, but eventually, if you use it too much you WILL run away, so ... "Skip action" would be a nice combat option. :-D :yes:

(And if she just double defended and your attack is too low, sometimes skipping two actions is better to conserve physical stamina and keep the fight moving along.)
SuccubiID: Ida
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State3
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Video finished and went black for a while … started back up at my defense action.
Just another comment ...
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DAMN! :w00t: Waking up next to Caprice … that really is a dream come true :blush: ...
Bug or intended?:
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"Karlee intends to defend and stimulate"
Then she attacked and killed me …

Now, she WAS a higher level succubus ... I wasn't sure if that was a bug or acting as intended ... Do lvl 4s sometimes just do something different than what the game says they intend to do? Or was this a bug? :-/

She was in State1 when she killed me, btw ...
Whenever you cast a spell ...
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the succubus says
Guerlain: “You release your frustration”
It isn’t using the "system message" command ... the girls are just saying it ...

SuccubiID: Ida
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State3
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Ida crashed on me again in the same way as last time: on State3. Not sure if that is coincidence or a bug ...
"Guerlain" says that "Guerlain: media is available at" instead of a system message.

SuccubiID: JiaLissa
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo
I was having issues with Galina, but, I did beat her. Not sure if it was a bug or random.

Gameplay idea:
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Some guys are VERY MUCH into denial (though not me! :lol:) ... it was mentioned that this was a play style. I suppose if you know you are playing that way, you can just not cum when you are told to, but ... it would be nice if there were some instructions or game elements that supported this ...
When you wake up with Caprice and leave, no location info is given. When you find her, first the location info is given and THEN she appears, but, when you wake up with her, you have no idea where you are ... which maybe that's okay as it works thematically, but ... it's kind of annoying. (I keep a map that I made up on a spreadsheet on my second monitor as I am playing the game ...)

While I was fighting Sicilia ...
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I was getting two turns in a row even when I was slowed. I thought "slow" reduced your actions by 1 each round. I was using the flee command. Was this a bug or a feature? It felt like I was cheating somehow getting to use two actions while I was slowed, but maybe it was a bug and not a feature? Idk. :-/
Are you supposed to get attacked while you are at 0N3E?
I kept getting automatically ambushed every time I went to that location. There's something about the gatekeeper attacking, but, it was just random lvl 3 succubi. Then, I finally beat a lvl 3 succubi (Elsa Jean), and from then on, when I would visit that spot, the "Came Mode" red text would appear, but no fight would happen. Is that all working as intended?
SuccubiID: Adriana
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State4
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

I had a bug concerning the "i came" command ...
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I came during an attack sequence. I typed in the command while the attack metronome was playing. The game said I passed out. The screen went dark, but then it kept going with a bj vid while keeping the speed of the attack metronome ...
SuccubiID: AshlynnTaylor
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: Video

While Training, the game got stuck on a video. It played till the end. There was no response when I typed "i came." It just froze. I forget who exactly it was ... probably Melena ...
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Because she's CRAZY hot and I like cumming for her. :-P :lol: But also because her videos are short, and a Sasha or Caprice video would have been too long for me to see the end of. :innocent:

Yeah, here is the "error data" I collected from that:
SuccubiID: MelenaMaria
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

And then I awoke, there was no video, just text. Usually training with Melena there is video that goes along with the text ...
So, after like 8 or 9 battles with Guerlain, I FINALLY get to the highly anticipated "exercise taunts" battle and make her an ally ...
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and it peters out …

SuccubiID: Guerlain
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: Video

And I tried it like 3-4 times, and it crashed EVERY time. :-/

Also, she makes a reference about the castle … I know I was "late" and not attacking when I "should have" been, lol, but ... maybe not yet? Or event lock that comment with a variable?

At -3N0E it says "go east into forest."

Reported this already in a DM to meowww (and maybe it's fixed) but -3N1E says "pic not valid" but it displays in viewer ... and also the game was crashing when I visited there ... (will have to check ...)

SuccubiID: IreneRouse
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State1
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo
Once I woke up next to Caprice. It crashed almost immediately. I checked the "standard" variables, and it just showed the variables from my last fight.

SuccubiID: SadieHolmes
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State3
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Then I upgraded to TAI 2.85, downloaded the updated Dev pack from your DM, meowww, that had the "spelling errors fixed" and the new media re-encoded ...
Spoiler: show
SuccubiID: Ariel
Spoiler: show
SuccubiStateType: State6
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo
And now you have several weeks worth of bugs, lol! :lol:
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by meowww »

Most of this already was fixed, some i fixed just now and for the Succubi, in all honesty i really don´t know how for example

SuccubiID: JiaLissa
SuccubiStateType: State2
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Is helpful in any way :lol:

i rather would take the ProtocolLogs from Awakening, they tell way more :lol:

Like if you crash and look into the ProtocolLog for that crash, the last line tells what happened last

For example, if i fight a Succubi she uses Heal, game crashes, the Protocol Log says something like

Path: Scripts\SuccubiHunter\Custom\SuccubiHeal.txt

That atleast tells me the last Action and with this gives a starting point on what to look at first :-P

In a perfect World, Awakening itself wouldn´t crash and then you could use STRG+F11 to open the Debug menu, that also helps alot to see what action happened before the crash (unfortunatly this isn´t an option for the freeze, cause it crashes awakening itself)

i wonder if "Playing" the game with the debug menu open all the time, waiting for the full on crash might be helpful :hmmm:

Maybe i should try that :whistle:
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by FattsDynamo »

meowww wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:59 pm Most of this already was fixed,
That's ... surprising. Took me like 2-3 hours to compile that last post and it contained WEEKS worth of bugs ... There was also game design comments/issues that I highlighted in there ...
meowww wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:59 pmand for the Succubi, in all honesty i really don´t know how for example

SuccubiID: JiaLissa
SuccubiStateType: State2
MediaSetType: Full
MediaType: RandomVideo

Is helpful in any way :lol:
idk, man ... tbh, I wasn't sure how helpful it was going to be when I read the following instructions, either: :lol:
SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:24 amThe best way for me to work what is going wrong is the text before the game crashed as that will tell me where you were in the scripts. If you were battling a succubi (which is where all my crashes occur) it would also be good if you could open the \System\Variables folder and tell me the SuccubiID, the SuccubiStateType and the MediaSet values
I guess I missed that part I just underlined :weep:

That's ... frustrating ... what a waste of time. :\'-(
SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:24 amIf you were battling a succubi (which is where all my crashes occur)
Most but not all of mine have ... I have had crashes with Caprice and Melena (which I reported in that last post) that occurred outside of battle ...
meowww wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:59 pmi rather would take the ProtocolLogs from Awakening, they tell way more :lol:

Like if you crash and look into the ProtocolLog for that crash, the last line tells what happened last

For example, if i fight a Succubi she uses Heal, game crashes, the Protocol Log says something like

Path: Scripts\SuccubiHunter\Custom\SuccubiHeal.txt

That atleast tells me the last Action and with this gives a starting point on what to look at first :-P
Yeah, I wish I had known this instead of collecting weeks worth of unusable data. :-/ I figured there was probably some error log that would have been useful to include, but SH mentioned no such thing in that post ... and then I missed that underlined sentence. :wall:

Well, next time, I guess :rolleyes: ...

Been taking a bit of a break from SHRPG as I'm sure you can tell ... Finally "stormed the castle" ... noticed a LOT of issues there (of all kinds) ... I'll report them at some later point ...
meowww wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:59 pm(unfortunatly this isn´t an option for the freeze, cause it crashes awakening itself)
Yeah, pretty much all of my crashes are hard freezes ...
meowww wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:59 pmIs helpful in any way
One thing that I was assuming, was that perhaps having a record of where the crashes are occurring (which succubi), that *might* help to identify some pattern ... for example, Liya crashed on me several times, and there were a few others that the same one crashed multiple times. Is there a particular move that she or her succubi class use that seems to be common to the crashes? Obviously, knowing which action caused it (and sometimes this information *is* given in the reports—not for all, but open up the spoilers and you'll see ...) is best, but ... part of my goal was to compile some data on where crashes occur so that perhaps we had enough data to identify a pattern ... maybe it's just completely random ... maybe there is something there, but even if I did not include the action each time (which, again, open the spoilers, sometimes I did ...) HOPEFULLY having some data on when these crashes occur will be ... helpful—when taken all together. And I don't know how stuff was coded and which files are called upon, but ... there is a decent data set here of where crashes occur. Perhaps looking at it in the aggregate instead of the granular will reveal something—maybe? :-/ I don't know enough, again, about how it's coded, but, perhaps someone who does can identify a pattern—hopefully? :-/

And one more thing ...

Perhaps when we get closer to SH's return, maybe go ahead and copy/paste that list of bug reports, delete everything that has been addressed, and repost it ... I'm sure some things are things only he can fix and you are saving, but ... I would hate to 1) waste time trying to fix stuff that has already been fixed 2) Let legitimate problems that have been identified slip through the cracks ...
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by meowww »

FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 am That's ... surprising. Took me like 2-3 hours to compile that last post and it contained WEEKS worth of bugs ... There was also game design comments/issues that I highlighted in there ...
What can i say, Yes Week worth of bugs, but most them SuccubusHunter already had fixed on the last update before he got on vacation and you posted them :lol:
FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 am That's ... frustrating ... what a waste of time. :\'-(
Happens to the best of us
FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 am Yeah, I wish I had known this instead of collecting weeks worth of unusable data. :-/ I figured there was probably some error log that would have been useful to include, but SH mentioned no such thing in that post ... and then I missed that underlined sentence. :wall:
Look into the Folder for Awakening, there should be a Folder LogFiles, i believe that it saves them there is turned on be default, so you might have the logs still
FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 am Been taking a bit of a break from SHRPG as I'm sure you can tell ... Finally "stormed the castle" ... noticed a LOT of issues there (of all kinds) ... I'll report them at some later point ...
i am actually taking a break as well, well kinda, i simply don´t have much time atm :-/
FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 am Yeah, pretty much all of my crashes are hard freezes ...
Yeah all this hard freezes probably are caused by the exact same thing, problem is to figure out the "thing", cause it´s so absurdly random and so far everything we tried didn´t actually do anything :whistle:

Like i spend Days re-encoding every Video for keyframes etc. and well it ended up as i waste of time, cause it didn´t help at all :closedeyes:
FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 amAnd one more thing ...
No idea when he will be back, but i am sure we will hear about it, by the time i will give him the latest script and even after telling him, he probably still should take a look over it, just to be sure
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by markus »

FattsDynamo wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:36 am there is a decent data set here of where crashes occur.
Now that I have stopped scripting on my own project and got back to coding, I'd like to help to get rid of those hard-freezes.
But there are several problems when I read in this thread.
- I don't know the succubi scripts, I am not familiar with them and didn't played it either (just once the very first version for only a short time, hell knows what has changed until now)
- I really hope that you can understand that I don't have the time to dig deeper into this project, into the scripts of it, ... I have my own on-going, and a second one (not mine) which I try to support the best I can, so I definitely won't become the 3rd scripter of this one here.
- Your posts in here are much too big to go through them all and to pick/sort out what's a script problem (which are maybe solved with script-updates already) and what's an Awakening problem.

In conclusion, ... what REALLY would help is an example script which let Awakening crash/freeze, ... REPRODUCIBLE!
-> Then I'm quite optimistic to get this solved.

What you call a pattern, ... that would be at least a start for looking things up, but then again I don't have the time to 'filter' such a pattern out of your huge reports, ... here I would need something short and 'on point', something to really work with, ... maybe meowww and/or SHRPG could filter out what problems maybe could be addressed to Awakening and which are on the scripts.

The only 'pattern' I see here for now is that Awakening crashes/freezes only when people playing Succubi-Hunter, ... so there SHOULD be a pattern, ... and somehow I guess it's the way it's scripted (which does NOT mean that the 'fault' is in the scripts, ... maybe it's just the way of usage of commands, ... so the 'fault' could be in the scripts, but also in Awakening itself, ... I don't know!)

meowww wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:38 pm Look into the Folder for Awakening, there should be a Folder LogFiles, i believe that it saves them there is turned on be default, so you might have the logs still
There are 2 types of logs which could be interesting here, the 'error log', ... that one will be written to the harddisk as soon as an error occurs, no matter what.
But there is also the much more detailed 'protocollog', ... that one will be saved (by default) to the harddisk ONLY when the program get's closed (if it crashes, then it will not be saved).
But in the menu -> debug, you can select to write the protocol immediately, ... this is turned off by default, because it will mostly constantly access the HDD to write the protocol, I have build it in especially for the case to hunt down possible problems/crashes.

Like i spend Days re-encoding every Video for keyframes etc. and well it ended up as i waste of time, cause it didn´t help at all :closedeyes:
Once I have the time to go deeper into your Succubi-Hunter problems (these are point 9 on my coding-to-do-list :-D :-P ) ... I will try to reencode the videos the way I have recommended to you, then I will see if that makes a difference or not. ;-)

Best greetings,
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by meowww »

markus wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:48 pm In conclusion, ... what REALLY would help is an example script which let Awakening crash/freeze, ... REPRODUCIBLE!
-> Then I'm quite optimistic to get this solved.
Well the problem is, to reproduce this one, we would need to know what causes it, so far it seems to happen totally randomly...

i tried to get closer to it, by looking at the Logs and seeing the last action that happened before, but well like i said i don´t really have much time atm, so my sample of data isn´t nearly enough to tell anything yet :-/
markus wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:48 pm There are 2 types of logs which could be interesting here, the 'error log', ... that one will be written to the harddisk as soon as an error occurs, no matter what.
But there is also the much more detailed 'protocollog', ... that one will be saved (by default) to the harddisk ONLY when the program get's closed (if it crashes, then it will not be saved).
But in the menu -> debug, you can select to write the protocol immediately, ... this is turned off by default, because it will mostly constantly access the HDD to write the protocol, I have build it in especially for the case to hunt down possible problems/crashes.
Good to know, when i find some time to try around more, i will turn that on beforehand, even so i think it did wrote reports, afterall atleast for me i still have to close it, even so if it´s per windows not responding stuff :lol:
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by Molito »

I am getting an URL:Phishing alert when attempting to download Succubi Full Packs 2 and 5 from the Collaboration page.
All the other links work fine.
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

Molito wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:04 am I am getting an URL:Phishing alert when attempting to download Succubi Full Packs 2 and 5 from the Collaboration page.
All the other links work fine.
Meoww is offline at the moment for real life. Are you still having this issue as it looks fine to me
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by Molito »

SuccubiHunterRPG wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:49 pm
Molito wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:04 am I am getting an URL:Phishing alert when attempting to download Succubi Full Packs 2 and 5 from the Collaboration page.
All the other links work fine.
Meoww is offline at the moment for real life. Are you still having this issue as it looks fine to me
Just downloaded it so it seems to be working now :smile:
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by kong »

1 Bug:
When buying armor for 20 silver in the western city, my leather and bronze are consumed.
2024-02-29 153430.jpg
2024-02-29 153430.jpg (10.85 KiB) Viewed 882 times
I suggest instead of "Roos forges you leather some armor" maybe "Roos hands over the leather armor you purchased, ready to be donned for your adventures."
Or something along those lines; a helpful tip is utilizing ChatGPT to assist in writing, refining your skills, and encouraging clear and compelling expression

Some language errors:
arrousal in "You build the power of your arrousal" - should be arousal
engergy in "You use your pent up sexual engergy to form a shield" - should be energy

I just encountered the kink, and I'm really enjoying the mechanics, especially how my chances of escaping the vision increase over time! :-)
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Re: Succubi Hunter RPG – Bugs and other issues

Post by SuccubiHunterRPG »

kong wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:44 pm I suggest instead of "Roos forges you leather some armor" maybe "Roos hands over the leather armor you purchased, ready to be donned for your adventures."
Or something along those lines; a helpful tip is utilizing ChatGPT to assist in writing, refining your skills, and encouraging clear and compelling expression
Some language errors:
arrousal in "You build the power of your arrousal" - should be arousal
engergy in "You use your pent up sexual engergy to form a shield" - should be energy
Hey Kong, thanks and it would be great of you can keep a list of these things.

The suggestion of ChatGPT probably won't work, I have never used chat GPT but I assume it is going to have trouble recognizing the differnce between a sentence and all the commands, variable and special characters that exist in the script in the same way that spell check does

Here is a pretty typical section of script with one line of text
Spoiler: show
@NullResponse @LockImages @CameMode(Goto, ICame)
@SystemMessage @RapidCodeOn Your health is #Var[HeroHealth] your Shield is #Var[HeroShield] your armor is #Var[HeroArmor]
@NullResponse @If[HeroStatusConfused]>[0]Then(Effects)
@NullResponse @If[HeroStatusWeakened]>[0]Then(Effects)
@NullResponse @If[HeroStatusSlowed]>[0]Then(Effects)
@NullResponse @Goto(SkipEffects)
@SystemMessage @RapidCodeOn You are effected by the following spells Confused #Var[HeroStatusConfused], Weakened #Var[HeroStatusWeakened] and Slowed #Var[HeroStatusSlowed]
Because this is how it is written I don't even use MS Word so simple typo's let alone grammar and spelling are missed.

Because you are looking at a pre-release there has been no attempt at cleaning up the language. If you want to help there that would be great

What would be fantastic is if you can create a list of things that need fixing or even things that could be written better. I use Notepad++ which can find and replace all entries across the almost 500 scripts. When you do this please make sure you capture all capitalization and special characters as these need to match exactly.
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