Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Electron69 »

I've been playing through the latest patch and I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait for the more pain heavy jobs and the sin stuff :-D

It would be great to have the map button more easily accessable sort of like the menu button. I find myself updating the map alot.

I think I found a typo/bug:
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After completing the rod quest for the mouse girl and talking to her at the shrine I returned to the city and found her in the market district. One of her dialog lines just said "unavailable" or something like that (i took a screenshot of it but it didn't save properly :( )
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by bangser »

I´d love to test the game.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

@Electron69: I'm glad that that you are enjoying the new content. The bug that you reported should be fixed. I'll ponder some possibilities to reduce clicks for the console text map. That can be tricky with EOS limitations. I don't have a good sense of how often most people use it.

To all: Thus far, no major bugs reported for the recent V0.13.0 update. (Fingers crossed.) Due to various save compatibility issues, I've decided against a minor V0.13.1 release, and will instead jump right into the V0.14.0 content with highest priority going to the three companions in the guild hall. We'll see what else I have time for. The near future agenda includes some brothel content, new tavern jobs, inquisition sin punishments, new town scenes, convert Dominique the armorer to a full NPC, and a new zone. No ETA, but it will probably be a few months. Feel free to vote for priorities for me to work on first. I hope everyone is enjoying the game and please keep the bug reports coming in as well as general feedback and requests. I try to take it all in and accommodate what I can. I'll post updates from time to time. :wave:
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Shufflehaze »

Hey there, i would love to test the game.

Greetings Shufflehaze
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Electron69 »

I vote for new tavern jobs and inquisition sin punishments :-D
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback


This is setup to be mono, just using one channel. I vote for the option to have stereo. Here is my thoughts.
Note I have no idea how the programming works, so this is all theoritical.
have a prompt to ask if stereo or mono (y/n). Lets call it $STEREO$ Default is N
Then take the stim files and copy them to a new name. Example if the file is pain1.mp3 copy to NPAIN1.mp3 and YPAIN1.mp3. Remove the original.
Now use a audio editor and delete the left channel signal for all pain files and the right channel signal for pleasure signals for any files that start with a Y. Leave the the files that start with a N alone.

Now in the game I assume you command it to play a file somehow. Lets just say it is PLAY PAIN1.mp3. edit and the code to include the stereo flag. example PLAY $STEREO$+PAIN1.mp3.
When played the user can select stereo and apply the pain channel where they see fit. Bottoms of feet, bi polar but plug, a pad to each butt cheek, etc. They can set the volume of the pain channel to there liking. So I can play with gentle pleasure stim to cock and massive pain to feet, ass, butt, or where ever.
If the user selects N for stereo the the game plays like it does now. If the select Y the the added features come into play.

I guess this is all predicated on how simple/complex it is to edit the programming and mp3 files. Do you have a global edit for the programming? Are there hundreds of MP3 files? Are MP3 files even used? All areas I have no idea about.

Just my thoughts.

P.S. I do love the game.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

@Electron69: It sounds like you enjoy the harsher content. Right now, I have the most votes for the new Dominique and new tavern jobs, but I only have a handful of votes thus far. (Most people private message me, but I think it is better when people post so testers can see what other testers are thinking.) One issue with trying to really flesh out the town with a ton of content and branching storylines for a one-man hobby project is that I can get pulled in so many directions that some content paths get left hanging for quite a while. In the end I'm hoping the town really comes to life and feels like an area that players want to spend time in and explore and build relationships with their favorite NPCs, even if it takes me a long time to get there. Having a place to call 'home' is meant to glue the questing and combat experiences in the danger zones together.

@Lake_Duck_Huinter: I'm glad that you are still enjoying the game. To answer some questions and provide some background first: The main Javascript init file serves basically as the game engine. It does indeed have many custom sound functions that I call from the EOS pages to play the pleasure and pain signals. The functions use the calibration values and keep track of the pleasure and pain signals that are playing. Right now, when I call for a pain sound, it will stop the pleasure sound until the punishment completes. As you know, the sounds are mono. There are about 70 mp3 sound files right now. Some are short like those used in combat and others, like the zone specific pleasure files, can be close to 10 minutes long. I custom make and edit all of them for a consistent experience. For stereo, I'd have to edit all current pleasure files to play on one channel with silence on the other and all pain files to play on the other. This would allow both to play at once in their allotted body locations. I must say that I really like this idea. The calibration would of course also need adjusting so that the 3 pleasure strengths only use one channel and the 3 pain strengths use the other. One tricky thing would be some combo files like "Slap Stroking" and "Biting Blowjobs". These may pose a lot of added complexity. I need to ponder this. Of all of the estim suggestions, I like this one the most. Right now, I'm focused on content and game mechanics, but I will circle back around to expanded estim features at some point. I wrote down this idea in my project notebook. Thank you for the suggestion. :thumbsup:
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Electron69 »

Maybe put a poll in this thread so people can vote? Maybe more people are willing to just vote than post something.
I do enjoy the harsher content, and luckily for me there is plenty of it :-D

I ran in to a thing that I wouldn't call a bug, but it feels wrong :-P
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If you use a bolas on an ent, they can not move but they can still use the charge ability. I guess it's classified as a ranged attack and might be tricky to change, but it just sounds wrong to me
I noticed that one of the marks were missing from the legend / map keys
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In the cathedral north of the graveyard, the map marker 'h' is eighter missing or mixed with 'n' in the legend / map keys. I can send you a screen capture of it if that helps
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

@Electron69: Indeed, that charge battle mechanic is illogical. I'll look into an update to the combat engine in the next release that will check for a movement flag or something in charge and similar attacks so that they can not be performed when immobilized. A screen shot for the map legend discrepancy in the cathedral would be helpful. Thanks for the reports.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

Update: :construction:

Development continues on the next major update. I still don't have an ETA though, as the companions for hire system requires a lot of work. It involves multiple new NPCs and major extensions to the combat engine. I'm still playing around with various ideas I've had about how to integrate the companion with the turn-based fights. It's been a fun system to develop.

Request: :hmmm:

On a related topic as I'm tweaking the combat engine, I wanted to request some specific info from alpha testers. I'm trying to get a sense of how players progress through the game. I requested this info from a handful of specific testers, but I've only heard back from half of them. Thus I thought I would throw the request out to the broader tester community. I want to get a statistical sense of where most players are at (in terms of skills, equipment, boons and so forth) when they feel they complete most of the current content. This should likely take place between levels 8 to 10 for most players as they work through the zones, ending in the forest which is currently the highest level zone designed for level 8 exploration. Here is the info I'd like to get from several more testers that have played through most content, whatever level they may be at that point.

Screenshots or copied and pasted text of: player skill stats, attacks, equipment, boons, special abilities, inventory, and quests completed

Simply send a private message to me if you can provide this information. Please don't send if you have used substantial cheats as that would skew results.

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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Rahvin »

Is there still an option to become a tester? It all sounds really great and I would like to take some time to have a look at it too.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by fufushock »

Hello, can i also test this. It sounds amazing and would be proud to contribute.
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