Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »


Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you liked the game. Please let me know how things progress and/or things like what character class you played.

Going with the Anime world was a tough creative choice, but the only way I could get enough images of the same character for the myriad cast of NPCs. In a few years, AI should be advanced enough to open up new options. It's nearly there. As you discovered, the psyonic projections of the enemies provide distractions with real pictures (extracted from your tease memory). I'm not sure how far you got in the game, but these picture sets get larger with higher level enemies. Boss battles have kinkier content. So hopefully there is enough variety to keep people happy and horny. You can watch a slideshow of your jostled memories by "daydreaming" in the brothel bathhouse.

It sounds like the main immersion of the eStim content is working as desired for you. Every time I play hooked up, it still surprises me how much excitement it adds to the experience. You ask a good question about the calibration. I'll try to explain this better when I finally rewrite and finish the instructions manual. The reason for having three calibration points for pleasure and three for pain is that it allows the player to decide is they want a more linear or exponential ramp for either. (The game does do interpolation between those points.) So for example, someone may want the highest level of pain to be way more painful than the lower two levels to make critical hit damage a very intense experience. Others may want a flatter curve with critical damage hurting only a little more. All eStim devices and electrode setups vary of course, but I tried extremely hard for fairly consistent sensations. Every sound file is custom made and tested (for unfiltered boxes). I find a lot of the eStim content on the site has a lot of "pleasure" signals that almost make me bite my tongue off. I've also made tweaks on specific files based on user feedback. Some calibration points to keep in mind:
- Pleasure low: Only experienced in shielded safe zones. (Only Domitrix for now.) This is meant to serve as a break from it. I keep this at a very gentle tingle. Others may want a little more intensity while walking around town. Either way, the temple has no eStim at all when a no-cheat break is desperately needed.
- Pleasure med: (Most common) Experienced while exploring most of the world.
- Pleasure high: Experienced when fighting Psyons to increase the intensity and to make the volume jumps of taking damage a bit more tolerable.
- Pain low: (Most common) Most damage is felt at this volume. The sound files for some types of damage are designed to be a bit more intense even when delivered at the same volume.
- Pain med: You experience this when you take damage at low health. It is also used by some of the NPCs for their punishments when you are naughty.
- Pain high: Experienced when you take critical damage or during more extreme NPC punishments.

Good point about East/West navigation buttons. I never really thought about it. I'll probably fix that with the next update.

I'll take the feedback of text map generation button under advisement. I sometimes have to make hard choices with such a complex menu structure within the limitations of Eos. If others feel the same way, I can place it closer to the top. You may find you use it less, once you learn your way around.

Please clarify what you mean by save at any moment. Do you mean to save without having to use time crystals or are you referring to how the menu button sometimes hides temporarily during special dialog "cut scenes"? If the former, I try to make time crystals fairly abundant and inexpensive to buy if needed. They are only meant to mitigate the most extreme forms of save spamming, which is a mechanic that I feel can ruin a lot of RPGs because it is so tempting to abuse and get an overpowered character. So for example, if a chest had a 1% chance to generate an epic quality weapon, one could just save over and over again until all the best loot was obtained. Time crystals prevent that. I also like game mechanics to be linked to the lore of the world. So hopefully, game saving doesn't feel "magical" outside of the established magical nature of Milovana. Saving is "free" at the temple. If you meant the later, I would have liked to implement saving during cut scenes and the like, but the page structure behind the scenes that interacts with the Javascript game engine (in the init file) is already so complex that setting it up to handle saves during such moments would have been prohibitively time consuming on a game that is already three years in the making. I made that tough choice early in game development when I realized the pros and cons.

I'm not sure about geteosscript. Even if you looked at the script, you'd have to work really hard to get spoilers. As I mentioned, the page structure is very complicated and the pages interact with a game engine (in the init file) that is tens of thousands of lines of code and growing, with some of the content being procedurally generated.

The next version should be out next week. The old starting graveyard zone is being brought up to par with some of the later, more developed zones. There is way more content now. The crypts are also expanded, including riddle chests, special golden chests that have a chance for really good loot and so forth. Way more visual variety as you walk around too. I'm still in the middle of the biggest side quest in the game so far that sees you visiting both the overworld and underworld through a magical portal that you find by a tomb. Masochists will really enjoy the underworld LOL.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by FatherDarkness »

I finally had some time to dip back into this. The updates have been massive, and fantastic. The choice to go anime for NPC's and real photos for Psyons works really well based on the lore as well.

I have only tried the tavern jobs once so far. The experience felt quite time consuming for a rather small reward, and very passive compared to how interactive the rest of the world you have created is. The thoughts I had would be to have either a list of characters that want to interact with the new slave or have dialogue options for you to chose that would influence monetary gain vs punishment (or both). Having said that, it might just be because I don't have a lot of spare time to play at the moment and my ADHD is limiting my attention span to like, 30 seconds.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »


I'm glad you got some time to play again! :wave: Nice to have you back. You're an OG tester LOL. The tavern jobs are still a work in progress. Thank you for the feedback. Perhaps I need an option for a shorter session. I tried to give a mix where some of the women just use you while others have some dialog options. Your choices do influence your bonus pay when Nicolette evaluates your job performance, but perhaps I need to up that influence and the pay in general. Keep in mind, that in future updates, you'll be able to advance to harder and better paying jobs like ass worship and CBT and so forth that will pay better, so I don't want the entry level foot worship jobs to make a player too wealthy. I probably need more feedback on this and I'll try to up the interactivity when I get to adding some new job categories. (Hopefully V0.13.0)
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Meowksers »

Hey, I never really got the chance to give any feedback so I figured I'd give some before the new version comes out.

I've played through the whole game up to the forest and really love it.
Spoiler: show
The only places I had a kinda rough time was figuring out the stuff in the wishing well area. The crystal thing confused me since the dialogue doesnt show up again in regards to the npc, and I wasnt too sure what the whole area behind the npc with the big machinery was about. Did the lever and everything and dont think anything happened..? Keep in mind its been like a few weeks since I finished playing so I might be forgetting some details here.
It'd be nice if important NPC dialogue was able to be said again, though to be fair I should probably be paying more attention so that's really more of a subjective thing.

Pretty much the biggest and only real issue I've had with the game is just the estim signal strengths. When I was first playing I lost a few times, and restarted once and getting the estim signal configured right is always kinda a pain. I know you can save a default but sometimes it doesnt save right, or i ended up playing on a different machine and its just obnoxious having to get the values back again. I'd really like if there was a way to just straight up type the value rather than having to play the button pressing game. Though it'd really be nice if there was a preconfigured option with a simple calibration test and a standard low medium high for your pain level (like how most estim games do it). Getting exact values is nice but sorta makes the game annoying to start for a new player.

Also it'd be nice if the starting options were saved by default!

Other than that, I think the game is amazing and I can't wait for the new update. :-)
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »


Thank you very much for the feedback. I'm glad you've enjoyed the game.

About calibration: Indeed, I understand that re-calibrating after switching devices and/or electrode setup can be a pain (pun intended :blush: ). It's a tradeoff between fast calibration versus accurate calibration. Since it's a very long game with dozens of hours of content, I leaned heavily towards accuracy. Having the 3 calibration points for both pleasure and pain allows the player to have either a linear or exponential curve for each and as much gap between pleasure and pain as desired. I've had dozens of testers report that it's the first time they ever experienced proper calibration in an eStim game. But... I'm all for ideas of making it an easier process. For starters, I need to simplify the directions. I like your idea for being allowed to enter the six volume numbers manually. It could be an option at the start of the calibration. A few others have also suggested that, so I think I will add that option in a future update. My one fear is that people might put in crazy values either because they don't know what they are doing or they just make a mistake. Another possibility is to have a totally separate fast calibration option that just extrapolates from fewer than six data points. Specific ideas for that are most welcome. Another idea I've had is to offer a "free" save right before the intro scene starts. That would save the game settings and the eStim settings and be a fast way to start a new game as long as you weren't switching character classes. Thoughts? One trick I also use is that I set the computer system volume to 50% when I calibrate. Then I can easily shift the whole range up or down by adjusting that. You briefly mentioned the default volumes not saving properly. I haven't had any reports about that. So you had your defaults saved after a calibration and when you loaded them, they were different values?

The wishing well:
Spoiler: show
Figuring out how the wishing well works is pretty tricky. I do worry that I may have made it too hard so I should probably put in more hints. If you didn't play as a mage, you may not have had a high enough intellect stat to read some of the plaques that do offer hints. Anyway, in the gear room, you find a small gear in the water and put it on the wall. Depending on strength, you need to use oil with the lever before being able to push the large gear to get it turning. Once the big gear is turning a few things happen. The gear energy acts as a Psyon repellent and thus the tunnel encounters are cut in half, allowing you to explore more easily, like finding the puzzle door and stuff for a legendary bow. More importantly, the wishing well will be activated. When you return to the well for the first time, it will state that the air feels energized. Those strange colored coins that can be found scattered around the world can now be used to make a wish at the well, but the right color must be matched to the right kind of wish. For example, green coins will grant a wish for money. There are some hints for that, but I probably need to add more.
The girl in the well:
Spoiler: show
It should state your objective in the quest log to gather 3 quartz crystals so she can fix her staff. There are then 3 ways to rescue her from the tunnels after that. It sounds like you were able to figure it out though. Incidentally, did you escort her out? It's fun to play with an escort. I'll be adding more escort quests in the future and companions for hire as well.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

As a heads up to testers: V0.12.0 of Legend of the Psyons should be out in under a week. Like most major updates, old save game data will be incompatible. I wanted to give notice for those that may want to wrap up a playthrough.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by UFungus »

Thank you for the heads up although I haven't had the time to play the last 2 builds. Looking forward to a new playthrough!
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Meowksers »

Well for my estim I don't really adjust the desktop sound, rather I adjust the overall strength. (I use coyote with xtoys). So typically it's easier for me to just manually tweak the value than to use the calibration thing. But the fine-tune menu is a bit annoying right now since for one: you have to keep clicking the add/remove buttons to get the number you want, and two: you can't go back to configure the pleasure volumes once you're in the punish volume menu. A simple back button to reconfigure pleasure volumes would be nice, along with a button that can allow you to type the exact number you want. I think putting the button to type the value manually would work a lot better within the fine-tune menu and solve the concern you were saying about people doing crazy values without understanding.
Another possibility is to have a totally separate fast calibration option that just extrapolates from fewer than six data points. Specific ideas for that are most welcome.
I think that's a good idea. Regarding specifics, I'm not too sure.. You could just make it Min/Max Pleasure, and Min/Max Pain. While it only removes 2 calibrations, it could give you (as the dev) more creative freedom to determine the possible values between that, adding more types of variety to the signal strengths in the game.
Another idea I've had is to offer a "free" save right before the intro scene starts. That would save the game settings and the eStim settings and be a fast way to start a new game as long as you weren't switching character classes. Thoughts?
I think that'd be awesome, although it'd be really nice if it did allow to switch character classes before loading into the game! I'd love to be able to easily test and play the several classes while also having all my settings saved!
You briefly mentioned the default volumes not saving properly. I haven't had any reports about that. So you had your defaults saved after a calibration and when you loaded them, they were different values?
I wish I could give you more information but I'm honestly not completely sure. It might just be an error on my part but sometimes I'd start a new game and the defaults were from an older save. It could just be nothing and me misremembering things. When I play again for the new update, I'll try to pay closer attention to stuff.

The wishing well:
Spoiler: show
Oh! I didn't know that it was reducing the encounters! I figured I was just getting lucky with my sneak. I don't believe it said anything like that once I got it all fixed, although maybe it might have mentioned something about psyon energy.. I must have just not understood what it meant. Never tried the coin thing, didnt realize that triggered the coins to be usable.
The girl in the well:
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Unfortunately I ended up giving her a teleportation potion! Didn't want to take any risks at the time. I'll have to try escorting when I replay for the new update!
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by DefinitelyHere »

Anyone have a link to the game they are willing to send me? I just finished building a DIY estim box and would love to try it out with this game. Thank you!
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

Version 0.12.0 of Legend of the Psyons is now live on the tester link. This update focused on substantial improvements and expansions to the graveyard starter zone and the crypts. Those that wish to try the game can request a link from me or from another tester. If you like the game, I request that you provide some feedback and/or report typos and bugs, otherwise, no worries. As a quick summary for those of you unfamiliar with the project, it's a huge eStim RPG adventure game with a heavy emphasis on complex and deep RPG mechanics and lore. The world is "drawn" like a cartoon come to life featuring Anime-styled characters, but the enemy Psyons project "real" images of nude women during combat. It features dozens of NPCs, dozens of quests, hundreds of pieces of loot and equipment, dozens of weapons and spells, thousands of pictures, tens of thousands of lines of dialog, a game engine that is tens of thousands of lines of code, and dozens of hours of content with a lot of replay value via impactful choices and three player classes (warrior, rogue and mage). It's still in late stage alpha, but very playable.

Summary of biggest changes: The graveyard starter zone has been expanded from 3 generic and 4 unique locations to 17 generic and 9 unique locations. There are now 2 types of crypts with multiple ending rooms. The graveyard features 3 new NPCs, 1 new Psyon and 2 new quests. The zone also features random encounters (13 for now). Some improvements were made to the calibration process and it now features an option to manually enter values and you can now fine-tune estim intensities during game play without having to totally re-calibrate. I was hoping to include one new zone with this update, but alas, that will have to wait until the next major release. I feel the emphasis on getting the graveyard up to par with the other zones was worth it.

-----> Release Notes <-----

--- New Content ---

* Three new NPCs (Nazrin, Uru, and Mori) *

- Nazrin is an adorable mouse girl from another world featuring big ears and a tail. She hangs out in the new shrine in the eastern graveyard. She features a sex scene that can be triggered if you get her disposition high enough and select the right dialog with skill rolls. She can trigger a quest. She'll be given town content in a future update.

- Uru is the petite lesser goddess (the first of six) of the Overworld. You can journey to her domain via a portal in the graveyard. After completing her elaborate quest, she can sometimes be encountered in the graveyard. She'll be given town content in a future update.

- Mori is the sexy, naughty lesser goddess (the second of six) of the Underworld. I won't spoil her more than this.

* Two new quests (both in the graveyard) *

- Treasure Hunt: You can trigger this quest from Nazrin by asking her about her dowsing rods. It's a new unique quest mechanic that required a small game engine upgrade. You can interact with the rod via the special tab in the menu and it will direct you to a buried treasure chest.

- To Hell with It: This is probably the most elaborate side quest in the game. It begins when you encounter Uru in the Overworld. You'll first collect the petal of a strange flower and then venture into the Underworld in hopes of getting a powerful artifact from lesser goddess Mori. Masochists rejoice! The underworld features continuous pain. How will you raise the disposition of Mori? Will you smooth talk her? Tribute gold or other gifts? Will you serve as her obedient slave? Will you try to win her over in bed? There are so many choices. This quest features a lot of lore. You'll also have to decide if you dare to betray Uru and keep the powerful artifact for yourself!

* New Psyon (samurai demon) *

- The samurai demon is a level 5 standard enemy now found in the northern crypts. She features psyonic images of a sexy model dressed in a schoolgirl uniform with pigtails. Some new combat banter was added for the schoolgirl fetish. This demon is also featured in one of the random zone encounters. You should find the encounter very... stimulating.

* New graveyard locations *

- The Shrine of the Dead is located on the eastern edge of the graveyard. You'll encounter Nazrin here. You can donate gold to the shrine to get a nice temporary buff and to cure any afflictions.

- The portal site location is procedurally generated, but you'll be guaranteed to stumble across it eventually if you explore the northern graveyard long enough.

- The northern crypts are now distinctly different from the southern crypts and often contain one of two types of special treasure chests. The green treasure chests feature riddles to unlock the trap and the golden treasure chest features a very hard to pick lock. They both have a chance to spawn some really nice items, especially the rarer golden chest.

- Several other less notable unique locations including ruins, a mysterious purple flower and a very odd woman cooking soup in the middle of the graveyard.

* Improved estim calibration *

- So... after many requests, I've finally added an option to manually enter the six estim calibration points. I know, I know... it was a long time coming, LOL. Just please don't fry your cocks off. I've also shortened and clarified the instructions for calibration. You can now fine-tune existing values during game play without having to restart the entire process from scratch. In the future, I plan to add a "free" save right before the intro starts, so that a new game can be easily started with the same game options and calibration. I'm also considering a fast calibration option for those that want linear intensity ramps for both pleasure and pain. That will eliminate two of the six calibrations. Let me know if you are interested in this. Personally, I prefer a very exponential pleasure curve and a slightly exponential pain curve.

* Miscellaneous *

- Several new inventory items and equipment were added.

- Two new boons were added. They can be obtained from the lesser goddesses.

--- Tweaks ---

* Several testers were reporting being over-leveled for any given zone. Partly, this was by design as I don't want players to have to grind, and I also don't want players to have to complete every single side quest to stay competitive, but... I don't want level 10 players running around the graveyard either. To those ends I've added a slight exponential to the level curve. The XP needed to level used to increase by 50 at each level. It now goes up by 50, 55, 60, 65 and so forth. (That's the increase, not the needed XP.) This will probably have to be increased even more, but I wanted to start small and collect some feedback first.

* Improved pictures for the A Rose by Any Other Name quest. The grave site of Mya's grandmother is now much better and you now see a pic of the flower being placed. The ghost is also sexier.

* Improved hypno-femdom pics that can be experienced when you have a head injury affliction. I grabbed the old ones quickly from the Internet. They lacked a consistent look, they contained typos and the captions were orders of magnitude too long to read during the short time that they flash up on the screen. I made eight of my own featuring a more consistent look with one word messages like "Obey".

* The loot page now randomly selects from 3 picture for a bit more visual variety.

* Added a Rosaria cosplay pic to one of the death endings.

* The tunnel vision special ability was slightly buffed. It may need a little more.

* I optimized the code for generating and loading saved game data. Considering the effort put in, I was hoping for a bigger improvement, but JavaScript just isn't very fast. In the end it's about 5 or 10% faster. I also shortened and clarified the instruction for saving and loading.

* Both the graveyard and the well tunnels now feature an algorithm that makes it far less likely to encounter experience the same random zone location upon travel, much like the forest has. This should help minimize navigational confusion.

* Added a few new eves dropping tavern chatter conversations related to the new content.

* The difficult intellect check for the library door riddle now gives the answer to the riddle instead of just a clue.

* The west/east navigation buttons have been swapped on the travel page so that the east button is to the right of the west button.

--- Bug Fixes ---

* There was a bug causing the mage and warrior to get one of the rogue's special abilities as well. This was fixed. (You can still pick a second ability from all six options at level 5 as intended.)

* When activating a special ability, a painful estim is experienced. After that signal played, the signal incorrectly switched back to the region's default estim instead of the Psyons more intense combat estim. This is now fixed.

* Several typos were corrected. Please feel free to report typos. I hate them.

Upcoming plans (always subject to change): I'll try to put out a minor update in a few days that will add a few bathhouse and town scenes. It will remain compatible with V0.12.0 saved data. I'm going on vacation for a few weeks soon, so I'm not certain I'll get to this before I leave, but I'll try.

The next two big updates will focus on a few new quests, another category of tavern jobs (probably ass worship, requests welcome), brothel content starting with Miko's special endurance test, and perhaps the church inquisition. If people like the graveyard encounters, I'll add some to the forest zone. The next new zone will either be the forest caves (procedurally generated) or the forest temple for continuation of the main storyline.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by nocnoc »

I pushed out an update without a version number change that fixed a few typos and slightly altered skill point leveling. Each class has two skills that get a learning boost. These increase by six points when you first enhance them instead of five points. The points by which skills increase reduce by one with each enhancement, acting as a sort of very soft cap. Anyway, all skills had a lower bounds of two for this process. The change is that the two skills that have a learning boost now have a lower bounds of three. That will help make the classes still feel unique at the higher levels and make for some interest decisions in terms of which skills you want to enhance during each ascension.

It is looking unlikely that I will be able to push the minor update before I go on vacation. I'll be away for a couple of weeks. I'll have limited Internet access at times. I haven't had any game breaking bugs reported thus far for 0.12.0. I won't be able to fix bugs until I return, but please report any that you find. My response time for tester link requests will be slow while I'm away, but I'll check my inbox tomorrow before I go.

Two things I'd really like feedback on:

- Do people like the random graveyard encounters?
- Do people feel the six special abilities are reasonably balanced? (I know it's a lot to test, which is probably why I haven't received much feedback on this yet. Perhaps use the cheat command that grants all six class 3 abilities.) I'm thinking about making more changes to tunnel vision in the next minor update. I may get rid of the penalty at medium distance. So that would give it a huge advantage at long range, no effect at mid range and the penalty would only apply at close range.

I'll try to get 0.12.1 out by the end of August. This will stay compatible with 0.12.0 for save data. I want to add some town scenes in the bathhouse and the garden for Amber (the scout from the last update) and for Uru and Nazrin (new to this update).

I'll then start work on 0.13.0. My best guess is about 2 or 3 months for this. That may be the end of the alpha phase. My highest priorities are some work in the brothel, at least Miko's test and perhaps more, at least one new tavern job category (probably ass worship), and one new zone (probably the southern caves). I've also gathered hundreds of pics towards the eventually goal of redesigning some of the vendors. I just feel so creatively limited with the old single picture format. I especially want to redo Dominique, Marley, and Scarlet. I'd also like to start working on some of the Psyon end game content if you fail via cumming.

I hope everyone enjoys the final weeks of summer. :wave:
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by Hestius »

Apologies if I'm dense, but I cannot find a link on how to play the game. Do we just request access and you DM us? I searched the first post, but didn't see instructions.

Thanks! Looks like decent feedback and I even noticed some people are having success with 2b!
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by siah69 »

May I have a link please? I use a 2B and it seems like it works ok with this project. I am curious how pleasurable it will feel.

Link received! Thanks.
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by zxpguy »

May I please have the link would love to test it out .
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Re: Legend of the Psyons - Huge RPG Estim Project - Now open-ish alpha - Bug reporting and feedback

Post by andreas261 »

Hey! Sounds like a hell of a project!
May I have a link pls? I have a 312b and itching for a scratching :-D
I browsed the thread quickly through but didn't find an answer.. does the game have like a finishing round or similar designed to make you cum?
Edit: aaaand as a boob lover, any way to pick a booby adventure.. ? :lol:
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